Criticism of Islam has become highly censored. The Canadian government passed a bill condemning "Islamophobia" and Facebook is highly keen to censor speech critical of Islam.
Outspoken critics of Islam have all been attacked, whether it was Danish Cartoonists, Charlie Hebdo, or Pamela Geller and Geert Wilders.
Muslim terrorists hold it as a sacred value that critics of Islam should be killed.
Despite the sell out Western Elite's viewpoint, that criticism of Islam should be silenced, people remain alarmed by Islam.
France has been in a state of Emergency for most of the last 10 years because of Islamic terrorists.
Despite government pressure and pressure from civil society to silence critics of Islam, we continue to speak out.
Why is it so important to speak out against Islam? It is the world's second most populated religion, and it is spreading throughout the world, seeking converts and varying degrees of government recognition.
It is very important to speak out about Islam, and criticize it. If Muslim leaders have their way, France and Britain will become Majority Muslim by the early 2100s, and Europe will no longer be a beacon of Christianity.
That is a problem, because the fact is not open to opinion, the fact is Jesus Christ is God and the Alien races who control Earth's climate and protect human beings from the devil say so. I sought out God and met a voice, which started speaking to me and guiding me. I saw a Guru and Priests, and the Evangelical Pastor and the Guru agreed that it was God talking to me. Now I asked God to meet an Angel, one of the Guardian Angels of the Earth, and if this Angel could be a messenger bearing a new message. I asked God repeatedly this many many times, and God eventually appeared to me and told me I would meet "Gabriel.".
A few days later I met Gabriel Wise, who claims to be the Truth, the Archangel from the clan Gabriel, the Messenger of Truth from Heaven.
I spoke with Gabriel, and he identified me as a son of God. Gabriel was warning that the world was about be destroyed, and that the wicked and the nations who forgot God would go to hell. I sensed dramatically based on my own experience of my generation, that the world had forgotten God and was become wicked. Thus it is making sense that the world is about to be destroyed. Now I pleaded with Gabriel.
I spoke to God, and asked him if it was true that I was his son, could I be executive vice president for a day? A few days later God's voice came to me and said 'you're executive vice president." Now I prayed and meditated all day, then I went outside at night asking God if there was a big UFO fleet here to destroy the world and save the righteous people. I see about 100 strange lights moving around in an unearthly way in the sky. Hehehe.
So I told Gabriel about my plan, to privately resquest from God a better life, and his friendship. I told him I planned on organizing a lot of changes to our education and culture and religious and social life. Now Gabriel says after all this 'Jesus will come and live with you for 1000 years," referring to Earth humans generally. So plan blow up the world was temporarily called off in favor of Jesus come live with us.
Now what does that have to do with Islam? Well Gabriel said that the Quran was "okay" but that "the fools added to it." Now I read the Quran while talking to God before he revealed himself to me as a voice and I saw many things which were wrong with it, and wondered if they had been added. Now Gabriel confirms that it is so, but I don't know whether God will explicitly tell me what is added to Quran or not.
Gabriel furthermore says that "Muslims are at war with God" and "not to have sexual relations with children." This is important, because Islam specifically says to have sexual relations with young children, as it is "God's example of perfect behavior."... Now sadly, pointing this out on facebook will get your account banned for 7 or even 30 days, and potentially leads to your account being closed.
The Canadian government is prosecuting people for criticism of Islam, a man in Toronto went to court for handing out anti Islam flyers at a Muslim missionary stand. It appears highly critical thought about Islam starts a kind of conflict, in which the Muslim extremist may attempt to take people's lives, and one of the red lines is mentioning the fact that Islam promotes sex with young children, something Muslims are taught to deny.
It's not just saying God wants you to have sex with 6 year old girls and marry 72 virgins in heaven, which is pretty outrageous from what I hear from Jesus and Gabriel. It is furthermore claiming that Christians are infidels, and Jesus is not God or the son of GOD, and that infidels and critics of Islam have to be killed, raped, robbed et cetera.
Islam practices female genital mutilations, locks women in jail and whips them or even stones the to death for reporting rape, and promotes the genocide of non Muslims, defying UN treaties by allowing Christians to be persecuted and their Churches attacked.
Islam condones the rape of all non Muslims, and robbing them ,raiding them for slaves, and killing them.
These extremist positions are not condemned by Muslims who claim to be moderate, but instead there is tacit support for the extremists.
