Sunday, 15 July 2018

Christians and Muslims will say any bullshit to justify their faith

I've been debating with Christians and Muslims for years, and I can honestly tell you, when it comes to putting any substance behind their claims to worship God they are NIL, and will just spout bullshit at you and insults.

When it comes right down to it these mentally depraved morons will just try to kill you or intidimidate you to get you to accept their pedophiles friendly cults.

If you doubt me you can just go on facebook, it all comes from their own blind delusional faith in their religions and their resulting superior status because they believe in the religion.

They have no interest in science, not about finding out whether God really exists and prefers any group of people or type of person or not.  They aren't interested in that ONE BIT.

Asking them to help you in finding out if God exists is met with blank stares and cold shoulders.

They never offer any testimony that gives evidence that they know a God exists.

This is what I have found after years, and I am convinced that people like me, who seek evidence, are extremely rare.

In fact I am the only person I have met online in all these facebook debates , with thousands of other people, or at least hundreds watching, who has shown any interest in doing any science to verify whether God exists or not.  Whether any God exists, what it wants.  The Christian and Muslim are hypocrites as they don't care abut that.  They don't care what God thinks and wants.  They don't care aboout God, I have never seen a Christian or Muslim express any concern for God and his situation.

They don't love God as temselves, as far as loving neighbors, I have met no one who loved me as their neighbor except perhaps once in Montreal where I knew Isabelle.

In fact generally i hae met no one in the universe who actually loves anyone.  Other than perhaps my brothers Leo and James and my dad Jim.  Finding someone who genuinely cares about you, who wants you to suceed and tries to help you?  FORGET ABOUT IT.  SERIOUSLY.   Actually don't forget, make yourself and people around you better people, and show them what love actually is.   None of the women I slept with actualy loved me, cared that I would be sucessful and looked after me, none of the friends I had cared about me and thanked me often and wished me well and looked after me, only some family members did that, and that only partially.

I think Earth, doens't know what Love is, and that song, by foreigner, "I want to know what love is" is very pertinent.  However here I have shared Jean Michel Jarre's Oxygen 2, which is a chosen for it's cool military vibe.  I am apparently waging a war with some kind of God's Angels versus the enemies of this God who are very deeply wicked people.

Most people can't tolerate you enough to really love you.  They don't ask you how you are doing and then try to make you feel better.  They don't try to make you realize your dreams nd help you with your visions and projects.

I am fighting a war with a faction of sky people, a war to bring love the universe, to make love the way.

I am tired of all these people who don't know how to love.

I want to bring a light to the Earth, a light that teaches it what Love really is, and teach it's children to love their families and friends properly, and realize their dreams together.

I am tired of religious people who don't even love God enough to find out if he exists and do things that he wants them to do.  Religious people who are there just for pride's sake and won't even help someone in need.  Tired of these people.  There is a bit of love in Esquimalt, in Victoria, a bro will give you a cigarette, a beer, but get to know him and he'll insult you, denigrate you, attack you even..

I got to know people here and they were Satanic pedophiles who wanted to kill police informants!  AHHH!

They didn't even love their young lovers, and want them to be sucessful.  Perhaps a bit.  Such a bizzarre situation this city is in.  It was fillled with withces before they say, and now it's filled with murderous pedophiles...

It's gotten worse.  These infidels.

A cop told me life wasn't like it was in the movie's, I called the cops to help ut some kinds, what happenes in real life is the cops persecute YOU AND HELP THE PEDOPHILES.

Snitches get stiches, hooray child rape cult.  Really these human savages have no heart.  They don't even love anyone, most of them.  They support people who help them like their parents a bit, but to give them real emotional support, support in life - they just don't know how.

So yes, the religious people I talked ot have no interest in whether a God exists and if it wants them to be one way or another or how it is doing and stuff.  They don't care about God or their neighbor, they only see the utility of helping people out in some ways.  They don't want to cause beef necessarily, or they do, those murderouos pedophiles are into cooking serious beef boy i'll tell you.

So it's one group of space invaders against another, loving families versus murdeous barbarians who want world war III and viscious child rape and murder, and you in the middle.

Well you can at least carve out some loving environment here for yourself and hope Satan doesn't take you away to hell.

I hoped the cops weren't really helping the pedophiles, but I don't know, who knows.  They seem to let them know you are onto them and not really catch them.  I saw this in my case anyway.

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