Friday, 20 July 2018

we don't have to defy god's decree, we can be taught to have fun, in emotinal ways.

one way to have fun is to sit with someone and hug till your heart explodes with pleasure.

Antoher way to have the innocent hug that comes with that dirty old cock splat sometimes.

Now look at this, you can have fun by doing coca cola and thinking about killing babies and getting away with it, joking around with that. 

LOL just kidding don't plot to kil babies that is mischeif. 

learn how to kill people'S babies just in case?  Do you need to go to crime college?

I opened the crime college of greater victoria.  Oh I think the government is wrong we need to organize crime alright, way need to organize it. 

Remember super daddies special club of extremely veteran criminals? 


WE need that boy I'll tell you, we need to learn how to get away with robbery, assault and making the peace and patching things up so we can deter the enemy again.

Yes we need to deter the enemy.  Uh listen to the Church Jesus had a soldier and a theif, a doctor and a lawyer, and 4 constructin workers and 3 fishermen.   Listen to that. 

We need those kind of odds brothers.  We neeed to have daddies veteran criminal crime club of mass murdering hooligans again.  LOL  I argue threatening to be a mass murderer in the cause of women and childrne is just.  LOL Everyone likes that. 

Except those senior illuminati terrorist christian madmen.  Lol and other madmen. 

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