Monday, 5 March 2018

Islam causes deep concern

When Islam says to marry young girls, and argue it is normal to suck young boys tongues, argue for slave girls, rape of infidels, et cetera, it cause deep concern to the Father within us.

Now facebook banned me again for saying I was ready for Muslim pigs, which is too bad.
Facebook is preventing people from discussing the Islamic terrorists honestly.

I would like to sue facebook for violating freedom of speech.

They are taking the terror cultist and saying 'people can't criticize it!'

Is this some kind of New World Order scandal?

The liberal extremist say we can't even recognizse that there are pigs in Islam who are attacking the innocent?

The unhealthy cops want to disbelieve in Islam, discredit witnesses against Islamic terror and persecute those who report it?

It's more thuggery, for our own good they claim.

'For the good of the community, the fact terrorist Islam is a rapist pedophile cult must be denied and covered up!'

Yes the fact Islamic terrorists are capitalist pig rapist and pedophile must not be mentioned.

I abhor it and we should be prohobiting Muslims from advocating pedophile, rape and killing of non Muslims in the West.

It's not religious freedom, it is evil cult promoting these things, gangster cult of Arab Neo Nazis.

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