Friday, 16 March 2018

I love you, I'll kill you?

Do you love people so much you'll throw them in hell so they don't go to a worse hell?
Then you're an alien potentially!  LOL.
If you'll kill them before God throw them in hell forever level is reached, you could all be heavenly saints.
At least you shuld pray that God takes them back to heaven before it gets so bad for they that they go to hell forever!   LOL
Just kidding.
Whatever, it's just a concept to think about .
Don't go killing 500 million people now will you just care and mind about that?
Respect and honor people, sure that is it.
I mean if you had to kill someone so they would be not going to hell forever, would you?
When I told the Archangel G W that I was making a government which would kill literally everyone non righteous, Gabriel was like 'God bless the planet."
That Gabriel Wise was so bad, he saved someone's life.  I mean saving someone's life is pretty outrageous.  Should anyone do that?
I bet those assholes are like "ban the angel from helping people God or I will torture and kill my neighbors wife."
What the fuck!  LOL are they like that God?  "No not," goes the hallucination, heavenly vision, or God depending who you talk to.  LOL
At least they aren't like that!  Amen to that brother!
Now I suffer pain, and fear they be like kidnaping and torturing childrne forever.  sob sob.

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