Friday, 20 July 2018

Religion and pedophilia on the earth

while the religion the angels gave you was not intended to make you be a serial killing baby rapist, it kind of went down that waay because of the angels not helping God and the elders telling them not to help you, and they have a flawed nature by the way, they can't see Yahweh'S face cause they will die if they do.  They don't know how to withstand the infinite misery the angels of God, but my race does know that. 
I with stand the infinite misery with Yahweh himself, he is in my house.
The angel is probably just joking that I am not talking to God, making a diplomatic joke for the human race.  Yes I had to bomb threat their province and beat up my brother because of this child rapist mass murderer joke.  That's true.

Yes I know it sounds terrible that i do this, but God is just joking with me , see we could really have to (under the law) kill these baby rapist mass murderer people before they kill our kids. 

The elders of my race are far more aware of the truth of this matter than humans or angels are.

We have a nature which is above perfect, on a level Angels just don't understand really.  Humans are almost clueless, thinking we are insane one day, thinking we are the smartest people the next.

I'm telling humans have to die clueless to some extent about our species, we are so cool and so much more perfect than angels that we are one with Yahweh, like our babies are one with Yahweh, but in a more high way, a perfect way.

We really are the serial police investigators for Yahweh protecting you from all these baby rapists. 

We go chill with the people and see what they are truly like, for Yahweh's personal... secret infomration sorry.  We work for a council let's just say, a community of worlds in a secret dimensin called the infinite torture zone which tortures us forever if we break a law of God's and the people's. 

We experience infinite torture to achieve our oness with Yah, who undergoes infinite torture regularly to prepare for battle. 

Yes every few hours, Yahweh will sink into the Abyss of infinite loneliness, pain and suffering and be with us, the ones who make it into this race.  See you aren't born into this race, yo are made into it, and you have to die for Jesus like 1 to 100 times depending what you want.  Then oyu get off scott free for life.  You get to do all the things they say you should die for, mass killings, gangsterism, terrorism, genocide even.  You come and direct it from the front lines. 

What is this this the peace corps?  No it's batman mercy corps. 

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