Monday, 28 January 2019

Christianity another iteration of the foreign traitor terrorist pedophile cult? It depends in whose hands Christianity is.

Well, I got hit by the Christians again.  If it's not the Christians violating my human rights it's the Muslims or the Hell's Angels. 

Child killing cult speaks volumes about it's perspective on loyalty to society and the Earth.

'Salvation is through grace, not works, let anyone should boast.' 

So no one is doing any good deeds then?  NO ONE DOES ANY GOOD DEEDS?

What is this world war 3 with spies who will destroy you everywhere if you do anything good?

'Yes'. Yes the Christians.

Well I think we need more loyal serial killing pedophiles.  hahahah.

'You're right.'  Says the Christians.

This is my impresion of the Christians over all thus far working on being a Christian. 

The men who marry Christian women in my experience are hardly Christian at all, they 'preach the gospel' to seem good, and go around raping kids and killing snitches. 

I know that sounds a bit harsh, but I met that is the one Christian family I know.  A pedophile and Murderer for a dad, and that woman who thinks I am going to molest her kids. 


Wow that is akward. 

Oh God. 

Yeah it's the motherfucking twighlight zone like 99% of people have to die and go to hell forever.

It's totally weird.

Bitch seems to have raped her own son when he was a baby.  Wow, hardcore.  Her dad wanted me to kill her over it, cause he doesn't rape kids till they are 9 or 10 years old. 


I'd report these guys to the police but the last time I called the cops about a family raping it's own kids and being all murderers and shit, the cops have destroyed me by kidnapping me and throwing me in the dungeon and forcing me to take poison, then the mernenaries tried to kill me 15 times, they tried blowing up my apartment building and killing my whole family. 

Yeah I did call the cops again a few more times, and apparently they tried to murder me and my family thousands of times , in my case, and a hundred times, in my family's case.

Well now, I am not going to be calling the cops no more. 

Yeah.  Sure I will call the cops on the pedophile and murderer family again.

I am telling you most of these people are pedophiles and murderers, not Christians. 

The cops are mostly murderers and pedophiles, is what I am trying to tell you.  I have good reason to suspect it.

There's more to my reasoning that what I am disclosing to you here, I have solid reasons for believing there are lots of these hell's angels pedophile and murderer policemen. 

The people around here talk openly about being pedophiles and murdering kids.

It's really godawful sometimes, when someone decides to talk to the police about say, terrorism, treason, theft, rape, murder, child abuse...

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