Yeah whatever so they have made me get mental health treatment for being so insane as to do drugs with the other races and gangs.
I am in the "Christian' universal "believers" and "good devil' communities.
So yeah it's true that I had sex once that was a bit questionable.
Seemed a girl was praying to get laid, and I did give her the business. hahah
I didn't kill her no, I mean I "fucked her" "hard." Well , I loved her and if she had asked me to, I might have married her.
That girl from sacramento. Yeah I was waging Jihad for Jesus and Allah nad the Angel Mike D and Jesus came to see me "fighting the holy struggle" and witnesses the fact that I was the gentleman from tribe X who does something highly questionable sometimes.
Apparently I am on a mission from God, but due to the extremist heresy, I was misguided.
All people everywhere who believe in the Father and the Son and the Angels are beleivers.
It's not just Muslim people or Christian or Buddhist people who are the believers, but this is some idiot of an idea a person in error put in your head and didn't chop out of it with verbal and emotional intervention.
We have leaders who fear the people, and are tepidly coaching us quietly and not always 100% correctly.
I mean if the Mongolians can still chase off a whole Russian and even Chinese attacks, then maybe you should go talk to them!
Smoking special spices and herbs and talking the divine spirits and having them prove they exist? That is the kind of thing Mongolian Irish Jews are doing right now, with their Jamaican and African friends.
Proving God exists and improving the armed forces, and medical care and so on, fighting against the wrong by having the God or Gods give signs that we should be a certain way? That is our mission.
So I was part of a science experiment to improve medical care, and we have found in BC that spiritual component helps and you generally recover from schizophrenia when you embrace and peace things out with your God.
Indeed the medication may help, though the nutritionists complaint that we need to be told to eat garlic is noted. I will informt some medical specialists about that, already have started doing so.
Spirituality and medicine can go hand in hand, we are finding, though we wonder about some study claiming prayer didn't help. I suggest that in that place where the study found prayer not working, people were being seduced into a criminal lifestyle by a heretic!
See I checked my theology my innner theology department and had to struggle with the false teachings they are letting the priests and theology departments get away with right now.
I think we can perhaps let them do this, but we should speak out and rebuke them pointing out that serious crimes should probably be punished all the time, and that Paul was a man in jail for serious crimes who was "talking some stuff' that a God made him say or did not, "we don't know." It seems like Paul contradicted the King David and Some of What Jesus said elsewhere in the Bible in a what strikes the faithful child and youth as a corrupt teaching.
I have formed my own "true followers of the Lord" group and we are piously awaiting the coming doom which will cause turmoil in the world, and preaching to the youth to prepare for struggle and pray and be pious.
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