Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Theresa may speech to House of Commons yesterday- a scandal.

What I found out yesterday was that Therasa may and the British government are scandalously bad people.
Faced with a terror attack on their own soil, they immediately blamed Russia and said it was the only possibility that the nerve gas came from Russia.
This is preposterous, if British people already know about this nerve gas British People could synthesize it and produce it and deploy it.
What if some British criminals plotted to sour relations between Russia and Britain by staging a false flag terror attack?
All day yesterday on BBC almost was dedicated to the terrorist attack and the British government's response to it.
I am incensed and abhorred that the government continues to argue that only national groups can produce chemical weapons.
The production and manufacture of chemical weapons is not a government secret, information is publically available from univeristy libraries which details the production of some chemical weapons.
It is feasible that a powerful Masonic group, or other criminal enterprise, has been launching attacks on Russian people in Britain and trying to pin the blame on Russia.
I want the Britihs to come forwards with the evidence they have gathered or for the British government to at least admit it's possible that non Russian government sources produced this weapon.
Information about manufacturing weapons and making war is so widespread that I already knew how to assemble bombs and hack computers to some extent by the time I was 12 years old.
I learned more about warfare as a young man, and knew the basic construction of huge bombs by the time I was 22. 
That some advanced group of criminals could be independently producing the weapons on mass destruction we so much fear, is no longer a question of doubt in my mind.
Muslim science students I knew already knew the construction of Mustard gas by the time they were 23 or 24.
Creating toxic nerve agent similar to the Russian Novichok weapon would be possible for a gifted team of chemical engineers and weapons specialists.
It is possible, in a world where crime is out of control, and 40% or more of the population constitutes an organized criminal underworld where not talking to police is key, that already some criminals have assembled these nerve gas production teams.
Gangs have been getting expertise in chemistry from the drug production trade, and now their expert chemists could be capable of buildinga nerve agent.
Given how often the criminal underworld really attacks us (not whta police say) when we talk to the government about crime (which is a possible motive for the attack against the russian agent and his child), it is certianly possible that criminal agents waged this attack.
Now I am not saying Russia did not allow Novichuk to fall into criminal hands, it might have, but I am just also saying that the criminal empires possess the wherewithal and technology to produce chemical weapons.
Given the Russian denial, it is pathetic and shocking that BBC and CNN offer no point of view which is critical of Ms. May's statements that it must be "Russian" Novichuk gas.
It makes me want to look into past British claims that Russia has assassinated people on their soil!
Are these also fabrication by the British government to "TAR RUSSIA's REPUTATION" and increase tensions with the Russian people?
Does the British elite do this because Russians have acted against the pedophile terrorist banking slave traficking global enslavement cult?
Looking into it it seems Russian has been found to help needy people against the wicked criminals, while Russia for the past 100 years has resisted Western Banking Mafia control.
Surely it is possible the whole thing is a sham perpetrated by British criminal elites to blame Russia?  To create hostility and further terrify the world, the British Prime Minister, who God says is a child abuser, claims that it must surely be the Russians, and British Elite don't even mention the possibiity of criminal sydacates doing this.
Fuck Therasa May and Fuck Britain's Elites.
BBC spins a whole anti Russian story and tries to constantly blame Russian Government as a Tyranny and oppressor.

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