I go around talking about what is going on and what God has written in his holy scriptures, and what the law is, and what is right and wrong, and what I have been through.
No one offers to help fight the crusade, except perhaps the occassional Christian knight who wants to elect a fascist government.
The cops don't care, the government doesn't care, the priests don't care, the bikers don't care, the mafia doesn't really care, the people in the neighborhood don't care.
I am just afraid that no one cares, or believes, anything going on, or beleives in right versus wrong, or believes in the law and the holy scriptures and or God and the Angels.
None of these people claiming to know God other than me that I have met online, and in the world, could offer any proof that they knew God, could work any miracle.
I think you are all almost unbelievers, except perhaps some of the humanitarian workers and donors who might qualify as "partly a believer." .
The fact no one will stand up or allow anyone to stand up and rail against the crimes of humanity, and decrie the injustice of the situation, that politicians only pay lip service to humanity's problems, and never get to the root of them, which is unbelief and hypocrisy, demon worship and preferring criminals and monsters over the innocent people.
Truly it is a dark time, "end times" where God is striking down more than 50% of the population, if not 75%.
The Sunni and Shia rail against the Quran and God, denying the Quran and Bible and promoting their sickening "molest and rape all kids torture and kill everyone who gets our way" cult of piracy and slave trafficking.
They go unnopposed, and are invited to dine with our prime ministers and meet with our Popes, in "reconciliation meetings" and "multiculural festivities."
You will never find the television describe the truth about Islam except perhaps snuck in on a rare public access television station.
The whole world is in denial. It's as if humans don't beleive there is a God or a Heaven at all, and they are too blind to see that they are being punished, and that they are going to hell probably after what they have done and not done.
There are those humanitarian relief efforts, that is something, but who will stand up to ISIS and Al Qaeda nd the Sunni and Shia, who will stand up to the criminal gangs? Occassionaly a prosecutor might go after one of them, at a time, for something they did that offended the public morality, but attacking the movement as a whole? People think they are so outnumbered and outgunned, there is nothing they can do? OR are they just not willing to do the right thing at all?
Truly I tell you almost no one will do the right thing, they let their kids get strung out on drugs, pimped, slave trafficked even, beaten and almost murdered or murdered, most of them say "we don't care" and at best, "provide humanitarian relief" to their kids.
Where are your soldiers of law and justice? Where is your army of light and honor and divine grace?
Your priests talk about how "Jesus died for our sins" but that is clearly the utternances of the foolish Paul, it contradicts everything else in the Bible, everything Jesus said.
You are perhaps crippled, or made weak, unable to organize resistance against the monsters in any way shape or form. The best you can do is go stir things up in the middle east, not taking any of the evil cults on directly, or trying to stop them really, but just, "trying to get them on our side.".
Your game of trying to get these child raping cults to "be on our side" is really sickening. To win their favour, you persecute and try to destroy those who fight against this child sex trafficking cult of mass murderers and torturers.
This isn't Islam we are up against, ISlam is the Quran and Bible,, this is a Satanic cult of hypocrite scumbags, wannabee mass murderers who go around trying to kill us, Jesus alleges, "ALL THE TIME." They poison us, try to take out hits on us, even try to commit terrorism of it. Jesus says "It does." "If the government knew" what they were "really doing," "they might fight it." Claims the Lord Jesus.
Well now, so be it, another day in the backstreets suburb, where people have to fight each other for terrorist groups and the police can't seem to do anything about rape, attempted murder, theft, drug dealing or the EVIL CULTS.
Of course I am fine, since I have humanitarian relief and Angels of God looking over me, but are ordinary Canadian really safe? Before the Danforth Mass Murder in Toronto, by a Sunni Extremist, God told me "not to go to Toronto this week." And then there was this mass shooting. God tod me not to go to this strip of the Danforth when I told him I wanted to go to Toronto. I was saved again from another terrorist attack, but what, 7, 11 Canadians including a teenage girl were killed?
I told you, if you are going to be cowards and traitors, fornicators and murderers, sorcerers and unbelievers, idolaters and bad animals, you aren't goig to be saved by GOD! You aren't!
In sheepish BC, where the people actually really help with humanitarian assistance and don't persecute the average joe as harshly as I saw in Toronto, I can say that we have resisted every terrorist attack, though we haven't quite resulted in putting them on trial and having them convicted. Perhaps it is dealt with, out of court.
Maybe the sheep who provide humanitarian assistance will not be destroyed, but no one is protecting the Sunni Muslims or the Average Canuck who doesn't oppose Sunnism and Shiaism.
No I am afraid God is not saving the wicked, or the monster wicked, and they suffer and can die. I note how most people say they are good, but if you really look into it, they have a difficult time wiht a lot of things.
I am afraid that the people are once again being duped by the pirate elite, into accepting to be ruled by slave traffickers who are child abusing mass murderer wannabees.
Jesus has told me that they try to kill the Believer like 10-20 times average.
Being a most outspoken believer on every topic of crime and history, the Lord tells me they have tried to kill me tens of thousands of times, kill my family thousand times or two thousand times.
If you stood up and resisted, faced persecution, gave up cowardice and other major sins, left the path of sexual abuse and murder, sorcery of evil plotting and addictive drug pushing, the major abominations, et cetera, you would be finding yourself in the Kingdom of God, seeing wonders and signs and granted access eventually to angels and the Lord himself.
However you don't see it, because you are either talking to hypocrites or unbelievers, and because you don't commit yourself to an experiment to see what it is like being a "saint." . ..
Some of you know certain things, but most of you just pretend to believe in Law and and Righteousness, in God's will ni other words.
I have heard so many of my young peers telling me "oh child rapists have to get killed or go to prison." but when it comes to fighting the Sunni and Shia religion, almost all of them are silent.
No one has come to my aid except perhaps my brother and a few friends - neighbors really.
There still is some humanitarian relief for me, but the negligence of the government in enforcing the law, and the acquiescence of society to this "rape all the kids, torture and kill everyone who gets in oru way" sickening rapist pirate culture, extreme demon cult. .. IT's deeply disturbing.
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