globally there is a resistance, against these types of criminals, who want to tell us that God desires us to be pedophiles theives pimps murderers who kill police informants! Wow I am just waking up to it still.
Yeah um, God wills that you do that right? That what they be like saying! LOL.
Well I would remind them that perhaps it is what was written in holy book, that they don't thank and praise God properly and don't believe in him properly, and as a result they are becoming depraved and heading for the doom.
Yes so, government is the mafia, church is the devil? LOL Government is the devil, Church is the devil too! LOL
When the Pleiedian Alien come here and tell us El told us to punish crimes, the response from the evil cult is "them Pleiedians are serial killing pedophiles!" LOL
I remember meeting the Pleiedians when I was under Islamic influence, and I was like "them pleiedian are the devil!" "Punish crimes?"
"Bunch of serial killign pedophiles!" I thought, an was like "bearded pedos."
These Aliens from the Pleiedes would actually have you believe they used to represent the God EL and that child abuse should be sentenced to life in prison or something!
LOL Sorry Pleiedians I think you're probably right, and that you are probably more likely representing the God El Cantare than we are representing EL here on Earth.
Something like obey the law, written many times in the holy book despite their claims that the "worst of criminals" were "good!"
Yes the accusation that Pleiedians are serial killing mafiosi pedophiles where "not a crime has occured in 50000 years" due to the "aboltion of Judges" might come out.
Hmm. What do Pleiedians have to say about that? Will there be another Billy Meier?
Yes I am engaged in serious Xenopolitics, Xenoreligiousness. I am consulting with God as a child about aliens after seeing a UFO in the sky, and watching X Files, and I grow up and start asking God about that again and my Dad and Mom tell me to go to the French Night at the nightclub, and I meet a woman there who says she is a believer in god who knows about the Aliens a bit.
We strike up a kind rapport and we party a bit and she shows me photographs of a ufo and tells me about Billy Meier and the Talmud of Jmannuel.
Now this is possibly God telling to do it because my parent were allegedly people who talked to the God, now apparently God may have told them to send me to the French night so I could find out about the Aliens and the Billy Meier Prophecies.
My mother claims i was from heaven, and my dad later told me we were from "alpha centauri" and I said "the moon base on centauri prime?" And me dad was like "eh!"
Apparently the true servants of the LORD are granted alien citizenship and truthy alien legends.
Haha. Well I wound up seeing a lot of UFOs after i struggled in the cause of the law, and they would appear when I asked God if there was an Angel or Holy Spirit in a sky craft here to protect me. Now I would see these UFOs everytime I asked God in my head if there was a UFO Alien Angel Holy Ghost to protect me.
Now i went and preached people's hypocrisy, because they dont' thank and praise and glorify God, generally, and they don't stand up to these criminal heretics.
Some people plotted perhaps to kill me, and I went and prayed and went home and saw they were following me so I prayed to shake of the follower and talked to him and he told me he could jump those guys
Thansk for the power of turning the enemies, God, and now I went and did that again, preaching this time that the terrorists were about to attack, and they came by and said "The BAAL!" like the Baalzebub cult was about to attack. Now I prayed for them to be destroyed by the angels for attemtping to murder me this time, and beautiful men appeared as I shook off the man suiving me, (following me) and they said "we're going to kill them!" and I never had a problem since then.
i prayed to God for a bunch of these pedophile terrorist who were about to kill us to die, God told me, "they'll think it was you!" I said "that's okay I want to have the reputation as the worst criminal ever!" (like Saint Paul) lol. God came back to later on told me 40 or 50 of them had been killed, depending how you counted "them."
I consulted with the Mafiosi who had tried to poison me, and told him "did I kill like 40 or 50 people or what?" He was like "YEAH" I was like so am I dead? He was like "Or Emir of Kuwait." He then chastised me for killing "infidels." I told him they were monsters and that God did it for me.
Well God woudl repeatedly remind me that we had killed 40 or 50 people, so I would thank him, and I wuold now see very interesting UFOs in the sky, what seems to be stars which could wobble around, flicker on and off and talk to me telepathically.
This talking star phenomena suggests instantaneous tranmission of light and thought across the universe, contrary to what the apparently lying western scientists say.
Based on my experiments in science class and while drug dealing, I can honestly say that prayer to God can change the measurement of gravity and chemical reactions and the measurement of mass of an object, under perhaps the certain condition that the person is looking to be a lawful saint and looking for encouragement from the Lord.
During this heady time when I was seeking God, I had prayed to God for guidance if we should be law abiders and if homosexuality was bad, and I asked God if the name of Thor was a name o God or another Angel or something, and if I could cast a lightning bolt at the homosexual park to prove gay promiscuity was bad. . . I went upstairs to the office and felt energized, and said "THOR" And pointed at the gay park down the raod, and a lightning bolt fell down right wher I was pointing.
It was a dramatic pointing. Then I went out to live rough and get away from the gang and rejoin the lawful people, and I was inspired with beautiful music and songwriting on the spot, includnig inventing a new "Secret" tuning of the guitar which makes it sound like an Angelic Heavenly Harp.
I was only homeless for 3 days, before a spiritual brother offered to take me in..
I was fine when I was homeless, it rained by I had shelter, and then I prayed to God to open the clouds and as I did "move clouds with hands" (tai chi move) the Clouds openened.
I had been sitting in a shelter playing guitar and wrote a song called "orpheus and apollo's song" about the Angels and prophets you know.
Then a man rode by on a bike and I saw right though him that he was a mason who believed in Baal, and that he might die soon, he looked realy embarassed in his face as I realizsed this about him.
I went to visit an old Christian and talked to his mother, and then I went uptown, got money from somewhere and arranged to take to the bus out west to see my brother in spirit there.
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