Friday, 5 October 2018

After the age of 10 kids are evil.

Kid can be already quite evil by 6 or by 8 years old if it is forced on them, but don't expect serious evil from your kids until they are 10.

They are geared up to commit rape as soon as they hit puberty.  If they masturbate at all they will want to rape someone almost.

We say this and they ardently deny it, saying masturbation is okay, that is because they want this constant serial raping to be going on between them and the women, including the terrible noxious and fatal spread of serious sexually transmitted diseases.

They really are traitors, these people.

They aren't good for anything almost.

Some people are good at most things, while these fucking terrorists are only okay or good at one or two things that can lead to payment.

Being a fucker only leads you to be weak, especially being a fucking drug addict.  It destroys you.

Yet his is what we see from the people, that they want young people to be fucing drugs addicts.

Kids get roped into this game, and start raping other kids by 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ages like that.

By 18 they are already a hardened adulterer, fornictator, a rapist and a prostitute, looking to fuck anything that moves.

Republicans now are the "fuck anything that moves" party.

They support rapists and turn a blind eye to rape. Haha.

Yes let's pimp all the kids, and young people, and have sex with them if we want.  Let's get them all hooked on drugs like alcohol, weed, and tobacco, cocaine and exstasy and mdma and meth and speed and morphine and heroin even.


This is what they say in their bedrooms at night!

They really sit there plotting to murder snithces and murder kids too, who speak out against their rampant rape and abuse of children, teens, and older youth. 

They rob us by making us hooked on meth, cocaine, heroin, morphine, speed, pcp, et cetera.

Yeah they are awful sinners, viscious wicked people.  It's a nightmare.

My East European cab driver told me, "we're part of only 10% of the population who can stay off the shit." basically.  Now he told me he was like me able to smoke marijuana only, but he warned that 90% of people who smoke marijuana will wind up on drugs like cocaine and meth and so on.

This was really nasty situation making me pissed off, all these rapists, pimps, slave traffickers, child abusers, assaulters, stabbers, death squaders, gunners, and bombers.  It all hit me in my late 20s and early 30s.

Now they planned to kill me but they weren't able to, and I sent most of them off to death factories, where they suffered terrible disease and almost or did die even. 

You know feminists they plot to destroy men, to hate them and bring them down.  Not all feminists propably  but a lot of feminists just can't stand men and hate them utterly.

They don't realize the problem is the abusers on the one hand, and the lack of good people on the Other hand. 

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