Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Lyold Demause and the infanticidal child rearing mode

Lyold Demause is a pioneer in "psychohistory" the historical analysis of human psychology.

I authored an academic paper on him back in my college days, specifically about his theory that 'the dark ages of the past" were marked by a type of parenting which consisted of brutalizing and desiring to kill one's children.

Reflecting on Demause's work, I can that Dr Demause was only beginning what could surely become on the major focuses of history - what the ordinary people were like, what was their mentality, in the Ancient and Medieval and Early Modern World.

Alarmed and shocked by Islamic honor killing, which typically involves a father or broher or uncle murdering a female youth of theirs, and perhaps also her male friend, I speculate that infanticidal parenting is still common in some cultures.

In the brutal civil wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone, which I also studied academically, the viscious rebel groups targeted children for human sacrifice and also enslaved them into their armies as child prostitutes, child soldiers and camp slaves of various kinds.

My own male parent's tendency to disdain and insult me and his refusal to give me any guidance in life also shocked me, and I note my own male parent continues to exhibit violent attitudes towards the supposed "Enemies" of Western civilization.

Demause stipulated that primitive cultures ruled by tyrannical regimes often had brutal religious cults and were behaving savagely towards children and women.  They reared up genocidal madmen essentially, keen to exterminate people from other societies and brutalizing and enslaving in the cults their own children in turn.

Cult abuse, which continues to this day, and the bad parenting of angry, viscious parents, Imperialist propaganda and assault and threatening of other cultures, genocidal rhetoric, the insistence on killing non conformists and torturing dissidents and limiting public discourse... All still occurs in this world.

A quick reading of international human rights campaigns and children's rights campaings reveals that in especially the Third World, viscious anti human regimes and popular movements still attack basic human rights and freedoms and that children and youth continue to be targeted by extremist groups and by viscious individuals for death, assault, slavery, and torture.

Investigating within the dark side of the life, I saw that there was some bizzarely great appeal which the human could grasp in the cruel oppression of dissent and murder of other people, and in the rape and torture of children.  It was strange to see, that without my strong education against that, my natural tendency might have been to engage at least in some extent to those kind of activities

It's hard to imagine what it is like raised in the extremist groups of the primitive culture, where murdering people suspected of adultery or lack of faith is rewarded with fame and glory, where people speak of the necessity of enslaving and raping the "infidels" or the "the devil's" children as it were. 

When Boko Haram kidnapped several hundred school girls for personal slavery and forced marriage, the world was shocked, but I was already familiar with the Islamic extremist cult and it's belief that "for the infidels, the best things the faithful can do is kill them, and enslave and rape their children."

What Boko Haram did was completely within the cult rules and obligations of the extremist Sunni Muslim.

When a Muslim father murdered his 16 year old Muslim daughter for having a boyfriend and not wearing Hijab, when a Muslim Grandfather raped and murdered his 6 year old granddaughter for "being promiscuous" I was not shocked, but rather, was simply reinforced in my beleif that the extremist Sunni and Shia cults are "demented" and 'rather vile" in their current obligations.  See i had my own inner Muslims, and knew about the Satanic rebels in our own culture as well, the gangsters who are enjoying being the wicked.

What I suspected in these cases was that the real motive for killing these children wasn't that they were having friends and not wearing the viel, but that the family members who murdered the youth and children were doing so to cover up the satanic abuse they had committed against them...

Seeing that as a madman, I could assault people and desire to kill them, it didnt' take much for me to see that without psychiatric treatment, without having a religious cult looming over my culture saying it was wrong, without education and law enforcement being against that, without strong voices on the Television decrying child abuse, gang violence, murder and non respect for human rights, I could see that it wuold be possible to carry out satanic violence under the guise of "national culture"and "religious practice."

Declaring the inhumane activities to be "traditional culture" and "religious practice" is tantamount to a guarantee that such violence will happen.  Similarly when criminal culture puts forth the wicked doctrines of hurting an killing police informants, and declares association with the 'Monster" or "Beast" normal, then the criminals are guaranteeing that criminal atrocities will occur..

So in reforming the planetary communities to respect humans rights, we have to dispose of the notion that child abuse, murder of youth for small crimes and torture and persecution of dissidents are "traditional values' and 'repectable religious positions."  We have to dispose of the criminal culture which argues for the brutalization and hurting and killing of police informants, and replace it with a criminal culture, which respected human rights and freedoms to be part of the lawful societies.

We cannot accept religions which say "God wants child abuse." or "God wants to kill everyone who is not in our nation or religious group."  Rob them, rape them, extort them, enslave them.

What position can we take?  We can argue that traditional culture has always had those white people who respected human rights, and wise and loving people have existed, in all groups, who have desired to counsel the nation state and religious group, away from atrocities.  However in primitive cultures the wicked damned criminal state and religous culture, means that few young people and wise men and women, will speak out against the tribal venom and nationalist bulwark of genocidal mania and psychosis.

Child abuse psychosis and savage brutality being endorsed by a religious sector of the economy and tribal social life, makes it a lot harder to promote peace, and well being and living in supportive, caring harmony.

We might say "the demonic criminals" are trying to enforce demonic law and orders on the whole world, and especially the local tribes and cities and neighborhoods and sectarian orders which they are dominant in.

The nexus of savage criminals, and their propaganda for extreme violence, what the bible called the wicked, those who attack the upright and needy and righteous and poor.

In some backwater, a tribe is filled with hatred and decadent, harmful behavior.  History shows that these people continue on in their barbaric savageness, and attempt to export their satanic method of living to other people, hopeing that, the others will come into their demonic fold.

