Sunday, 11 February 2018

Talking to Mother Nature and And Old Woman appears over my shoulder

Yeah ever since I was visited by that Old Woman in a Dream, I have been talking to mother nature sometimes.  Now that old woman appears to me when I am talking to Mother Nature.
Am I talking to Mother Nature?  The sign is it's not going to be cold afterall, maybe Tomorrow instead of being cold in Victoria it will be fine! 
I an other people prayed for it to snow, and then we had a snowstorm a few days later last november or early december.
I didn't record it completely.
Now then we prayed for it to snow on Christmas, and it snowed on Christmas.  Second year in a row we prayed for it to snow on Christmas and it did.
I prayed for it snow last year on Christmas and it did, for a few days around Christmas we had a snowy time. Hahaha.
Yeah I am the one who prayed for the drought, the cops are doing barely anything about the slave trafficking rape.
We've had a drought several years running as they do nothing about rapists and throw people reporting child abuse in the mental hospital and terrorism, and DO NOTHING!
Well they did nothing about a bunch of stuff  - and there was a drought.  Maybe they were doing too much, about other things.
I want to do a science.
I want to organize the population to observe and report spiritual occurences, and pray for things to happen and observe and report what happens.
I want to do this forever and ever and keep doing it.
I am meeting an Alien Archangel after what the Guru said was the Voice of God told me I would meet himmmm...
Oh yeah that alien Archangel is going to kill me one day. hahahah
Don't talk to the Aliens.
They are demons.
He won't confess his sins to me!
Authority means he puts on trial for sins and we don't get to try him for his sins?
Or he blows up the planet and throws us all in hell?
I was visited by an Angel spirit and it told me they had designed a weapon which teleported the entire planet into the place of infinite torture! 
That's true!
Well whatever I guess I've had a good life.
Thank God and Mother Nature and Archangels and the shitbags they created to serve them.
Yeah all the workers!  Thank you, you aren't a shitbag!  Gabriel Wise told me to respect all life, but I think he's basically saying we're the shitbags and he's the boss, the truth, et cetera.
Well Good for him.
Nah he's not saying we're shitbags, he's just putting us on trial to throw us in hell , and plotting to blow up the universe! 
What a great groovy guy he is.
So I started doing it, and the inner creational spirit welled up inside me, I was filled with light.  We gotta throw all the childrne in hell forever you know wht I mean?
These psychotics gotta go to the hospital and get reformed, you know what I mean?
Personally I need a lot of medications, to deal with all this stress.
I've been persecution since I was 6, persecution which inculding threaten to rape me as a child and torture me forever and attempt to blow up my apartment building!
The cops, they turned a blind eye, that's all I can say!
The devil the slave trafficker master lord genocidal madman is really trying to get you , and he's a torturere if you resist him.
Yesh the white devil.
Yeh the Dark Devil.
Yeah they like threatened me and my little neighbors with rape in uor neighborhood back in the 1980s, robbed our house and the cops treated my paretns like they were the criminal!
Fuking kll the cops, that's what Jesus said.
Well specifcally Jesus told me that our MO is "sell crack, kill cops."
So now Jesus told me I would meet this Archangel Gabriel guy,and then Jesus tells me to kill someone, and report it to Gabriel and they get attacked by ghosts in their heads, slashed, harassed by UFOS in the sky!
I preaching to the Outlaw Gangsters, notifying the government of God's punishment, which is that nations who forget God go to hell and the wicked go to hell, according to this Angel Gabriel.
Sorry Archangel.
Yes and Gabriel told me i was the son of God after hearing some of my tale and I asked God if that was true could I be executive vice president, and the voice the guru says is Angel Metatron Voice of God says that I am Exective Vice President, and I ask God for a huge fleet of UFOs to appear in the sky and they do.
I guess the Alien race is skanning our minds with nano implants fused to our consciousness and choosing some of us "TO SEE AND UNDERSTAND" teling the others "THAT THEY WILL GO TO HELL!"
Well Jehova appeared to me or something appeared when I would talk to the "FATHER GOD"  and it would sit there and eat dinner with me and be like "Kill 1 billion people' and "I torture children forever." Haha that Jehova he's hilarious.
