Friday, 11 May 2018

I asked God for some mental exercizes, my disability is going away now steadily.

I did ask God for mental exercizes and I had visions and started doing this exercizes. I have largeley overcome short term memory issues and been able to write and think clearly and concisely.

i asked God for the healing chants for the mind nad the holy spirit entered my body and mind and highlighted portions of the brain as I chanted certain tones or thougt certain tones. I believe this might be Christian Taoist mind healing excercizes.

I think the bad people claim drugs made them do bad things but it was really their perverse ungrateful nature and overall desire to be a savage criminal which made them do the bad things, when they were disinhibited.

I thin bad people want to ban substance use and promote chemical drugs which poison the body because they want to black market stuff and enslave and torment people, while the poisonous drugs are given to police infomrants and doctors are collaborating with this for the money and the power.

I think some false pastors are collaborating with them too, promoting the black market enslavement ofteens so they can pimp them out and enjoy raping their childrne and murdering them.

TEY ARE claims my Senior BLOOD informant.

He's trying to dissaude me from talking.

I don't know, I feel they murder kids, fuck a Jewish RAbbi just got on the AIR and claime the JEWS have MURDERED 100000 kids in the USA.

They pimped and enslaved these girls and then raped and murdered their kids, the BLACK, THE JEW, THE WHITE PEOPLE.

The cops basicalll let them get away with it ,and the government has made it a crime to talk about crimes and mention race or ethnicity and facebook is censoring us so.

Another 30 day ban for posting this stuff is imminent.

So can you see why I feel a little genocidal and plan to dominate the world with brutal force?

I want to help people to make things goodly.

I want the kids who want to be right to be alowed to be righteous. To help the SAINTS.

I want to crush these adults who are pimping the girls and raping and murdering their kids and the women themselves.

These pimps should be killed, taken out and put in concentration camps.

The asshole drugs people should go there too.

The terrorist criminals in teh church forcing a pedophilia regime, inthe Muslim moques too, they hsould be taken out and shot.

It's going to become a crime to say these things or it already is, if we dont' stop this we'll have a total subjugation to a SATANIC GOVERMENT ON OUR HANDS!

Yes people will be forced to actually be child rapist child murderers if these weak minded fools have their way!

They already forced us to murder children!

The Muslim creeps used kids as human sheilds and the Christian creeps told their soldiers to kill kids.


IT's a nightmare.

Your planet is so fucking creepy, it hatse God and persecutes God's real servants who want to be hi real effective Children!


Arm yourselvse and rise up legally, fight the enemies, help the police and flush out the corrupt cops and prosecutors judges.

Get rid of these judges who are awful.

Does God really appoint the authorities?

They won't let me talk to Donald Trump no more!

They threatned to kil lme for talking to the liberal premier and telling her her staff or the mafia was spying on her!

They would hae liked to try killing my whole famil ,but we recently taught them it wasn'ta good idea to try to kill the boakes.  no.

Yes they say we killed 50 people, but they got it wrong, GOd killed more like 500 people here, and 500000 people overall.

I got promted to Colonel of Police.

I am alarmed by the youth who have signed up for the devil's gangs.

Some of the local criminals ARE THE DEVIL!

I am alarmed that the Anglican priest told me he would kill me if I told people the secret about his sash ... He murderes people for sharing his secrets?  What kind of intimindation is that, he also said I would talk about it... HE is sayin he is going to kill me?


THE ANGLICAN BISHOP TOLD Me I would be killed for doing the right thing , "ONCE".

What kind of message is that to tell the kids?



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