Tuesday, 6 February 2018

So meeting "AN ANGEL" and wondering if it's the devil, what is the whole "leaving it to God" thing about?

Yeah I am writing just honest, raw thoughts which some people will freak out and say are crazy or whatever.

Some people might call me an unbeliever or blasphemer, hey I am a bit weird, but I wouldn't go that far at all.  People have to use their brains, sometimes, you know?

Yeah so I was really suspecting Jesus Christ of being a "pussy" or a "bad guy" cause they be like "no fightey" and like "don't call the cops."

In fact I have this long running repeating thought that Angels and God are some Mafia conspiracy to prevent us from acheiving a just orderly society.

I mean they say in the bible 'leave it to God." 

What if God doesn't exist?  What if Angels are bad?  Leave the decisions of justice and resolution of conflict to Angel and God?

Well I heard about what happened in Liberia, seems they got raped and tortured forever while leaving decisions to "GOD". 

Admittedly it was only about 10000 people who died, and maybe 20000 or 30000 who were enslaved and tormented and raped and mutilated - but look what happened?  Did God come out of the sky or was there a NATO and UN and ECOWAS intervention in Sierra Leone and Liberia?

What would happen if we practiced total non violence, as the new testament sort of claims we should, and left "everything to God?"  Would we have no self reliance?  No confidence?  Would we submit to every evil one in the world? 

Hey and honestly you know that Jesus was crucified as a serious criminal, and Paul, who admitted he was the "WORST KIND OF CRIMINAL" was also jailed nad then executed.

Maybe we should ignore this criminal mafia propaganda that we can leave everything to the "good guys" and "not do anything" to acheive justice, peace and universal prosperity?

What if I told you Jesus was a little boy but rapist and was trying to create a pushover pedophile cult?

Would you shoot me at that point or tell me I had to go to jail or be stoned to death for blasphemy?  Ah and never mind that part about leaving things to God right?


Well Islam came along, and it decreed it was the new Christianity, and the old regimes were infidels.  Now what does Islam say?  Well it explicitly endorses sex with 6 year old girls, universally, and even, in the hadiths, mentioned that Mohammad conducted incestuous tongue sucking with litle boys.

So the paradigm of the pedophile cult of little boy but rapist and little girl rapists is well established on this planet you see?  That is why I am so prudent, you know, suspcious, paranoid?  Whatever you call common sense prudence.

I am not just accepting this God shit and Angel will take care of us shit, didn't you notice 300 million people brutally exterminated in wars in the last 100 years?

Oh but that was okay, because God was taking care of everything.

Right well, time for the real men, the big boys, to tell the Chrisitans to pipe down and have a real discussion.

So flagrant pedophile and rapist cults exist.  Yeah.... the people responsible for the genocide and tortore in Liberia and Sierra Leone belonged to some of them.  Yeah, they culture told them it was good to go and rape and murder and torture the other people to punish them for the Gods.  YEAH.  Watch "Cannibal Warlords of Liberia" by Vice News and hear General Butt Naked's Confession.

I know this sounds like some sort of horrific joke but it is not.

Extremist Islam is advertising sex with little girls and sexual acts with young boys as normal ,and also saying that critics of Islam have to be killed, and that non Muslims should be raped, robbed, enslaved and murdered.


Bet you don't like that, and want to try me for hate speech.  Sick fucks, that is what those religions say to do.

And don't think Judiasm is the chosen people either, their holy book the Talmud tells them to rape, rob, and enslave and murder the entire human race.  It claims "the messiah will do that."  So beware of any Jewish person claiming to be "the Messiah."  Haha Yeah seriously, watch "sick evil Jewish talmud.'  There used to be an hour long version but now there is only a ten minute clip because the people who posted it feared for their lives and that of their children, apparently.

The Jewish Talmud goes to explain that "it's nothing at all' to fuck a little girl under the age of 3 years old, and that she has "replenishing virginity.'  Doesn't Mohammad also talk about little girls in paradise with replenishing virginity?  Seems to be a recurring pedophile theme.

Now apparently political correct motherfucker rats want us to shut up about it, and not criticize Islam, African REligions, or Judiasm.

They don't care that Muslims, Blacks and Jews are told to rape murder and enslave our kids by their religious leaders.

They claim I am lying and try to ban my speech ,slander me as a Nazi et cetera. 

If they had theri way, blogger woudl close down my blog and the Canadian or US government would put me in jail - for the crime essentially of "being an honest anthropologist and police informant."

