Monday, 12 March 2018

Woah , people is on meth and crack and heroin.

It's nuts that people are throwing away their lives and taking stuff like meth, crack, heroin.
I mean you see it around, sometimes someone is crouching in a doorway holding a pipe, sometimes your friend comes out and admit they are smoking meth or whatever else.
It's a crazy epidemic and they probably underestimate how many people are throwing their lives away wth this stuff, a lot of it is hidden very well.
Mental health issues, and addiction issues.  They sometimes, or often, go hand in hand.
If you go downtown in any major city on Earth, and look around, you'll soon find an area dedicated to the use of hard drugs, tacitly permitted by the government, a sort of meeting area where the heads pick up their shit.
On any give night, especially the weekend, you'll see throngs of people gathered there perhaps, picking up their drugs and selling drugs as well.
It's like an invasion, fuck with these guys wiht the police, and gunmen will be showing up at your door.
LOL  That's cool, because crack and heroin and meth are really good right?  Aren't they awesome?
That's what some kid in high school who is selling them says about it.  They "heal you" from "pain" they say, "They are good for you." . 
Right, and if we disagree, we are at war with the drug dealers. 
Just kidding drug dealers.
Now what drug dealers should do is organize their sales racket into a giant charity assisstance project to drug users and drug addicts.  Teehehehhe.
Then they should lobby the government to stay out of jail and make drug sales legal.
Just make it so you have to buy your drugs from a licensed drug dealer, not a store. haha
Criminaly insane?  Much better than fighting a drug war.
The Drug Wars are insane!  They are terrible for the economy and mental health of the population!
Drug wars ruin so many people's lives and think of all the people who died young because of them!
We should reorganize drug dealing into a 'drug peace" mentality.
Create a safe, peaceful social environment for drug users and dealers.
End the savage gang conflicts.
Promote peace and respect among the children and youth.
Fuck the war and fuck the devil!
Respect and Peace and Honor of Love and Happiness.

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