Wednesday, 14 November 2018

I've known only jerks and assholes and way too many super assholes.

Sad fact, but all my friends have been at least jerks, if not assholes.  If not super assholes (the kind who actually try to murder you whole family.) . 

So forgive me if I am a bit bitter. 

World ending, it's sort of okay with me.  The wicked going to hell, the so called neutral people not going to going to hell, it's all sort of okay with me. 

The good people will be rescued right, so it's good, our religion. 

I intend on being rescued and getting a nice house by the sea. 

Or by a lake. 

Ahh, and being fat and happy and helping people as best I can. 

I feel I could need that.

I need nice places for my elderly and disabled loved ones, with proper help.

You do too if you are a really good person who had been shat on over and over again. 

The slaves and workers must work, they must build me my town, where good people can come and be around other good people.  If this town is already built please show me to it.  Does it have to be super expensive like Victoria?  The greedy devil place?

They've robbed the kids of all proper children and youth culture, they are adulterous deviants, many of them by their mid twenties are already demonic. 

All these kids might have been okay when they were kids, but now I see them as jerks.  JERKS!  And in my experience, PLENTY OF ASSHOLES TO GO AROUND, ENOUGH SUPER ASSHOLES AROUND TO END THE WORLD. 

There's enough fucking super assholes on this planet that the world could be completely destroyed, don't you see that?

We have to wage a good resistance ,to prevent government from becoming a super asshole.

They best resistance is prayer and helping the special needy people, your loved ones, the weak, the poor, the innocent. 

Do those miracles you are supposed to do as youth, as kids, raise the kids to be street smart but on the good side.

You know they rape a few babies maybe. 

Maybe they kill cops for not killing kids.

You know, SMART PEOPLE who don't do that but know when people are just fucking around.

How do oyu know?  You can't always know it's too hard.

I don't believe in going around being telling people I am a child rapist and making it look like I am assaulting them or killing them. 

Is that what these biker gang people did to me?  Pretended they were trying to murder me and said they were child rapists?

Or are they really really trying to kill me and are they really child rapists!

I thought I had it bad but these people are from pirate and fatherless families.

They are really really messed up by 13, by 18 they are toting knives and guns and well into selling drugs sometimes. 

Then they are raping kids and trying to murder witnesses!

That's what seemed to have happened to me!

And the government is covering it up?

They work for the government now one of them!

It's sick beyond belief.

And I have to love these people and look over them and help them out!

It's really screwed up, I ain't got no one whose really really handy and good, in my local neighborhood life, other than those guardian angels who aren't allowed to socialize with me.

The Earth governments consider Angels to be Alien Terrorists or something!

The Official Church?  What do your local Church's leaders tell you about Angels?  Like nothing most of the time, like they act like they don't really exist at all in my case growing up...

Then we get no help, and they fucking sick on us with all their gangster dogs pushing dope and assaulting us, then we try to speak out, and it's bombings, death squads, stabbing issues, rape threats, child rape threats, slavery efforts, insults, slander, teaching you you are no good and deserve to die, more drug pushing, more fraud, stealing from you, trying to beat you up, cops don't give you so much as a kind word in all these struggles, government says nothing to you!

There ain't no nobody nice in my life!

My family is too handicapped to be nice, they can only be sort of nice, in fact they have been asssholes to me!

This is a mess I can't tolerate.

It's got me post traumatic stress.  amotivation disorder.

Schizophrenic?  fuck if I know. 

My God keeps me going, and the support payment, and the occassional help from a family member or a neighbor. 

I can barely go out anymore, it's so post traumatically stressing for me go out.

My brother James has it too, he tried to report child porno to the police and they put him in jail for possession and put him in the mental hospital and they declared he had a God delusion and shouldn't believe in religion anymore, basically.

He didn't serve any real time in jail still, but they managed to convict him and put him in a mental hosptial for a long time.

He was pretty crazy he needed to be in the mental hospital - but the GOD Delusion?  Shouldn't be religious?  What the fuck kind of message are these wicked people sending?

I'm telling you MORE Than HALF the POPULATION IS WICKED.

It's gotta change, or we're not going to have a decent climate, we're going to continue to have wars and social strife and poverty affecting us severely.

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