Now look, I saw the Ten Commandments when I was a kid and I thought it was a pretty good movie.
I had just been told to believe in God or literally get tortured to death, and I was like "OKAY MOM!"
So I kind of took Moses to be some kind of hero.
Little did I realize what a savage beast I was getting into. A guy who makes Pol Pot seem like he respected human rights actually.
Yes I denied that the Israelites raped children at first, not wanting to be a child rapist for some reason as a young boy. Call it, "a moral standard." I had moral standards, I wouldnt' lie unless it was to save someone, I wouldn't murder people unjustly, I wouldn't rape women or children.
Those are the kind of morals I have tried to cling to all my life.
Now along comes the "Clash of Civilizations." We're hearing about our famous religions on the radio. We have the internet now, so anything can be checked out with a high rate of success.
I gradually realize that I am a member of Judeo Christianity who is friendly towards Muslims.
It takes me a really long time to wake up the fact that the religions are outrageous. My dad kind of tries to tell me, he tells me not to talk about religion or politics.
Now I am sitting here wondering, "How will I make the world a better place, how will I be able to go to heaven, if I don't find out about religion and politics?"
I got annoyed at my dad over it.
My parents didn't explain things like "WE beleive in Jesus, we think Jesus overides the earlier parts o the Bible," or my mom told me that one day while I was eating lunch.
It was Doctor Leatch who first put me onto the theory that Jesus superceedes the early parts of the Bible.
I was flabbergasted, here Pat Robertson had told me the Bible was the word of God, the Anglican Church was calling it the word of God.
It was kind of a nightmarish sitaution. Here we had an honorable doctor of education in the position of being a heretic. I was shocked.
I was terrified. I decided not to think about it for a while.
That might not have been a good idea, because I had a serious problems obeying my religion and it was causing cognitive dissonance. I wanted to have sex really really bad.
The cognitive dissonance may have led to a kind of depression and anxiety disorder that affected my life in a harmful way.
I worked hard on my studies.
Now I found myself in univeristy taking the side of the Muslims and Jews, and being a Christian of sorts who was kind of like a Muslim who drinks wine.
It was at this time that I was compelled to learn more about the Jewish faith, Islam, and Christianity.
What I learned was deeply disturbing.
It was all about pedophilia and genocide, murder and barbarity.
I was into the United Nations, the laws and rights of Canada, I didn't want to endorse genocide or rape.
However, being religious I felt obligated to get "into" my religion. It was like a period of investigating genocidal mass murderers, and which one to like. Should I like Hitler? Maybe Pol Pot?
It was a depressing time.
I started to smoke weed one summer, and I realized, I don't really like this religion stuff, what I like is smoking weed and getting laid. I wanted world peace, for the wars to be over, for people to get along and be friends. I wanted human rights to be respected.
Religion was causing cognitive dissonance with my lifestyle, as I liked to drink a little bit, smoke weed, and look at porno. I liked porno stars. I liked masturbating. I didn't want to kill them all. In fact I didn't want to kill anyone except for the occasional rapist, Adolf Hitler, and shit like that.
When my mother became ill and was dying, I got religious again. I left my dope friends, moved out West to be with her in final days, and being in the USA, didn't want to smoke weed cause Americans put people in jail for that, I figured... So I stuck to wine and cigarettes.
I was compelled to join Islam, the fact is I just had to see what it was like being Muslim. It's weird, weirder than believing in Jesus, but probably not as weird as being Jewish.
Dark fantasies of pedophilia and rape were stoked by Islam, Islam could be the most hard line of the pedophile cults, I didn't realize it, but what they were saying is "YOU HAVE TO BE A PEDOPHILE OR YOU COULD GO TO HELL FOREVER."
That's enough to make some kids say "sure, I'll marry a 6 year old girl!"
Well now, that was pretty weird stuff. I had some pretty dark fantasies, thought of buying a slave girl one too many times, though my intention was to give her a better life.
Yeah it was weird, but I didn't actually do anything other than try to get a normal girlfriend, which seemed impossible for me for some reason.
Now I was alarmed by what seemed to be the absence of a patriotic, pro Western sentiment among Muslims. They moved here for a better life, don't they like it at all? Why the Al Qaeda?
I figured that they had lied about Mohammad, claiming he was a decadent criminal.