He told me he would rape my daughter and i was like 'Oh sure, I will personally film the rape and we can share it with our friends."
Then a few weeks later Jehova or whatever be like "you gotta go to hell forever." 
He told me just before that though, a few days or a week earlier, that I shoul 'Go to hell, it's better."
This might have been a reference to the issues the Jesus brought up, about being the biggest Mafiosi and saving the children, and how we had to "rape some of them" ... "to save them and make things right." and how I should "kill cops and rape kids."
Now I'm with this Archangel Gabriel Wise, and I tell him about the things God is telling to me.
I explained to Gabriel about killing anyone personally that I was handicapped and impoverished and that he would better do it than me since I already killed 50 or 500 people, God isn't sure how many.
I warned Justin Trudeau of God's punishment, which was the about the be destruction of the world, and throwin the whole world in hell except the righteous who founded their own free states.
Yes the scientists and doctors are conspiring to say there's no miracles ,and the government was ensalving you in a satanic way, making you al into outlaws and raping all the kids.
HAHAHA Whatever government, were you doing that or what?
We're just kindly going to throw the wicked in hell okay?  Don't mind me while I do.
I talked to Gabriel a lot nd spent a lot of time wiht Mary, Jehova and Jesus, and we hung out nad celebrated.  Now God says we utterly destroyed 500000 people, and now there are only 40 million slaves of the devil insted of 250 million.
The Queen of England called me in the spiritual telephone and told me to start a rebel group, and I dialogued with various people and started "BOKO NOVO" a education reform and social reform movement.
Now Mother Nature is with me, and she be like "oh nick, it's so sweetness."
Boko Nova plans to find out what God is doing and tell the truth about Gods and Heaven and stuff and find out about it.
Boko Novo is on facebook, a royally sanctioned rebellion.  If needs be we will suceed from the asshole state with Queen Elizebeth as our head of state.
hahah I got my own microstate in the works.
The Principality of Altairid Draconain Nicholas Boake also on facebook, which is part of the Altarian Kingdom, also on facebook, which is loyal to the rightoeus princes and queens and al their beloved subjects. ahahha a perfect society is what I am trying to create.
A Divine society.
Repent Divine Society of rebels breaking away from the Canadians is all we need. Republical of Vancouver Island with ME AS DICTATOR?  COMMONWEALHT OF LOWER VANCOUVER ISLAND WITH THE QUEEN AS HEAD OF STAE AND ME AS DICTATOR MARRIED TO A ENGLISH PRINCESS A NOBLEWOMAN!
Okay maybe about this last part I am just having a dangerously high time.
It's that killer BC bud dude.
Yeah we'll help everyone to love each other and be innocent warrior missionary pastor prophets angels and stuff. ahhaha and we'll be saved by the most powerful nation in heaven.
Yes well I met the Angels when I became a deep believer in Islam and Chinese and some forms of Christian religion and I met Gods ands did things for them , they proved they existed to me.
So now I am ordering the deaths of all the wicked in the world, one month.
Will you join me in prayer, and speak to the Angel Gabriel? Archangel.
I am a public face of God's Kingdom.
Me and Gods partied for months, I was visited by what looks like Zeus and Odin.
A woman appeared to me, and told me "It's an image, created by Heaven."
Yes I talked to Galactic Counsil in my head sent them a message, and a great spacefleet appeared t me after the possible voice of God told me I was executive vice president....
I was probably executive vice president for a month or something like that, they are hiding things from me but my they seem friendly.
I guess we should do a science but most of you are probably cowards or fearful people who fear the consequences of doign that for rational reasons.
Did anyone notice the Bible was changed?
God teleported in these new bibles ,or I entered a new dimension.
I have a great memory sometimes, I dont' believe I am so insane I don't know what's going on.
I am willing to sacrifice myself to save childrne from harm, not insane.
They are insane, they let these evil people hurt their children and don't do things of faith like 'warn them of God's punishment' "pray to God to send teleporting angry angels to them and freak them out." investigate what happened with a lie detector test, convict them and then leave them to God's punishment (no prisons.).
They are covering everything up!
There's no bad guys around here, no hell's angles and cia angents you know what I mena?
