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Iftekhar Haider Chowdhury
Active on Messenger

Iftekhar Haider Chowdhury
Member of Atheist vs Theist Debates w/o Bans or Blocking and Religion Debate And Discussion
hey man see you read my writing!
I love Mohammad he's the best satanist in Arabia in a long time.
Do ou know I am even better than Mohammad?
LOL haaI I am the new "END TIMES" prophet .
It's the 621st Dajjali Empire
You won a prize, you be my friend for a bit.
Iftekhar Haider Chowdhury accepted your request.

What’s this? Lol
What I expect from God if I am really his friend. HAhaha
We should all be friedns of God
i am ordering the Earth to be God's friends. hhahaha
I am the ultimate prophet in training. hahaha
What hte hell do you mean? I don't need to fight anyone dude.
I can just preach and protect my family by being peaceful. you guys are illiterates.
LOL sorry about that
My dad had to teach me the hard way that I was illiterate.
Taliban are illiterates.
Al Qaeda was the devil.
We should make peace and prove God exists.

Sounds like a great idea 

I am the first religous scholar in a while.
You haven't had any religious scholars on thi planet in 500 years who went public.
You people are warring gainst the united nations.
You are rebel outlaws
LOL sorry about that

We are actually being controlled by lizard people
I am on a humanitarian mission from the outer space royal of of ALLAH.

To kill the Lizard people?
You have corrupted Islam, become rebels.
God kils 50 million lizards peple a year, we don't have to kill anyone, just protect our families.
Wes struggle, not fight.

Hey man Dhul Karnin built the wall to keep the God and Magog out. Now Donald Trump came as an incarnation and is going to build the wall to keep the illegals out
Angels fight man, prophets report on the angels.
Prophets are jouranlist missionary clerics.
journalist missionary clerics and paladins and wizards. I am a wizard paladin cleric.

Are you related to Nicholas Cage?
It's a secret don't tell anyone, hahaha
The Muslims are diplmats, diplomats, the believers are union organizers, the prophets are the bosses and journalists and teachers, the angels are the fighters. but God really supposed to send angels from heaven not oyu fight each other. God exists you can prove it with science but you hae to pay a price to see God existence,you have to train to be a Jedi then. Haha or a Sith Lord. hahah
Earth is misguided, it makes murder beacuse it not paise and gloriy god, praise and glorify God.

Go vegan

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I have to call the food bank.
i am eligible hear to go pick of a few things
I am eligible here
Well we are poor, we don't fight anyone unless it absolutely necessary. Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi is not God and the ISIS is a terrorist organization rebel group . it might have used chemical weapons on innocent civilians and raped children.
I refuse to submit to criminal rapist drug dealr terrorists.

Only you can get rid of this ISIS crisis 


I guess I will try

We believe in you
All the best
May God give you the strength

May I share this conversation if I censor your name friend?

well this is going to be trick
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