In fact the Jewish religion is so clear about police infomants being criminals, that it is actually a law called "mesirah" look up "mesirah" in wikipedia, which states that a person who informs the police about the activitise of a Jew can be killed without warning.

Apparently there is a long history of religion on this planet being some kind of excuse for tyrants, murderers, rapists and pedophiles to elaborate their grand scheme of dominating humanity.

So forgive me if I am a little suspcious of these "Angels" and thsi "God guy' and actually want to cooperate with police in stopping, arresting, trying, jailing and executing child rapists and murderers and slave traffickers of our own people!

On the plus side, that seems to be what Moses at least said to do in the Bible.  Maybe not every religious person was a creep, Moses seems to have enacted harsh laws to deter what are medically and scientifically determined as harmful behaviors in the Old Testament.

However apparently the Jewish people had a dark side, and while promoting harsh justice with Moses, spoke of committing horrific crimes in their "SECRET" book, the TALMUD.  The Talmud stipulates that a Jew can be killed for revealing the Talmud to a non Jew. 

It is a sham you see.  A disgusting, murderous rapist, slave trafficking, robbing pedophile scam.

A barbaric gangster sham.

So forgive me if I want evidence, before I turn in my guns to the "Angels of God and the Religious Authorities and GOD"....  before I stop doing anything about stopping major sins and crimes.

Don't people understand that pedophilia is very hurtful to kids, that it can cause major problems for them?

Don't people understand that warfare and conflict between humans, slavery and oppression are harmful?

Why do they so yearn to harm children and each other in cruel savage wars?

Well apparently their religions mostly tell them that "that is what God wants you to do."

It's pretty gross, and that this point you have to be forgiven for wondering if God is a savage torturing child rapist mass murderer.

In fact why should you have to be forgiven for wondering that?  Wondering that is a good idea!

So what I propose we do, is to put these Angels and God on trial, and see what they actually do to help us against these murderers, rapists, child abusers, slave traffickers and theives.

Maybe they do nothing?  Maybe God is secretly on the side of the monster criminals?

What if God is a paranoid schizophrenic or has reason to believe that one day he will be dominated by an Evil Force?  Maybe God made things hurtful, wicked, and cruel, to satisfy his fear of the eventual evil ones?

I dunno, I am hanging out with God all the time in my head apparently, but he doesn't say too much about what he thinks.

Maybe God has to get along with all these barbaric gangsters and criminal child rapist slave trafficker cults?

So we should become closer to God, and record what happens when we meet with these suspected murderers, slave traffickers, and child rapists.

However I think I cannot give up on my intention to hit them very hard. I expect God to hit them very hard.  I expect Angels to kill them, destroy them, ruin them, make them feel remorse, make them turn away from sin and repent.

I expect that from God I am just an ordinary non criminal, you know an innocent person, and I find it totally savage and disgusting that non christians and non buddhist, perhaps non hindus and non sikhs, openly advertise and condone child rape and murder and slave trafficking in their religious books and training for priests and children.

These people literally raise up children on a war path to raping and enslaving your children and murdering you!

Shoudl we do nothing?

I would argue that at this point it would be totally retarded to leave this matter to "GOD" who hasn't proven he exists and doesn't prove he is good either?  I mean they say God is terrible, the most savage moster criminal ever!  We be like, "No he's not, you're going to hell?"

What the hell man?  Europeans and East Asians and Hindus stand as a force of civilization in a world populated by utter darkness.

I mean these African cannibal cults literally enslave and rape kids and force them to murder people and then kill them. They literally say to their kids "that's what God wants us to do, and you'll go to hell if you don't do that, forever and ever, and suffer infinite pain.' 

Islamic, Jewish, what other cults are sociopathic?

Is our own society suffering a gang war psychosis that we are covering up?

It's so bad man, I am obsessed with it.

So let's talk to God and see what he does, and what Angels do.  Maybe like me we should make contact with guardian angels and ufos and see what they do?

Or if we find out, will we all have to become barbarian savages?

What if God and the UFOs and Aliens do want us to be serial killing slave traffickers, pirates, slave raiders, rapists and child molesters?

LOL Are white people better off just not believing in Aliens and God and being civilized?

What I have found is that God seems to be protecting me, or some force of nature, as I argue with these evil cults, and try to combat serious crime, but what, on earth, is God and the Forces of Nature, Aliens and so on, doing with other people?

It's a serious question.

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