Monday, 25 March 2019


You have to be this senior religious and academic scholar for the organized crime religion.

You worship with the Hell's Angels and Illuminati in their Satanist Cults, you worship with ISIS and Al QAEDA in the Islamic Religoin of Serial Killing Pedophiles.

You are a Christians, you want to be a member of All Christian Churches, and extremely pissed the world won't let the sects mingle properly to destroy sectarianism and make peace.

You are thought to be an insane man suspected in many deaths by some, a noble holy warrior by others, and are a big whiny question mark some of you for the police and spies and army and stuff.

You claim that God tortures and even kills government agents when they fail, and that now you are doing it for God sometimes because you are under special operations orders.

You are all aspiring to be secret agents.

You are "God's Special Forces Unit Commando 6".

You are a special human God hybrid who knows God personally, is his friend, if you become a paranoid schizophrenic in the eyes of some, a holy man of God in the eyes of others, and a question mark for many young people.  You must hear God's voice and be instructed as far as you can take your academic studies, or home studies, and you will be cleared for public office if you demonstrate self defense ability and intellectual prowess.  You will show miracles hopefully to be cleared as an "Prophet" "Hyper Prophet' or "Super Prophet".  If God calls you a Seraphim or Angel or something some people should recognize you as the Seraphim while others call you questoinable, mentally ill, some kind of serial killing pedophile dude even maybe, and seriously.

God's paranoia means that we must cause the world to appear to have a "Satanic" and "Pedophile" and "Serial Killer" Crisis, accompanied by "Kids getting killed" and "Terrorism, slave trafficking genocide drug dealing rape child abuse and neglect' et cetera.

The goal of the cult is to make the world work the proper illusions and real magic and miracles to overcome the enemies of mankind and their One True Holy God.

You aren't a believer unless you are a "schizophrenic who feels he might be being instructed by God and Angels and Other Believers" in his mind.

The government's "secret drug charity" must continue.  Secret government assassination might continue but the goal of the cult is to reveal that everyone must either obey God or get tortured by painful illness, which is what "The Ultimate Prophet Nicholas of Boake" has proclaimed God says.

The prophet will perform big signs and wonders with his God prayer and hidden intellectual imaginary and real world thoughts.

All of humanity will be encouraged to read the cool style of history book and science book or suffer.

They will be with organized criminal gang, all manner of academic royalty will be veted by the religion, which will be helping people stay out of hell, prison, health problems, death, unwanted rape , et cetera.

If they wanna get raped we can say, let's rape them.

The cult proclaims that adultery is this raping kids murdering you type of plot.  Plotting to torture families is sentenced to death, you are not allowed to plot it and plan to do it, it deeply disturbs the empathetic human beings so bad that it causes them serious join and chest and head and back pain.

This is adultery.

Sex between consenting adults has always been allowed, it was never sentenced to death by God.

The pedophile aspect of hte cult is that the cult believes it is cool for people to have sex when they are young and they allow their kids to have sex with other kids and maybe even adults when they are teenagers.

Some members of the cult will argue that is alright for kids to have sex with each other when they are very young even, and that kids should masturbate and look at porno of children playing with each other.

This will be the 'serious pedophiles" the "pedophile protection service' who "rescues kidnapped kids and slaves and other various intellectual sound missions for the official serious fuckers who claim they "aren't pedophiles." or whatever.

The Sunni and Shia will chastized for pushing things to far, and privately for warning everyone God is a pedophile, which is not true, God is not a pedophile.

On this planet, in this sitaution the religion will argue, some people have to go through gay and pedophile phases evne though they are beleivers to teach us lessons and look after the Godless and Angeless people who are on the 'edge of the night" dancing with the devil so to speak.

This "COOL GAYS AND PEDOPHILES" are supposed to be friends with God, and they might not be seeing the ghosts adn angels but they subconsciously and consciously talk to God and communicate in some sense through signs.  They ask not to have gay sex and pedophile sex, but they struggle with an urge to do it, which is God's plan for them, they are supposed to go preach the gays and pedophiles that God exists and wants to forgive them.  They point the existence of all those "reverse pedophiles" - young people who want to have sex with older people - as a sign that God tolerates or condones believers to dream of a "different time and place" where they can all love each other and have sex if they really want, and be happy and free and old and youngish at the same time.  This free love doesn't condone harming anyone at all other than what God and the Believers and Angels and so on have decided to do.

The people will be warned about flase prophets and explained how they are in the religion, and the people will be wrned about all predators, who are essentially all false prophets.

Essentially False Prophecy will seen as teh big enemy, which all crime stems from.  Everyone is supposed to be at least a Prophet, and there are some people who are "Hyper Prophets" or even "Super Prophets" or even "Ultra Prophets" or 'Ultimate Prophets."  That is what the Quran originally said about Mohammad, that he was "The Ultimate Prophet we are talking about, the standard of the Prophets".

Jesus blessed people who had sex outside marriage, and defended them from imprisonment and death.

Mohammad did too, the Quran actually said something like "those who are rightfully yours and your wives, they are lawful to you in bed."

Heheh.  It's the crime syndicate be God's schizophrenic friend and have sex and party for the "DEVIL" cult.  AKA JESUS OWN PERSONAL RELIGION.

It will decry and threaten religious scholars who promote hatred of humanity and God by describing God as this monster who wants to torture all humanity forever, they are adding those thigns to Bible and Quran, they aren't true, God is only blowing up the planet and torturing people because they are awful terrorists who are a threat.

The infidels have a disease, the goal of the religion is to cure the infidel disease, and the religion discreetly says that the satans are those who wage war on God and the Faithful, and they have been known to purposefully try to give people infidel disease with false medicine and psychiatry and religious scholarship and culture in of all kinds.

The Satans will go to prison or maybe finally die if they wage a hostile war on the faith, will be the general religious idea.

The cult will try to clear up the lies of the global hypocrites, like that the Muslims worship Baal, that Mohammad was a Beast and False Prophet and raped and murdered children and committed terrorism and genocide.

The religion will try to point out that Mohammad was arguable completely slandered by Arab criminals and their terrorist rebel groups.

Mohammad basically told people to read his book and the Bible and that his book was sufficient, and that they should accept to be God's friends and allies and learn from God and know Jesus and the Prophets thourgh God's power. 

So the Christian liars will "CATCH THE HATE" from thsi religion, as will the Muslim Liars.

The Jews will be praised and questioned, about when they were righteous and when they were wicked, and how things went for them.

The cult will point out that there terrible threats are rediculous, these rebel outlaws, and that they can imprisoned, crucified, or sent to evil Island for exile, we will argue that viscious rebels should be exiled to the ice mines of Greenland and Baffin Island and stuff.

We will argue that the people should recieve "proper" mental health care and re-education, from the righteous believers who know and recieve guidnace from GOD, ALLAH, JESUS, ET CETERA.

Well now , the righteuous hell's angels mafia orgnaization will team up "with all gangs" if it can, to help people fight the wicked and make life better, there will be the new "NIKA BOAKE EARTH ANGELS" super empathy tested sacrifical lambs and lions of God, who will defend the world with a security force.

We will blow up the White House.  Lol.  That's our promise, if God tells us enough times to do it we will.  LOL.  HAhah. 

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