Thursday, 15 February 2018

I can't stand the union of soldiers and gangsters they are rebel scum.

the common soldier may be fine, but kirby told me they tortured people in Iraq.
I was dissapointed.
I had to tell him it was good.
The British wanted to murder the Germans but Churchill risked death to save them.
Later on he confessed the whole war was forced on the world by Britain beacuse they didn't want Germany to merchandise because GErmans were better at things than British people so on. Hhha or Churchill did not say tha, who knows.
The unbeliever elder said to kil all the wicked, and get rid of them fast.
The believers might have said that.
There were too many people impersonating te devil and they were not alllowed to smoke weed, which is the cure for that shit.
Their parents denied their children proper love nad care and treatment, then the armies came and send them to kill each toher.
GOd willed that they do that beacuse he hated them and wanted people to hate them utterly and completely.
The God hates teh Britihs and Irish they say religion is for the week and scandalously abuse all their childrne forcing them to be insane and not get medical treatment.
They are terrorists.

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