Warrior people who want to fight wars and win the honor of Odin or hwatever are te devil, they are the wicked killers and pedophlse who want to blow up the world and ensalve the people in a satanic fascist dicatorship.
They openly lied about Odin, and promoted their filthy on this planet.
HAHAHAH I dunno about all that last part about Odin and shit.
I know about it a bit. I met the guy who wanted to be dictator, he was designed weapons to mass exterminate people, hahaha.. He believed in Odin he was a pervert he wanted to fight peope, his 5 or 6 year old daughter asked to have sex with me!  WTF?  WAS HE MOLESTING HER?
I reported him toe the police and they tried to throw me in the mental hospital again.
I run away because despite the fact they claim the hospital is goo,d they torture innocent kids inthere and give me poisons that I am allergic too despite me warning them.
They insist on poisoning me everytime I go to the hospital.
That is why I am afflicting BC with plague and drought and fires and floods and landslides ad stuff.
People won't believe that this is happening - they are "UNBELEVERS".
They could be going to hell, or are going to hell.
Sorry about that, it's nto my fault it's my father in heaven and the aliens who created us, they suck your soul out when you die and can dispose of it in the infinte torture place if they want.
Yeah you rape kids and torture them all their lives , torture and try to murder the ones who speak out, try to murder their familiels even, you are going to hell for sure, you are a severely wicked pervert.
Then you got the Muslims, whom Gabriel says are the devil at war with GOD, and they are recorgnized as supporting the anti christ by the some churches, or an anti christ anyway, they argue that you shuld torment everyone with devil worship and sorcerey and rape kids and murder innocent people - and that hat is what God wnts.
I dunno, I guess there's good Muslims btu I want o know what live is like in the middle east.
I hear the teachers there are pedophiles and the kids are raised to rape young children.
That's not bad, that's nightmarish for the people of God.
Yeah the Musims apparently appointed a devilish american satanic dictatorship wher they sai to rob rape enslave and kill and jail and torture everyone who said the kind of stuff Jesus Christ said.
Now we're inviting them to live here by what 5 million Muslims invading Euroep in the past 3 years? 10 years?
Yeah I say what is true, government of Canada, you are the nation going to hell according to Alien General Gabrie Wise, you are forgetting God.
And Rick Hellyer wants to come and tell us 'some aliens are our enemeis."
Whta the devil has so many hostages you have to work for him if you want to get a special powers?
PRetty much.
God Told Me (what the pastor says is God) I talked to the Angel Gabriel about what God said.
250 million hostages of the devil, 450 million slaves of the devil. on thsi planet.
People have to work for them.
Well, they could go to hell, they might have died, Yahweh Lord claims we killed 500000 people so far, and now there's only 40 million hostages.
The deviants just keep surrending to these demons and not beleiving what they do, the mentaly ill deny what they do infact. There is a great epidemic of mental illness.
Unbelievers won't believe what is going on!
Schizophrenia is causing further confusing, as people want to feel that they are hearing things rather than face the devil's army!
Now we have both hell's angels and devil's army in Vic City, and they be working for the child rapist mass murderer.
I caught what I suspected was the hell's angels threatening the people at the daycare for admitting the boss was raping and abusing the kids there!
It's like there's no real believers around here!
Only people pretending to be the devil, and the infidels. Well Jesus told you not to do that, it makes toher people, do bad things sometimes.  kids can't help but do bad things when they are around the hypocrite demon people, even young man can't help it.
Your youth are in a plague of pornography, sex prostition and drug gangs.
They should be on medicine, being helped by their Guardian Angels and gettin God's protection!
They tried to blow up my partmenet building but God warned me and I prayeand the bomb did go of.... then I tried to find the bomber and my dad said "let's go to this Island" and I saw the bober and got him to confess.  I prayed that the Holy Ghost would make him confess , or that we would torture them all forever. hahahah I ad already spied to the workmen planting the bomb, and knew who one of them was thankfully.
Then they sent death squads to get my family, but it didn't go down so well.
They had to run away because there was a menacing dragon protecting, the Yellow Dragon of Almed.

