Friday, 20 July 2018

The Bible says The Clerian Club Mafia says

stone them, even onto death.  like you just gotta rock some people out man.  for being irresponsible sexoholics and blasphemers and heretics and stuff like that. 
Like maybe stone them to death, maybe not.

The Clerian Club gang is this rich powerful association of priests.  Cusado, curasao, something liek that.
It says you can't say shit, unless you are their servant, and that you have to be a slave of the Jehova tales no matter what and shit.  Or maybe it changes itès tune sometimes.

The main reason illuminati blows up world and kills people who say Jesus is because it serves the Lord (LOL BAD JOKE) but it is also part of the resistance against the clearian club apparently.

Like these X Christians just like hated Jesus after he told them to be the worst of criminals and they hated the clearion club for making it impossible to discover advanced technology in the west that wasn't secret.

That is some king of emperor'S policy though. 

Well so, you can die for defying the illluminati or the clearion club okay? 

They might intimidate witnesses for the police and the mafia and zakuza...

I eat the sushi, the burgers and fries and the sandwiches, the soups and the pastas and steaks and pizzas.  Lol talk to me already. take me as a joker if you will, but this one was not a lie at all, this post. 

I am bitter enemies of hte priests, for neglecting and child abusing all the children with no spiritual guidance that the childrne can evne sense.  lol behind the scenes, bt looking back you see child abuse and shit.  LOL

Fuck the Jews, they say to kill everyone non Jewish, and rape the babies is fine.  LOL how can religion even ever say this even once.  Oh yeah I know the old story, they gotta do something secret and holy about this. 

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