Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Jesus then says

"I am way mentally ill, sometimes a bit, sometimes a lot.
I break kids, I make them talk.
plus some don't.
I rape kids.
Shoot them in the face.
I'm creative.
Way the fucking hel creative."

And Nick Boake, is like "wathever Jesus go to hell, I mean, I'm sure that is in a good cause."

"Jesus is the Mafia"
says like Jesus Christo.

Lol whatever that means, Nicholas Boake of Toronto Canada doesn't know.

He suspects the child rapists cult kids get raped by Jesus. haha

"i personally molest them"
says the Lord.

eh, whateve,r "Jesus is trying to liberate them!" says the Lord.

"And I kill some kids, just to prove, how evil their parents and fellow cult gang members are or were."

says Jesus.

"Then I throw them in hell."

Says Jesus.

Oh well, I think, Nicholas Boake thinks, Jesus is not bad, but when will this child raping mass murdering ever stop?

Jesus be like "when they get it!"

"When they turn away from sin and repent and thank and praise God for what he does."
Says Jesus.

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