Dragons are space creatures now.

We need to submit to God until we hear his voice, and then prove he exists!  We need people to risk all war and death to do this, and stop fighting the wars but let God fight for you...  talk to Angel Gabril about what hapened, he'll destroy 50 or 5 million people.

Teeeheheh, I'm looking forward to further attemps.

I have bene praying to be a prophet fora long time, and I went along an now God warns me before every illigitemate assault on me.  I get that the government wants to give me more psychiatric med,s could they um give me some xanax? Lol

I need ritalin, medical cocaine, xanax, I need a lot of good stuff.  lol

Yeah they started all calling me the dark warrio of the sith andshti after I exposed them to not my super power,s but God's super powers.  It's not special power of mine.

I wish all the Earth would pray to God to destroy the wicked already , but they fear what that could mean.

They don't trust God.

See the Church has never been doing it's job since it closed down the early church and impoed roman pedophile dictatorship.

We should have been recording what God was doing all along, loyally and truthfully and invesigationg it, but they always chickened out and said there was no money!  But 4-5% of hte poulation is unemployed and we are throwing out millions of tons of foodos each year since time immerial... they could be given beer and smokes i they want, and fed, and observe.

We throw out millions of tons of food, because it is" excess" form the stand point of the insane bankers and their minions the devil agriculuralist.

So I learned in my studies. I learned it was because the food was thrown out ot keep the price p, so the bank could keep collecting on it's loans to poor farmers and the big agribusiness.

Jesus said "money is the root of all evil." ... Without money we could just produce everything and try to give everyone everything they need and stuff like a great big charity foundation.

My Friend Jehova is in my head by this heavenly contact right now telling me that "God would like that."

Sorry about gunning you all to shit wiht God, but you have to be striated out and protected you creepy creepazoids you innocent good people and all that. 

Your children are being taught to fear the devil so much they are all becoming creepy pedophiles and terrorists!

For Christ's sakes you need to be a Rightoeus Saint and ask God to help the world and save it.

You need to thank God and praise God and increase God's glory, like I am doing.

I didn't go to jail, I was always trying me best to be a Saint, see my famiyl taught me I was from Heaven, and I saw UFOs and stuff.....  My mother was talking to the Gods sometimes and the White Light of Jesus.  She feared the enemies so much she made terrible mistakes, and died of cancer, but it was a good death, free of pain, just filled with sadness.

She was so sad that the enemies went to war with us and were so perverted about it.

The wicked will go to hell, the enemies of God and the believer will almost never be forgiven, assures the Quran.

But the Muslims allowed the devil's army to take over and decree that God wanted a Dictatorship and that the King WAS GOD, and that they should all be pedophiles and murderers.  A peace treaty with the perverts perhaps?  Is "Islam some special child purchasing place."


They sell their daughters for Christ's sake.

God told you to sell your sons and then those people sell their daughters.

That's good, be pimsp you know what I mean?  Be a terrorist and don't hurt anyone, leave that to God the Angels and stuff.

Just beat the crap out of those fuckers who fuck with oyu that hard.

Don't let them kidnap you and torture you.

"This is the word, of the good." Proclaims Jehova to me now.

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