Sunday, 21 October 2018

My comments to Paul Hellyer, outspoken dissident prime minister of Canada.

The extra terreistials won't take over Canada if I am dictator. Haha but then again, I am from a race which is from a distant corner of the universe which is superior to humans and angels. yous should extend loans as charity instead of as debt, and you should get rid of money, and you should help people to have a better life always, especially those who have a bad life...... Islam is ruled by terrorist child rapists, so is the USA and BRITAIn. They try to kill the really honest upright people like 100 times. I don't llike Paul Hellyer as much as I would like because he is only saying they are liars.... They are murderers and rapists too. they are stealing 99% of our wealth. humans are a race of godless bitches so we had to have an alien invasion to save the planet okay? beware the demonic alien race it is going to invade too. We will protect the good people usually from it, unless they are too much like 'a good asshole' or something like we screw up or something. My Yahweh vision which proves it exists has been known to refer to me as 'the Emperor of the Universe' and so has my god 'Odin' vision. I am best friends with the Archangel Gabriel Wise, he is claiming ot be third in command of the main Archangel Gabriel's Kingdom in Heaven. That second Archangel Gabriel is the one humans have heard of... I can order their (evil dudes raping murdering robbing 99% of wealth's) destruction if the human race decides to agree with me about being a nice person. I am willing to undergo tests to prove I am not insane that I really see a lot of blessings and that I am really really nice guy overall.
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Nicholas Boake

you can let rapist murdering scam artist theives acquire 99% of your wealth and a have a totally criminal military dictatorship over you or your planet will have to be destroyed.

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