What happend in Afghanistan, if what human rights advocates say is true, is that a movement arose among a tribe who was very criminally insane, in that it was enforcing a brutal military style dictator, who was enslaving and exporting and probably sexually abusing millions and millions of children, teens, and apart from this wicked economic activity, was also making his nation state the capital of opium and heroin production.  The worst people in the world, the terrorist group Al Qaeda, were invited to live in this outlaw society, and planned horrific attacks against the United States and the United Nations allies from that place.

The Islamic extremist criminals in Afghanistan called out for all radical criminals who were looking to do it in the name of Allah to come there and train, fornicate with slave girls and murder innocents who didnt want be slave victims of the Brutal Taliban dictators.

Similarly in the West, Savage Criminals abused society's 'Freedom of Speech" to create artwork that advocated extreme violence against the innocent, the police informants who were upright, and talked of dominatingthe world .  People attended these criminals art shows and they have become essentially rallies for committing violence against the police, judges, and police informants and witnesses.

Some critical minded investigators theorize that the new brand of criminal advocated by both these drug trafficking slave trafficking islamic criminals, and by the extremist criminals in the west, had a shady friendship that contributed to bombs being planted at the world trade center towers, not just planes going into them.

Now the situation with the extremist Muslims is so mad and evil, that they are compelling all Muslims to worship and praise their movement and their ideology...  In Algeria 10 000s of Muslims who went against the extremist groups, who advocate genocide, terrorism, and slavery and rape of non Muslims, were violenced against, God claims they killed 4500 innocent Muslim people  who were trying to reform Islamic society to be more modern an respectful of children's and women's and dissdents rights , religious freedom, human rights more generally and so on..

What we are dealing with here, from teh point of view of International Law, is a shadowy netork of cultures and extremist gangs and cult members who don't accept human rights, and the rights of women and children, and are committing violent crimes against law abiding citizens of the West, the Islamic World, and African and South Asian societies.

At some point in history the satanic cults, which were prior to modernity the rallying point of criminals, and some corrupt rulers and elites of some societies, have banded together and created religious doctrines of some tribal zones and some regional cultures of some parts of the world, creating rallying points for child abusers, cannibals and withches, warlocks, the whole nine yards.

While the true voice of God has always opposed it, the corrupt rulers and their little circle of wicked priests and pirates and slave traffickers have promoted and violently enforced the demented criminal state doctrines of killing the voice of God, voices of God and Gods, and attacking the innocent, the women and children, and enslving brutally murdering people, robbing from their neighborhood and the neighboring countries, and generally causing an "Anti Humanitarian Mayhem and Murder and Brutalization of societies and religions and cultures."

Apparetly these extremists in Islam will try to attack Muslim people who don't advocate for pedophilia, slave trafficking, rape and extorsion of non Muslim people, and some radical Christian cultures continue to advocate the brutalization of women and men and even children who don't buy into their Mafiosi child rape friendly oppression of other nations and peoples.

The Law and the Forces of Justice continue to struggle against "the evil one, the delusional wicked criminals and stone cold villains."

These criminally insane bandits are maybe too stupid to raise their childrne with love and support, spawning incompetent, cowardly bandits who hurt the innocent and the friends of God.

Theologically, what it does is make their children die young, and cause the life expentancy of their state to be down.

My experiments show God may and can control the wind and climate, and it is alleged by the Books that God afflicts the satanic rebels wiht bad climate and health disaster.  I see this happenign so, I am suspscios that the criminally insane rebels and their subject peoples are being afflicted with natural and supernatural disaster and suffering of a kind that no wise subject of God's Kingdom would ever want to be afflicted by.

The United Nations and it's member states must not give into the satanic demented evil and delusional criminals, who are as delusional as not doing any science to verify if God or a God exists or not but just accept the decrees of ther criminal bosses and the corrupt priests of those backwards rebel tribal areas.

While theology continues to resist doing confirming science, human rights move forward with the knowledge of loving your neighbor and community and creatnig a loving, safe and secure environment for the women and children, for the innocent and for the needy servants of Gods and Rulers.

We must strive to overcome criminal and cultist violence and disinformation, their delusion causing infomration campaigns, their criminal rallies and extremist cultist victimization of dissident human rights supporting friends and people of the Loving.

We should endeavor to make sure that the voice of God is heard, and that the extremist cults are reformed away from human rights abuse and that the criminal voices supporting "traditional culture' are rebuked by other voices of compassion and tolerance from the 'traditional culture.'

We must be weary of having only negative media coverage as focusing solely on the barbarians and criminals can reinforce their powers and stengths.

If some poor fools come to believe that truly the traditional culture and tribal or national religion calls for severe human rights abuses, if some idiotic foolihs criminals can be convinced that proper criminal behavior includes savage brutality, then the will continue to commit crimes, and even atrocities in some places.

We should be asking heaven to restrain and defeat the criminally insane, and reform their health and morality to being "more respectable criminals' and "those who listen to the voices of the loving mothers and fathers from traditional cultures" .

As for the voice of God, it may be a shadowy time ahead, as Angels and Forces of Light continue to have to shoot at and imprison these savages.

With racism being rejected, now we can see that the problem is corruption in the priesthood, perhaps evil rulers taking power and of course, savages in the criminal organziations who care mostly for thier brutal fame and power and money more than anything.

God warns me that they migt try to hit me over the head again, or get my blog banned or try me for hate speech.  Just as facebook is throwing me in facebook jail, so the big villains in the Canadian society may want to throw me in a Canadian prison.

I think they terroize and threaten to murder theri kids a lot, and that they thus enslave and brutalize childrne into their wicked project.

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