Have you noticed about the religion on this planet?
Moses and the Israelites are famous for being killers. They claimed God killed Egypt's firstborn and opened the sea for them to escape. Then they kept claiming God told them to kill this or that village, town, or district of people. They just go around killing damn near everyone.
Mohammad was a killer, according to his most famous biographers, he was killing this town here, that town there, and carrying of the women and children to use as slaves. He killed children for criticizing him.
Hmm, this seems a bit suspcious that we are relying on our information about God from a bunch of genocidal mass murderers and child killers doesn't it?
These religions founded on slaughter claim their genocidal mass murderers knew God personally, and that they recieved revelations from God and the Angels concerning what was good and what was bad.
A lot of Christians today will point to Jesus and say "Jesus didn't kill anyone. He has overriden what was recorded in the Bible before."
I seem to recall that Jesus said "I came not to bring peace, but to bring a sword." He also said about the Old Testament "I did come to change the law and prophets but to complete them."
So your Jesus doesn't claim to be changing anything that the old genocidal mass murderers wrote.
So we are trusting these people who went around committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, that they are talking to the "one true God" and that their ideas are "the ideas of the LORD OF ALL THINGS."?????????
You can see why people are questioning it today...
When you ask a Christian or Muslim for proof that their Prophets were talking to God, they tend generally only to say "Here is the Bible, here is the Quran, this is the proof."
Do these people really serve any kind of God at all? I mean if you were serving a God, wouldn't your God give you some proof, you know, to confirm that you aren't insane and that you are really serving a God?
The proof of Muslims is that they will kill you, this used to be the proof of the Christians too.
It was alarming when I went to Church, Saint Peter's and Saint Paul's, and saw the Reverend Wally there, who proclaimed his authority to kill people who reveal the Church's secrets.
Perhaps the Christians are doubting their religion, but in the Christian nations these priests still claim the authority to kill.
It is shocking, when you think about it.
I mean, it could be lies and deceptions right? It could the rantings of a depraved madman.
Signs that Moses and Mohammad were depraved madmen?
An honest person would have to admit that Moses and Mohammad show signs of being depraved. Moses orders his men to kill millions of civilians, but to save the little girls for their personal use.
Mohammad orders the slaughter of village and town after village and town, marries a 6 year old girl, keeps sex slaves.
From the standpoint of modern culture, and international human rights norms, Moses and Mohammad seem to be serious villains.
If some group in Africa or the middle east claimed to represent the one true God, and claimed it's leader was a prophet, and then proceeded to murder millions of people and rape their children, it would be condemned and perhaps fought against by nearly all nations on Earth.
Not very moral, is it, the Bible or Sirah of Mohammad?
Given the extreme cruelty exibited by the Jews and Muslims under there founding leaders, wouldn't one come to conclusion that the whole idea that they are talking to a God and doing it's bidding is complete and utter bullshit?
Given this situation, wouldn't one furthermore question the veracity of the claims about Jesus, and about miracles in general?
We have TV healers, who have repeatedly been caught faking their healings.
Now why do they do this? They want to give you some culture, control your mind, make you like or dislike people based on certain criteria. What's the purpose?
Given the depraved, cruel and evil nature of the founders of Judeo Christianity and Islam, don't you think it makes sense that perhaps their cultural and political program does not even make sense for the benefit of their own people or humanity in general?
Perhaps we should question whether these morals they claim came from God are really good for us as a people, do they make us happier, healthier, smarter?
I mean, what happened to that leader who was kind of merciful, didn't murder millions of people and didn't rape children? What did he claim he has morals revealed to him from God too?
Did a Christian priest put poison in his drink?
Hmm. I can't trust Abrahamic priests, that is all I can say. Anyone who wants to be a priest of that religion of the Middle East is highly suspect.
Claiming that one of the greatest men who ever lived murdered millions of civilians and raped their children.. You want to be a cleric for this religion mr young boy or man?
It's beyond unjust, it's nightmarishly horrid.
Ugh, I am sure some priests have a good intention, they have tried to create human rights some of them and prevent the worst atrocities from happening.
But one the whole, who reads the Bible, and thinks, "I want to serve that God!" Who reads the Sirah of Mohammad and thinks "I wanna be just like him!"
The answer is, someone who is insane and evil.
Now Amnesty international warns us that the US Catholic Bishop's are going to push to ban abortion and contraception. Eh, no sex for fun, eh? "More babies, fill up the world and go kill those fucking godless chinks" It would be funny if that was not exactly the kind of shit they had on their minds.
As someone who has always seen miracles, I feel naturally inclined to believe in some kind of God or Gods, existing, but as someone who as an adult sought God and found demons, I can honestly tell you, I am not impressed by our religious culture. I wanted to uphold the law and human rights, and make the world a nice place of friendship and happiness and intelligence.
For a long time I glossed over the parts of Islam and the Bible which condoned pedophilia, mass murder, genocide, slavery and capital punishment for essentially personal lifestyle issues and "thought crime."
I realized after being confronted repeatedly with women who had been raped as teenagers, that there were a lot of messed up people in this world who would do evil. Then I became informed that Judaism and Islam were condoning or promoting pedophilia, and there was the Christian child abuse scandal raging in the press.
