Sunday, 3 February 2019

All the killing I did for the children of God, it was because of this one girl who said she would marry me if I killed for Jesus.

I killed so many people who were evil devils.

It was largely because of my first love, who confessed she was a child prostitute strung out on coke and heroin, who I loved with all my child heart.

Then when I was older this model gave me her hair, and it was a sign that if I was like Napoleon, and killed everyone evil in the world, she would marry me.  Hahaha.

I loved those girls so much, and then my other women had also been raped.

I would later become very concerned with this organization of murdering boys and men, who raped younger boys and caused them to be become child rapists and murderers.

I wound up freeding thuosands of people in Victoria BC from those men's and boys chains.

That is what alleges the Hell's Angels, whose Boss tells me I will become a member of the hell's angels now.

I must be a Hell's Angels and Mason, so I can hold power in the public domain, people who aren't Hell's Angels and Masons aren't allowed to hold power.

The Masons call me brother and tell me "what do you have to worry about ?" The Hell's Angels call me bro and good friend.

We control organized crime, we kill the terrorists who the cops won't get, because of their atheistic cult treason, the hell's angels I know while officially claiming to be atheist, have mystic religious experiences and seemed to be attracted to religious people.

I went and killed another 95 people in this neighborhood for the God this summer, all child abusing child rapists caught by telepathic communication.

"If anyone can hear me, they raped my child and are threatening to kill me and my family."  "can you help."

The silent listeners heard this, and I found out , and God told me we were going to kill 50 people, I urged him to kill more.  95 people died.

Then I drank gin with the hell's angels commander and we discussed the saints, the gods and the Jesus.

He confessed he was looking after women, helping them make money, and that he would kill anyone who went against his women in force.  I agreed with him, the women are allowed to have sex and be paid.  Pretty much.

I shot a few more people, including a corrupt cop, and met a young girl or two who had no real friends, and told them, "there's angels and nice people out there."

I" am listening to this,
Martin Roth Analog Guy in a Digital World.

I am killig 50 million people this year, I don't know if you are.

50 million terrorists, including corrupt spies and cops and church men.

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