Tuesday, 24 July 2018

It's possible to compel a man to commit rape, or at least a youth.

I believe with all the 'right' (I mean wrong) tweaking it is possible to basically force a boy to be rapist. 

How do you do this ?  Brainwashing that you have to accept or die and go to hell forever. 

Abuse since childhood.  Neglect, threats of rape, assault, death threats.  Now add a bad environment, bad luck with the females one meets.  One meets females and they are all 'bitches' and 'rape victims'.  emotinally abusive sexually active women who are alcoholic drugs addicts. 

Religious, ethnic hatred.  Strife, more assaults, more death threats, robbery.  Religion telling you the devil is going to rule the world, nothing but bad news on tv. 

Put it all together I tell you and you can produce a human being literally forced to rape a woman and hate another group of people be it ethnic or religious. 

So the Satan is going to try to force us to do this. 

Hate Group, or Extremist Islam, is already dangerously close to doing this. 

Islamic stuff is complicated, the Muslims are breaking certain laws with their hate group philosophy. 

We can sue Muslims for attempting to create a treasonous seditious hate group.  We can kick them out of Europe and the West in general. 

We can enforce reform on the Muslim religion, as Christians forced reforms on Christianity in the 16th and 17the centuries, the prelude to the enlightenment.

A new enlightenment could be around the corner.  We already seem to going through a kind of period where there is on the one hand a progressive, enlightened movement, and other hand, a fractious, mobile, very annoying and possibly at times dangerous retrograde movement.

The time when we could do nothing is past, our future depends on it, creating a happy, strong global society and national and local societies requires that we redress injustice and move forward. 

The time to act is now, so study and consult your trusted neighbors, and make peace in your community.  We are working with the police and the government and the churches and other tempeles to redress the issues I am concerned wiht here.

I am not alone, but a majority of the people already stand with me. 

We need to close down the satanic process by which men are turned into monsters, by abusing boys and girls and filling them with despair, and hopelessness. 

These monster criminals can produce a child who will rape and murder by 11 or 12 years old. 

They know how to do it, they have thought about doing it.  There might even be satanic manuals designed to help them do it, coming from cultures whose establishment still harkens back to the dark ages. 

Are the evil hate groups happy with themselves for producing aggressors, who assault, rob, murder, rape and enslave against the auspices of the United Nations, International Human Rights Treaties and the inner voice of the human child - who is generally considered a believer? 

We have to stop the cycle of crime, and deter crime, we need to work with police and state security and media and academics and politicians and diplomatis and religious people to stop this hatred, this callign of young boys to slaughter and raping of women and girls. 

Our world is united in an alliance for peace, justice, and human rights. 

I want both right and left, center and extremists, to stand for this cause.  I want religious leaders from all religions to stand for this cause.  I want politicians and media corporations to speak out. 

I want unity and I want this addressed, I want peace now!  I want mercy and justice now! 

Young boys, driven insane, attacked into submission, turned into rapists and murderers!  Women turned into greedy, emotionally neglectful and abusive sluts.  People driven into the arms of drugs and alcohol like never before!  I'm telling you it is nightmare what is going on right now, with these evil cults of hate groups and their diabolical crime and terror cells.  These people are responsible for mass shootings, terrorism, the holocaust, world war 1 and 2, Wall Street's Exploitation of America's resource and labor for it's own greedy enrichment.

They got us scared yelling 'snitches get stitches!' and 'Yay, Satanic Rape Cult!' .

It's a horrible situation, but you just gotta trust in God.  The Lord is testing us to see if we will really be worthy of wealth in heaven.  As Gabriel Wise told me:

'Help the poor, the innocents, the weak, the people you love and you will be richer in afterlife. You will see my face on your judgment day and I will lift you up and walk you through the gate to your home in heaven. Believe me, just have faith in my master Jesus and I will make sure you face no difficulties in judgment. Bye for now Nick!'

We need to help the poor get justice, and also the rich.  For crying out loud when I was a young man I had a girlfriend who had been raped by a serial rapist, well connected Christian family, and he was convicted of raping 8 girls and was found to be insane and spent only a year in the treatment center.  What about his satanic cult, his gang, what about the people who drove him to commit those acts?  Yes he was a young man, driven insane, but who did it, and can we punish them? 

The brutal pimping of young women, I was robbed by a man who told me 'I used to pimp, we shot a girl in the face, there's nothing you can do.' 

Brutal violence going on in town, people being beat down with sticks and clubs, people becoming crippled. 

Where is the will to fight back the will to get justice?  The will to deter these gangs and cults once and for all, the will to give them a life sentence?  The will to kill them if need be, to beat them up, to rob them?  Tax them and take it all away from them. 

You know what Donald Trump said was that Mexican illegals were rapists and murderers.  Well I am telling oyu that some might be, but what is more clear is that there is a plague of insane criminals and people at least pretending to be insane criminals! 

No more to this violence.  As Gabriel the person claiming to be an Archangel who has apparently some UFO fleet told me, 'wickedness and evil on earth is a long story. There is a slight contradiction between Jesus and the former prophets because the prophets of the Old Testament gave rules in the name of God that were not supposed to be. But Jesus came to give one rule, "For all to love one another" love your brothers, neighbours, friends and enemies as you love yourself. If your enemy strikes you openly, strike him back for self defense. By that, you are not guilty.'...

Love them but strike back, get them somehow, unless you were asking for it.  Unless they were getting you justly.

Stop the rebellion against the law before the right wing leadership of the elite we currently have starts world war 3 just to get revenge on us for making things so difficult for their little kids.  hahahaha I don't know why they are threatening world war 3 but Donald Trump just warned Iran that they faced conquences 'like nothing ever seen before' if they threaten the United States again.  Iranian leader said 'Be cautious, trump.' apparently anyway, that is what CNN said today. 

Now stand up and praise God, prepare your neighborhood and families for the struggle.

Some right wing assholes like Trump and even left wing assholes may attempt to start a major war to prevent us from seeking justice again. 

They are creating chaos for the cops, justice system and the human individuals in general.  It's organized chaos and 12 -16 year old girls are 'ALL GETTING RAPED',  HONESTLY.  Almost. 



This situation is unnaccetpable, we just need justice, and then we can have peace, there is no peace living under their cruel wicked oppression. 

Thank you. 

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