Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Turbulent Gang Conflict in England? My source says Yes.

Yes I have had a source from England's community tell me the gang war there is far worse than the one here. I believe it because I see that violent crime rates are higher in Britain than in Canada.

United States and Britain have more violent crime than Canada generally, though there tends to be more crime in Canada on the East Coast and in the Prairies.

To some degree it may be a statistical trick that it only seems there is more crime in Britain and USA, but I think it is a fact that police there are more strict and bust people more, rather than crime being worse.  Canadians feel it is okay to leave people's punishment to God and the Angels more it seems.  Hahhaha.

I dunno about that.

It's pretty safe in Victoria apart from a few bad guys, though the neighborhoods some of them are very hard on police informants.  Some places have been plagued by a lot of arrests and people there are sick of being convicted for crimes and even locked up by over zealous cops and prosecutors and judges.  That means there is a backlash against police infomrants.

Still however my English source tells me there is a worse situation in England, at least Southern England and Central Western England.

From the looks of it parts of America are really though too from what I saw.

Stats say America is a more likely place to get murdered than either England or Canada.

Well that's all folks.

Maybe later I will add some links to statistics and crime reporting websites.

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