It seems to be the case that people who don't believe in Jesus fuck all the women and make people do drugs they don't want to do.
Check it out.
Do science already organize the people as volunteers to become saints and demons and see what happnes.
Yea I'm doctor Joseph Mengele and I want you all to be labrats. ahhahaa
Now smoke some more heroin and take your anti psychotics.
I mean get pain killers already and take them, it's good to feel less pain.
I pray and ask God and stop thinking of killing people sometiems, and my pain never gets to bad.
Maybe i am just young maybe I am just lucky.
Maybe there is no God maybe we should just take matters into our own hands sometimes.
Maybe we should be smarter about it.
Taliban tried to close heroin down, USA invaded Afghanistan.
That's all for now.
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