Tuesday, 6 February 2018

A rant about what I think of this planet.

It was planned by our corrupt Mafia and Devil Cult leaders in the 1980s, this generation would be a generation of garbage who is not fit to worship any God.

The culture war has not gone well.

While the Church continues to be generally a fake cult, the government remains pro crime and corrupt, the people have become a cowardly, treacherous, worthless pile of shit.

They'd like us to worship the Rich, and love all the worst criminals more than our own parents and families.

Seems like 99% of you are garbage sluts, whores, gangsters, evil cultists, pedophiles, and terrorists.

I've never met a woman who wasn't a slut and a murderer at least, a pedophile, terrorist and whore at worst.

You're all garbage, and what's worse, you're getting worse.

The cops help out these whorish masses, helping to persecute anyone who is even thinking of being innocent.

Just wanting to be innocent is enough reason for you to get killed by devilish witches and poisoners, the parasitic Muslim pedophile terrorist thug rebel rapist slave trafficking theif is upheld as the "paragon of virtue.".

Kids want to sell cocaine, and work for ISIS!

Multiculturalism seems to mean we have to love every evil cult and foreign terrorist gang, betray our culture and country and hate our families for not being Hindu or Islamic or Buddhist.

And it's funny too, you make asses of yourselves constantly, proclaiming to the world what a worthless asshole scumbag you are, and getting constantly tuned and having calamity after calamity occur to you.  Still you didn't get the message, that God exists and is punishing you.  The kids of today are a generation of fools, enticed by devils rebels and mafia manwhorse and drugs dealers.

The people say "you can do whatever you want" and surrender to any kind of evil whatsover.  The population is an outlaw, a rebel, the Devil worshipping atheists are the tyrannical lord of the masses.

Even supposedly moral people "hate the word sin" and call people away from faith in Christ Jesus, the only way to not be a pervert.

Doctors will tell you you are insane if you talk to God, and if you report crimes to police as well.

Try to get justice for being poisoned by a foreign invader drug dealer, the doctors will double your poison and keep you in solitary for weeks on end.

The people hate themselves, and the whorish yankees call us to a third world war and nuclear armageddon.

There's no peace, anywhere in the West, except a few sidestreets where the righteous have set up shop.  The whole world is besieged by satanic criminal infidels, and compelled to be a drug addict and whore and slave.

Exageration?  Not really.

The Muslims declare that it is God's will for you to have sex with tiny girls, the Christian Church denies Jesus Christ is God and that there are Heavenly Races in contact with Earth, who Worship Jesus Christ. (Well a senior Catholic official denied that anyone in Heaven new Jesus Christ, what a fuck head)

Muslims try to kill almost everyone known publically to have criticized them, and the response from European leaders is to admit 5 million Muslim refugees into Europe.

It's all you can do is try to get some peace and security and a paycheck or small fortune.  Many dream of retiring to an Island or some imaginary peaceful place.

The women are heartless, they have no sympathy for the men who love them, engaging in flagrant fornication and cold hearted manipulation of men for their gangs.

The men are all traitors and cowards, down to the last one, who can barely keep themselves from hating and killing each other.

Thanks for the apples God, thanks for the steak, thanks for the beer.  And I thank all the workers too.  If only they were faitful and righteous they probably wouldn't be about to destroy themselves and other people by the hundreds of millions.

I can't walk a mile in this town, or for that matter meet a single soul, who is not in a gang or and self styled evil cult.

The women here are raised to be sluts who fuck random guys since they are 11 years old.

The men are all raised to be gangsters and spies, and fight each other for the cruel depraved leadership?  Looks that way, anyway.

Brotherly Love, Peaceful coexistence, there ain't none of that almost.  Except at a few righteous corners where a few people repented and turned away from sin, there you can find peaceful men drinking a beer or tea, having a joint, and harmlessly playing games and learning about life.

Now they allege this is a good place, a lot better than Toronto or Montreal or Winnipeg.  Apparently Winnipeg is like Hell on Earth.

At least her some rich believers and prosperous believers found it in their heart to feed the hungry.  The doctors at the hospital might be sexually abusive traitors and infidels, but they kind of help.  The cops, well, they don't want to be on the bad side of the slave trafficking murderers and pedophiles , we just leave those people to God.

Well God tells me we killed 50 people recently, who were a pedophile gang, looking to murder, a lot of people.  God still caps em off sometimes apparently.  Now the Mafia alleges it was me and my friend who killed those 50 people, or they did for a minute, God warned me when I was praying to him to destroy them that they might suspect it was me.  Oh well, it WAS GOD people.

Now we're not all going to become the permanent torture and humiliation and child abuse cult are we?  Cause if we do, it'll turn into wastelands over here.

If you want permanent psychological torture, humiliation and child abuse, you could move to the Middle East or Africa or India.

Hahah heartless slutty women I knew, who just murdered me.  All they did was spy and then murder me.  The fucking whores.  All you bitches are whores.  haha bitches.

Murderous fucking psycho slut whore girls.  And guys who can't stand each other, and want to rape each other's kids and kill and enslave each other.  Hooray for all these gangs, all theese cults, making it possible for you to go to hell forever.

Now I tried preaching it, but they wouldn't let a peep come out of my mouth, and they tried to kill me and my dad I guess, but that never happens to Saints, or almost, they were eliminated, by some Angels and God.


People have tried to kill me like 50 or 40 times, but it hasn't gone so well for them.

God claims that 50 people who tried to kill or hurt me have suffered famous things, like getting died, or clamming out, in other words, becoming most pious ex gangsters.

Now privately God someimtes claims that he and me, we killed well never mind, too many people.

I was the picture boy for the Anglican Church.

 God used to play a few games with me when I was a kid and young adult.

Now God is coaching me and visiting me all the time, even tucking me in at night and sending UFOs to frighten my enemies.

Ah, I got the glory of God and you didn't.

Well I was a loving skank, I loved women, just wanted to get married but thought I had to get laid, stayed out of gangs, smoked weed.  I was poisoned possibly, and then I told the doctors about it, and they locked me int the mental hospital for a month.

I suffered from mental illness for a long time off and on after that.  cops never told me about doing nothing about any of the crimes I was a victim of or reported to them, they just threw me in teh mental hospital everytime I takled to them basically.

I have been under attack a great many times by the trash heap masses and their craven lunatic gangsters.

The world was about to end, and it would compassionate if it would just die.  Maybe you hatred will fill you up and you will all kill each other, it could happen at any time.

I see you right now, stabbing and beating each other up, shooting each other, being rebel scum and outlaw terrorists.

Your women are virtual whores.

I want nothing to do with 80 or 90% of the population.

I care about some of your young people, who are sentimental and sympathetic to the God, but even among those, it is impossible because they take up Islam or the Beast/Devil and want to be terrorists and pedophiles like the "good muslims' and so on.


Feel the hate flow through me, I have turned to the dark side.

God is going to destroy you and that is a good thing, it is compassion for you to be tortured in hell forever and ever.

You have been ungrateful and cowardly and given into evil, and now you are the scum of the Earth, about to wage a pitiful war killing each other by the hundreds of millions and furthre ruining the reputation of Earth.

A race of ungrateful barbarian savages, who don't glorify God!  A land of sell out governments, treacherous elites, and fake churches.

A land of gangsters, cultists and terrorists, and part of the world, a decadent child abuse paradise, extending form the Atlantic Across Africa all the way across to South East Asia.

The Great Whore, the Child of the Devil.  The human race.

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