This facebook guy Gabriel Wise, he claims to be an Archangel. Told me "Islam is at war with God."
For some reasons, I believe he is an Alien Archangel.
I have been visited by UFOs before I met him, they kept flying around my house when I was asking God if there were any Angels looking out for me in heaven.
Then I kept asking God to meet Gabriel, or another Archangel, and find out what was going on directly from them.
Now I have been getting these white ghosts creatures talking to me for some time, my Guru friend and the Pastor of the Church told me they were the voice of God.
Now the voice of God or whatever it is told me that I would meet "Gabriel"...sort of.
A few days later I am introduced to this Gabriel Wise character. I talk to him and he tells me I am the son of God.
Then I ask God if it's true, can I be vice president of the universe for a while, a day or something?
A few days later the thing the pastor and guru says is the voice of God shows up and says "you're the executive vice president".
So I ask God if it's true that I am executive vice president, can I see a big UFO fleet here to "destroy the world and bring down the nations of the wicked and save the righteous?" "Can we have some more Angels?" hehehe
Then I go outside and I see like a large Blue light which I think is the death star or something , i aks God, can it wobble to show it's a UFO, and it wobbles, then I look for a whole fleet of "Star Destroyers" and I look and there's 100-200 white ufos appearing zig zagging acroos the sky. hahah
So Gabriel, my wisdom suggests, could be an Alien Representative.Gabriel Wise everyone, you can finally talk to the messenger of heaven. hahaha
Weird, wonder if the joke is one me.
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