Well I guess they could poison your chronic with some poison spray, but perhaps if you're the true follower of God or any God then you will be alright if that happen. You might even know about it and take action to defend yourself and your family from further threats.
I knew from my white ghost energy instinct that they were attempting to harm me before it happened, so you might too, if you want to be a Truer Follower of Christ. LOL
Smoke weed with Jesus, or any God who smokes weed. lol "Any Gods smoke weed, what do I ahve to to get the God or Gods to revere me and come have a toke with me?" LOL
A epic heroic quest ensues. LOL
That my personal experience anyway.
Now Jesus is my life coach and he has smoked a little herb here sometimes with me.
Jesus seems to be implying right now that if we smoked weed and had sex with women together, "I'd be a truer follower of Christ." THE TRUER FOLLOWERS. LOL They so heavy they wack off like 50000 people in their life, with their super divine power gifts from on high.
Now I'm getting paranoid that the truest followers of Christ pimp the wicked women, enslave the wrong doers, kill millions or billions of people a day.
Wow, good herb.
Thanks Jesus, Praise you so much for taking out zillions of people all the time and controlling the world so that some people don't get hurt! Can I be one of those people.
The Truest Friend of Jesus is his superb Angel, the serial killing child rapist who blows up whole planets and galaxies! LOL Sure .
What you can't take a joke?
Sorry Jesus this person just can't take a joke.
Praise Jesus, I am having fun.
Thanks be to all Truer Gods and Godlets.
Oh thank you demons, for not killing me or torturing me yet, too much, lol just a bit.
I hope we can all get along.
Perhaps I can become Jesu's true friends and do nothing wrong but secretly rule the world and universe with my legions of fellow pimp ass gangster boys and demons, aka women.
LOL Just kidding we don't do crime remember? We're the most innocent people around, Jesus and his true friends.
I guess I'm not Jesus true friend I smoked some marijuana tonight hahah.
"What, no science?"
There's no science about whether our people doing what Jesus and the Angels guide them to do are doing good or evil?
I mean it could get very wicked serving the God you know what I mean?
Like maybe the MOST WICKED EVER.
Like looking at history, looks alarmingly like the trend is "getting way more wicked."
I hope Jesus will have us do sstuff that is alright?
Praise Jesus, thank Jesus. Thank and Praise True Godlike Beings and Nature and Way.
My life hasn't been so bad, just working some defense of people and nation and world and children.
Protecting myself and my family from the enemies attack.
I dunno though, maybe it's about to get rough and a bunch of fellow creeps are all going to die.
Ahh shit.
Hope not.
Maybe the Force will save those who are efficient, those who are effective, those who are funny and interesting. Hmm. Maybe it will, maybe it won't!?
Does GOd really protect his true Saints with a power that repels enemy attacks?
We should investigate that carefully, being sure not to be tricked by criminal and enemy fraud.
What great herb I had tonight, got my juices flowing. Free thought essay, off the cuff. BLses you all my devoted readers I pray you will recieve the blessing of Knowing Heaven, and coming to be a mermber of the Kingdom of Heaven and that you will recieve rank and title for your efforts from the Heavenly King and Queen.
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