Thursday, 15 February 2018

I got some sickness in my gut maybe

I feel pain, in my guts sometimes.
I try to do whatever God says, but then again, God said something else earlier, so I don't know what to do.
He told me to fight a war, but he said not to kill.
I guess i'l leave that to God and the Angels.
I am telling the Angels what God tells me though.
We sort of do what our God says.
He wants some people to be killed, unfortunately.
I mean really there's a lot of disloyal people and illusions that the governemnt is the Mafia.
MAfia world government, warns the probably Archangel Gabriel Wise on Facebook, will be the end of the Earth.  They claim they will rescue the righteous, but they don't know how to beam us up without killing us do they?
This golden light came down and entered my mind.
I think they agreed to make global banking Mafia government.
Even God might have some kind of evil appearance sometimes.
The God, Jesus and Evil Allah/Brahma/Krisha.
What if God has multiple personalities, what if he is mentally ill.
After all it's only been a few days and the world could end at any time.
I mean God and us could all end.
I told my ex girlfriend that I would build a time accelerator and see what would happen, I mean what if this universe is God's time accelator?
The Archangel Gabriel Guy told me that in heaven days laster 1000 years.
So it's been only a little while since the universe was created.
Train to run away and be rescued by the Angels.
Let's get them to rapture us up everyday and run wth us in their spaceships.
Maybe the devils will let us do that without blowing up the most of us and raping and torturing teir 400 million hostages.

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