Friday, 11 May 2018

I've got 50 ways of killing you

I might go grow crops and learn another 55.


I am the original Christian Islamic pedophile, the one who only wants to cuddle wth kids.


I got over my desires to masturbate about kids, but I still fucking love kids, I want to help them out.  Teach them magic and miraclse or whatever their parents want to call it, weird stuff.

yes I could marry a Saudi Princess, one of those people who think it's normal to want to cuddle with kids.

I reported that I had cuddles a kid, my friend's daugter, and they called me a terorrist so.

I have to stand up for myself, there's nothing wrong with being an actual pedophile, pedophile means "friend of children."

Friends hug each other sometimes, want to kiss each other goodbye and hello beacuse Jesus said to, an fucking they damn well sometimes want to have sex with each other okay, unless they thank and praise God al lthe time and stuff.

So I thank god all the time I Am not really a child rapist okay, I never thought of raping kids other than to save them from the pimps.  okay that is what real chrisitna islamic terrorist pedophile do.

They take our kids away and hug them and teach them to do miracles and be saints.


Nowadays Jesus claimed, Saints fuck five people. So go ahead, hae smoe lovers. teehehe, I will trian peope to be beter lovers and detect betrayal.

I am a sith lord, you know, a JEDI.



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