Friday, 20 July 2018

Good NEws for my businesss, Good luck to my friend GWB, he is off a a new adventure.

So this thing I started cooking up a few months back, a historical simulator that allows you to judge people's motives and intuitions and decide what they are going to do or did before.. .  gives you some idea if it is sucessful software.

We can make a historical model of the community and test people for their reactions to certain ideas and events.  Then we can measure the changes to the reactions over time.  We can thus predict what they will do when we make political maneuvers or major economic manuevers.

This software is designed to help decisions makers make positive decisions, and to help police forces.  However it may also help ordinary people and their business as well, as it could give them access to a database of possible reactions to events and ideas.   As time progresses and our research increaes, the software could become almost perfect, allowing us ot manipulate people in new and hopefully amazing ways.

They will manipulate you to be a whore slave.

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