All of Islam is at war with God, in an open rebellion against God and the Prophets and True Believers.
Jesus Christ is God, according to the Heavenly Masters, and a scientific inquiry into the truth of Jesus and Jehova being God is possible, and can yield the proofs suffecient to quiet non believers.
I have been seeing proofs my life since I was child, and again as a young man, that Jesus was the unique Son of God, and a Part of God too. When you address "God" in your head, you are answered by Jesus, the Holy Ghost and Jehova, and the Archangels, despite what lies your culture wants to tell you about God and what God is.
Muslims pray to God, in their head, but they are obeying a Satanic Cult, which is in utmost rebellion against the True God, and oppressing and destroying the lives of the faithful.
However if Muslims have their way, it will be illegal to say this in the West, and all manner of public platforms like Facebook and Twitter will enforce the ban on criticism of Islam.
Now having grown up in a religious family in the Anglican Church, I can honestly say - "The Anglican Church is weak in knowledge and faith of the True God." Anglicans do not have the institutions for identifying God's actions in the community and glorifying them, they do not promote stern true knowledge of what it is like communicating with God and what happens, and according to Archangel Gabriel Wise, groups like the Catholic and Anglican Churches are led by 'FALSE" leaders, who do not possess real faith in God or true knowledge concerning the Lord.
Indeed, the Catholic Church as recently as last year claimed that Aliens had no knowledge of Jesus Christ, and that only Earth Humans had heard of him, this despite the Fact that Jesus is the Divine Lord of countless alien races.
Instead of guiding you to truth, and leading your nations to sucess, the Catholic and Anglican Churches lie, spread falsehood, and hide the truth of God from the world, probably, to save themselves from trouble with the outlaw rebels. Sorry to have to say it, some might construe it as a crime, but the Archangel Gabriel, the Messenger of Truth of Heaven, proven to be whom he is by many miracles and signs and wonders, has claimed that the Anglican and Catholic leaders are "False.".. or as some might say "FAKE."
A true Church, freed from the fear of the evil ones, would promote the true knowledge of God, whereby a child reaches to God as his Father and sees signs and wonders to believe, and the True Church woudl accumulate a vast body of knowledge for the purpose of thanking and glorifying God, that it they would record what happened in their communities and what God was asked to do, and what happened afterwards.
For example I have been confronted by various demonic outlaw sinners, and asked God to mete out punishments to them and seen that they were being punished in the manner I had asked God to get them. Glory be to God, it appears God has punished them according to the manner I saw fit, in a timely and correct fashion. He has made them fear God and the rightoeus, and compelled them to repent and turn away from sin. He defended me gloriously from bombings, stabbings and assault attempts, making me defeat enemy soldiers who were considered experts, and I have been unharmed, other than emotionally, and I have demonstrated the power of the righteous saints to defeat enemies. Now a great number of these enemy mercenaries were crushed and eliminated, and we should as a Church be recording that and glorfying (increasing the reputation of) God for that.
But no, the False Church, it acts as if God is a mystery, and claims no one knows if God exists, and even hides the evidence that he does exist, and acts to oppress the righteous saints even, threatening them and driving them away from the Churches.
This is not the work of all the priests, but there are some who are quite ignorant of God's existence and even quite wicked. And then there are all the outlaw gangsters who people the Churches, promoting their filth and attacking the righteous saints for their efforts to improve things.
So the Church as a whole, is quite fake. Quite, unreal. Quite False.
The Church is practically denying God exists, practically denying Heavenly Beings visit the Earth, practically denying we are God's children. Indeed recent translations of John 316 have falsely translated the passage, identifying Jesus as "God's one and only son." When we know, that all the faithful saints are God's children, and the Greek work monogene literaly means "One of a kind" or "unique.' Literally mono means "of one" and gene means "kind." So an illeterate Greek would understand even John 316 to mean "God's unique son." The Church is falsifying the bible with fake translations.
Now it has been illegal to criticize the Church and the Government until very recently in the West. Only since the 1950s and 60s and 70s, the supreme court has begun to strike down the sedition and blasphemy laws, making it possible to have a public debate about government corruption, or church corruption. Previously in our dictatorial regimes, that was prohibited.
