Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Atheist traitors, insisting God is a disease on the point of the Sword.

Truly I tell you, these people are traitors who wage war on those claiming God is not a mental disease or is most certainly not a mental disease, that it is a life form, and that it may even be the God.

They amount to a sectarian groupings of rapists, theives, drug dealers, traitors, murderers, cowards, idiots, slanderers, terrible liars, scoundrels, witches, child abusers.

They accellerate in evil as they cross the line beyond life and death, when they are aware that they are now getting life in prison and getting killed, some of them go insane and become young child murdering, young child rapist, mass murdering, destroy all human life type cultists.

You are supposed to prevent them from becoming that way, but the cowardly traitors in general just deny this problem is afflicting society.

They are profoundly narcisstic often, very sociopathic.

They tend to hate everyone and like someone like a family pet or something.

It's really bad the atheist traitors overall actions.  They basically cut off children from recieving help from the state, they desecrate the community with rape and unclean drugs addiction, with murder and child abuse. 

They claim no one has the right to change their ways, to stop them, definately not to punish them.  They will try to kill anyone who tries to punish them perhaps, some of them.

Most of them are on 'team kill snitch' and 'team baby rapist.' 

So beware of traitors, infidels, beware of them. 

Perhaps if you clean up psychiatry from the atheist devils attacking it, you can fix the mental health of humans considerably, but woe, psychiatry is under attack. 

Yeah, and Theology is primitive as fuck.

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