Thursday, 15 March 2018

Amazing miraculous life!

Yes despite the challenges of the wicked my life is amazing and interesting and enjoyable.
I am not depressed nor given up at all, and happier than ever to be marching forward into progress...
Thanks be to God for all the miracles and the blessing of happy life.  Praise be to God for his help to his Saintly Creatures, who strike out in peace to aid and assist the needy and sick and poor.
The enemy is on the run from the Saints, who asked God to punish them and saw that they were punished.
When the enemy tries to harm the Saints he sees that he is defeated and hurt by the power of destiny.
Gods are the Lords of Destiny perhaps, and the One High Lord of Lords is the supreme power of all Destiny.
Perhaps perhaps, A pity that I know only my own and a few other people's struggle. I wish that we would share the knowledge of the Divine blessing in the struggles of life, to be the victorious one and to stand out as amazing in a world of dreariness.
It perhaps is the fate of but a small fraction of the world to exemplify the characteristics of a heavenly child on the face of this planet.
While Heaven speaks to it's true children, some portion of the planet is left in the darkness about the truth of the Heavenly Powers and their "God," To Whom we Pray and Our Mightier Higher Lord.
The fact is the Saintly kids can see that God exists if they want, by asking for things and recieving them, continuing on as a Saint later in life you will see again God showing that he is listening to you and doing things for you.  It is not just a childish fantasy, a delusion designed to keep children in check, and so on.  There is Heaven and there is Powers Mighty to defeat the Enemies of What May Be Love, Truth, Justice, Mercy, Peace, Compassion.
The Great Virtues themselves are imbued with some Divine, Heavenly Charachter.  The Virtues have the power to lift us up, raising our awareness and our inner vibration harmonics, to the point that we become vessels and vehicles of the Divine Power.
Some call this state "the Co Creator Aspect", whereby through our relationship with God, we become "co creators" and "masters of creation."
Humans are masters of Earthly life to considerable extent.
However beceause so many Earthlings are not fully sentient, choosing to ignore learning and wisdom, and promoting their sinful ways to others, the Earth is therefore polluted by corruption and ignorance.
Therefore to acheive perfect harmony and vibration power with the universe, one must find the perfect path to elevate oneself above the sins of the world, to overcome these sins and place oneself above the Earth.  We are taught to beleive we are part of the Heavenly Universe, and not "of the Earth.".  Thus we are "In the world, not of the world."  This is a fulfillment of the New Testament teachings.
By dedication to great virtue, and cultivation of these virtues in oneself, it is possible to harmonize with The Way, with Heaven, and to come across the enemies of virtue with a superior force, gifted from Way and Heaven, from God and the Force as it were.
We ask Heaven for these gifts and offer in exchange to harmonize more fully with the virtuous conduct which is rightfully attributed to Angels and God, to Heaven and Way as it were.
Thus we are cleared, say many ancient sages, and their modern supporters, we are cleared for the powerful blessing of the Way in our life, the fundamental Way which underscores the universe.
This Force, The original Force as it were, or the Way as it is known, or God, this powerful driving Force can intervene in our life to grant us power over the enemy and give huge gifts of healing and scientific and medical progress, and all economic progress.
As an example of how the "Way" or "God of Heaven" can act to create a miracle, consider the time I was with my neighbor and his friend, and they desired that I hit a golf ball into a cup.  With the golf club I was given, it was a hard shot, but I prayed, and I felt the white energy which I identify with heaven come down and that white energy inhabited my body for the moment of the strike...  I hit the ball quite hard and it flew squarely into the cup, causing consternation among my companions who didn't expect me to be able to do that.
More precisely, a more exacting miracle, was when I prayed to the Way to be able to show my son that God existed, by demonstrating that I could predict things happening by showing the course of meteors about to fall during a meteor shower.  Now I went to go see the meteor shower with a young friend of mine and we watched the sky and saw many meteors fall.  Now I saw the white energy of heaven come down beside me and it stood beside and over me and I was inspired to tell my friend "look, ther'es going to be a shooting star like this, like this, and like that." ANd I drew the pattern in front of my friend of how the meteors woudl fall.  Now a couple seconds later the meteors fell just like that, in that pattern.  It was uncanny, and earlier in my adventures with that friend I had been predicting things about to happen like when someone was about to round a corner or ride by on a bicycle I would predict it.
This was clear miraculous signs meant to bolster my faith.  I had seen some when I was younger too, for example I prayed to break free of a pair of handcuffs my brother owned and I prayed to break out and I broke out both times I prayed to brek out.  Then i tried a third time btu i didn't pray to break free and I couldn't break free without praying to break out.
I saw various things like this over the years, which solidified my faith.
Thanks be to God, who showed me clearly, and all the times God defended my and people around me!  I also refer to my secretly famous incidents, whereby I was warned before hand of an enemy assault and have prayed to survive and overcome the assault victoriously or not losing anyway, and have not lost and won through 15 or so attacks, each time warned a couple days in advance by my instinct, each time praying to God to be victorious in a certain way, and each time winning.
It only resolved me further to fight for the causes of Love, Mercy, Justice, Peace, Respect, Compassion, Wisdom, et alia.
I am convinced that this white energy being type thing I see that sometimes other people see, (which isn't always white but sometimes changes colours), is something quite beyond me, which is perhaps a source of potential power and strenght for me. 
Now it has told me of people I would meet, and arranged for me to see people again who I had met and wanted to see again, even in this big, crowded city.
For example I saw a man on the bus, and we talked about God and the clear signs that something responding to our call to God existed, and that it might be God or we might live in the Matrix.
The man agreed with me completely, and said he was absolutely certain this was the case.  He told me about a home remedy he takes which helpes his concentration and I might try that remedy myself soon.  The man told me about a book which is proportedly written by Jesus Christ after he went to India after the crucifixion incident.  I thanked him for his advice and information, and said maybe we would see each other again.
Now I asked God if I could see that man again if he wanted to see me again, and then the next week I went downtown and ran into the man as he was walking down the main street.  LOL .  Small world, perhaps made smaller via divine intervention.
Now I am more sure than ever that something powerful which is hidden or occulted to some people, nevertheless exists and is listening to us and reponding sometimes to our calls to "God, the Gods, Heaven, Mother Nature, Divine Names, even to the words "the Devil.""
Thanks be to the Force responsible for this and my lucky occurences.  Happy am I and because I was told I would meet the Angel Gabriel before I him, and then met him and did see the heavenly signs he is an extraterrestrial, Thus I feel it is right to give thanks to God and Jesus Christ, and prepare people for going to heaven and enjoying eternity..
Right so thanks and praise and look out for what exists what is and so on.  Perhaps God will protect people if they agree to 1) help the needy and poor and sick and so on 2)  love their neighbors a lot 3) love God a lot and think of Him 4) praise and thank and rejoice 5) obey the moral code as best they can in all ways.

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