Saturday, 22 June 2019

A letter to the police, mayors of the CRD and my friends.

Yay man honestly cops the enemy combattans are being trained and grooming little pedophiles and terrorists at the Evangelical Church on Craig and the Mosque on Quadra.

They are raising their kids to beleive their little dictator is God and that anyone reporting crime to the police must be killed.

They are manipulating people so they will destroy humanity.

They are traitors, child rapists, inciting child murder, and bordering on killing us, and we have had a number of nasty violent incidents with them attempting to kill cops, informants and their family members.

We have decided at the neighborhood council meeting of the Divine princes, that God and the believers have decided that these organizations must be shut down, and the Yahweh and Holy Ghost spirits we share are arguing for war against these enemies, and false flag attacks, pitting them against each other.

We desire to make war on them, we have caught them invading our homes, plotting to murder us, trying to murder us, committing illicit terrorism, putting fentanyl in the drugs, committing treason and sedition, fomenting rebellion, trying to poison us ,kidnapping our family members, trying to kill our parents and siblings, threatening our children, plotting to murder government leadership officials, media personalities, and we strongly suspect they are pimping and then perhaps killing their own young children.

God came here with Prince Nicholas Boake pretending to be a poor nobody, who is a pervert, to investigate the perverts, and he has discovered major enemy combattant groups in Victoria.

Hell's Angels Cops and Angels of Sky and God himself wil all testify that they are these things, and that they are attempting to destroy as much of mankind as they can.

Their little charity efforts and claims to be religious are just a smokescreen for their brazen demonic activities, claims God and our investigation suggests it.

They have been dwelling in hell on Earth, and have persisted in their sins, and we feel they have become offensive to the public order and taste of Canadians that God's recommendatin for a counter offensive be considered as serious state authorized policy for the local Angels and Princes of God to undertake.

Though they are contained from actually murdering Canadians, the fact is they have committed so much crime and are so decadent in perversion that no one can bear to see them live much longer.

They wish for death and dream of going out in a blaze of glory, so we recommend giving them what they want and conducting armed operations on their facilities and group gatherings.


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