It alienated me from Abrahamic religion, but I felt that they were going to boycott me or attack me if i didn't at least espouse support for their murderous, rapine religious cults.
I may also have had some sort of delusional complex, that the Abrahamic God had to be the real God.
It's normal to have delusions like this when you are young, clinging to the institutions of your culture, but it is dangerous, and must be put in check.
We can see how bad things have gotten in Europe in the 20th century, and how bad they are in Africa and the Middle East today.
If people continue to put Moses and Mohammad as the great examples of sitting leadership by a so called "prophet" - that is, if they continue to endorse, genocidal, mass killing, child rapists, you can see that human rights have in these groups a pernicious obstacle.
The kind of morality espoused by Mohammad and Moses is something that would be fitting for a macabre, distopian, twisted and very dark movie or book. It does not belong in real life.
What kind of life are Abrahamic clerics identifying as ideal? A life of service, they claim, of chastity, or sobriety, of charity. Charity to whom? Charity to people willing to adopt a genocidal mass murdering child rapist as their family icon and idol?
There's no telling what these guys would do if left unchecked. These fanatics for the genocidal mass murdering child rapist who says "God told me to do it."
No proof is offered for the truth of the idea that God told them to do it.
Now the Christian fundamentalists seem to be arguing that they are perfectly innocent, whereas I am deserving to die because I had a few fun times with my friends. I didn't harm anyone, was a perfectly decent obeyer of the enforced laws, but let's look at what enforced laws might really say about the Christian Fundamentalists.
1. They are practicing discrimination based on religion and race
2. They are claiming that truly the most immoral man is the best person or almost best person ever, and upholding his life as an example, doesn't this attack the public morals?
3. They are claiming the right to indoctrinate children to be like the Isrealites, isn't that a violation of international treaties?
Yes the Christian fundamentalists are saying the whole Bible is the word of God, which implies that God says it is "Good" to be the "worst of criminals." It really is an attack on public morality.
I can imagine why some people felt that Christians, or evengelists of the Bible as Word of God theory, should be thrown to the lions.
Now imagine this man coming and telling you absurd stories, and then telling you he works for God Himself. What does your own personal experience about believing in God tell you about what other people might be doing by claiming to work for God himself? Might it not be a scam, isn't that highly probable?
Now the people come and show you their book, it's about the "chosen people of God." What do they do? Well it happens to say pretty much that they kill millions of people and ensalve and rape their little girls! So there's not a shred of decency in these people, really.
Ask them for proof that their God is the True God, that they talk to the God... What do they do? They might show you some scams, fake healing, they might tell you stuff like 'THE BOOK IS THE PROOF" ... The books suggests they are going to kill you and maybe your whole family, rape your kids, et cetera, especially if you don't sign up right away!
Wow so, along comes the emissary from the Chosen people, and he tells you, "The Talmud is the word of God." What does it say? "Raping little kids is okay, and the Messiah is going to kill all the unbelievers."
So this is a serious child rape and murder cult eh?
Now the law isn't enforced, but they could be executed for Treason, Sedition, Ordering war crimes.
Yeah and what do we think about it? Put up our Christmas tree and hope nobody kills us or raped our kids. Fine we'll go and give the Temple some money so the priest can have a nice home and good food and wine and beer, a car, paid vacations, et cetera. Yes kids, this is the official child rapist mass murdering genocidal cult who says you deserve to die and go to hell, cause you are bad.
Thankfully, some Christians have seen the light of justice and civlization, and have gone to great lengths to reel in overzealous messianic isrealite wannabees.
I think I grew up in a Church which was sort of halfway there, kind of on the brink of becoming a humane place, but still clinging to a past of mind controlling hatred and venom. The new leaders of the cult are at least making a show of sweeping away the injustices of the past. Now we hear things like they added to or changed the Bible, that Jesus replaces the Old Testament, that we have to make world peace and mutual brotherhood.
The days when mass murdering genocidal child rapists were upheld as the supreme servants of God are not gone however, there is still some damn Jew or Christian who will get on the radio and say 'The Talmud is the word of God!" or "Moses and the Isrealites of his time were the best people who ever lived."
This kind of thing happens in Islam too, it is constantly commented that "Mohammad and his companions were the best people who ever lived." The Muslim is still taught that Ibn Ishaq's child raping mass murdering warlord and pirate is the "model to follow."
It's a hard time for honest cops, facing the criminality of world leaders and religious zealots. In fact cops are one of radical Islam's favorite targets. Christians do something bizzarre, too, after upholding Moses and his people as the best and brightest, they claim "the devil rules the world."
It's at this point, subversion to say the least, treason and sedition possibly at worst, corrupting the public morals for sure.
One Christian who liked to sell drugs and fornicate with teenage girls, who was in his 30s, told me that his gang referred to the police as the "devils."
Yeah um so this is how morally depraved people are, they refer to you as the devil for trying to bring some justice into a world of human rights abuses.
So we looked at the fact religion of Bible and Quran and Sirah of Mohammad comes from apparently, child rapist and murderers, who are genocidal, and we conclude that the final story is that they are so sick they refer to cops and judges, who want to put them somewhere or convict them at least of their crimes as " the devil.".
I'd laugh but it's not that funny.
Okay it kind of is funny.
I think I'll leave it at that.
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