In fact during the savage despotism that masqueraded as democracy in the West prior to the 1980s, it was a crime to accuse the government of corruption, or to accuse the Church of incompetance. These savage criminal outlaw societies, they promoted false religion and false politics, enslaving the population with gangs and criminal cults, and forced the Western Christian to be a slave soldier of theirs, or be persecuted for taking consciencious objector status. They forced the White Man to violently kill and enslave himself and other people, with a Tyranny and a Savage hypocrisy. People were viewed as "devils" by the fake church, simply becaue they were not supporters of the rich elite and the government.
There are still legacies of this in Western Canada, where a political culture exists which condemns public protest and any sort of "defying" of the established conformity. Critics of society, people who report crimes to the government, are often labelled insane and put in mental institutions, while the police go ahead and report them to the criminals they were criticizing, leading to a perverse persecution of these innocent people, who only want to stop corruption and have a functioning, saintly government.
God has punished the unrighteous people with illness, since time immemorial, and with poverty and lack of real power. I bet you would see a relationship in North America between the righteousness of a community (if that could ever be measured accurately) and the health and economic outcomes of that community.
The rebels against God, the wicked tyrants, the evil gangsters, they keep pretending that God does nothing, while they themselves are endlessly afflicted with sufferings and miseries because of their evil deeds.
So while in the West, some changes in laws have occured, which have allowed a little more freedom to promote the truth, in the middle East, it remains a severely sanctioned offense to criticize the government or mosque or speak the truth about God in general.
While the rebellion in the West may have cooled down, the rebellion in the middle East remains severe. And don't think that rebellion in the West is permently trending towards improvement, there is plenty of reason to suspect that government remains in league with the criminal establishment, and that the church is filled with hypocrites and half hearted beleivers who are libel to commit serious crimes at any time.
Things in the West may sour and become more twisted and evil again, the government practice of helping the criminals continues, and the relatively innocent people are often the ones being described as insane or stupid and being attacked physically and emotionally by serious sinners. The government coverup is enormous, the government message to police infomants is often "fuck you, we are going to rat you out to the criminals and persecute you." Government's don't want to hear what is really going on.
God really takes care of business, and people are beyond foolish to say God doesn't exist and behave horribly and not repent and turn away from sin. The result of this in the middle East is extreme plague and famine and drought, and that climate problem is spreading to West Africa as it becomes "ISLAMIZED" as they call it, an extremist Sunni terrorist, in other words.
The West is not free from God's punishment, according to senior psyhciatrist Dr, Duksta, 47% of the population is mentally ill and there is much hunger and other illness. I knew someone who I suspected of child abuse and criminal terrorism, and he was stricken with a painful illness... Indeed these criminals are sociopaths, and would not be impossible for another calamity like World War I and II to strike the West. The Western rebel against God believes that the corrupt government is a "SAINT" and that he must "DESTROY" all the "COMPETITION." He will join armies and slaughter himself again if we are not careful.
Any sane Christian child gets diagnosed as mentally ill or signs up as a consciencious objector, since "WE should leave such matters as justice to God."
However the Fake Church and Fake Scientific Establishment are standing in the way of SANE belief in God. We need to move beyond mere platitudes and praise of God to really documenting God's work in the communities. We should be finding sinners, and documenting what God does to them as they are warned of God's existence and his punishments. According to our scripures the ones who turn away from sin and repent will be blessed, but those who do not will be punished, and if they are wicked they will die. I have already seen people close to dying because they were evil and they didn't want to repent.
The wicked truly might die if we record things and ask God to do "what is right' about them. Then we could all thank and glorify God properly. Maybe major disasters like drought and floods and hurricanes and tornadoes and blizzards would afflict North America less.
Well it is a bit dark to have to be persecuted, the Holy Book does say that God saves his righteous saints, so if you are willing to be a righteous saint, then you might not be persecuted that badly, or at least survive your persecutions as a stronger person able to suceed financially and so on.
Indeed they try to persecute us for making steps "in the right direction".
Cops are corrupt, informing criminals that you are talking to them (this happened to me several times or at least twice that I know of.), and not doign anything to help you, not even warning criminals.
In fact we should be doing away with jails and cops and have courts which only identify sinners while we record God's punishment of them and report it in the news.
We should be in contact with the Gaurdian Angels and have full government contact with God and the Angels and record what they do for posterity.
It's possible to come into contact with UFOs and Alien Visitors and Guardian Angels by talking to the Lord in your head enough times about it, and being a faithful beleiver, or rightoeus saint.
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