I eventually moved back to Canada and started smoking weed again, with my Canadian White Muslim buddy Justin and my dealer pal who will go unnamed. I pretty much started to see evidence that God may exist. I realized that I had been seeing signs of God's existence since I was a child, but sporadically, and without recording the incidents and subjecting them to careful scrutiny. Now I was really tripping on this helping slaves business, I wanted to help free girl or lady from her abusive pimps.
It was in this time that I was embarking on Jihad, or Kellagh, as the Irish Called it, to help people out. I was interested in being a witness, finding stuff out, reporting it the cops. I wanted to know if God would help me at all, if I could have any special power or blessing which could save me from doom. Now I had been observing signs and wonders since I was a child, for example when I prayed to God about being jailed unjustly, and asked if I was innocent, could God help me escape from my captors, and could I do an experiment, and break out of a pair of handcuffs, like Harry Houdini? Now it so happened that we had a pair of handcuffs at home, in my brother's room, and I went and put them on, and then was able to make them release without the key .. The next day I tried again, and the handcuffs wouldn't open. I realized it might have been because of my prayer that they opened the first time, so I prayed again and this time, I showed my brother this, I was able to break out of the handcuffs.
Now it would perhaps be healthy to do this kind of experiment with children and observe the results.
Now in my new life in Canada I was seeing new signs, signs that I could have a preturnatural instinct perhaps, if I were praying and discussing about it with a believer perhaps.
I wasn't sure if we were being confirmed that Allah was God or if God existed or if some kind of other God existed. In any case, I was getting some endorsement for my struggle against the people who were the worst criminals.
So at a certain point I decided to embark on holy struggle, it was a difficult time in my life. People really targeted me for assassination and other sufferings.
I was bothered by Satan and by Satanic cults, according to the person claiming to be an Archangel in my life.
I did see that Angels in the sky perhaps protected me. I knew of all the enemy attacks before they occured, my instincts were warning me of danger very well.
At a certain point during the stress, I turned back to the Old Testament looking for guidance. What it taught me was hellish stuff. It was around this time that I got racist for a while, and felt like expanding the global white, Christian Empire.
I targeted the Muslims and the Africans in my mind, planning to do away with millions of them perhaps, and reconquer and colonize those lands.
Satan egged me on, and his hypocrite pastor did too. The Hypocrite spoke of destroying Islam, and claimed only God could talk to you in your head.
I had been warned before of Satan's illusions, and knew that this pastor must be a hypocrite because of what Satan was telling me to do.
Satan for example was telling me to blow up the high school and blame it on the Muslims. I knew this was extremely wrong.
Satan would egg me on, pretending to be Jehova and Jesus, and telling me to kill billions of people, rape kids, and kill cops sell crack et cetera.
I knew I was in bad shape, but I knew that eventually God would deliver me from Satan's possession.
Meanwhile I got a pretty good idea of just how twisted Satan really is.
The Hypocrite Pastor loudly proclaimed that we must not punish pedophiles, as the Catholic Theology student had said.
Look at this point I was really fed up, I was fed up with these criminal parasites and their monster leadership.
ISIS was fighting in Syria, it was hellish.
I then meet this dude claiming to be an Archangel, after seeing many lights in the sky after I asked God if it was true that he was the Archangel, and I was the son of God, I concluded he was either an alien with implants in my brain, some secret government operative, or he was an Archangel as he said, or whatever else you wanne guess could be true.
He seemed kind, and I talk with him to this day.
I saw some minor healing miracles, I was able to get my dad's eyesight to improve for a while, and I was able to make a handicapped man walk normally for a bit.
I was able to make some people feel better.
I managed to overcome my racism and homophobia a bit, and let go of some of dark side, the extreme hitlerian world domination issues, though I remained a bit "Duterte-esque" in my desire to cap off all these fucking insane pedophiles and murderers.
I was tired of the Canadian state, it seemed like it wasn't really doing it's job of creating law and order. The cops had dissappointed me, and I suspected my doctor of questionable practices.
I ordered my mind and started to write a lot.
At this point this Alien, Archangel Guy was telling me that the prophets had added cruelty to the Bible, and that the Quran had been added to by "fools." ... I was getting some emotional support for not being a religious mass murdering genocidal pedophile!
Now my point is that all this religion crap can make you into Adolf Hitler if you are not careful, or even worse than that.
Moses is no role model to follow, he is a war criminal and tyrannical dictator who probably wasn't even talking to God at all.
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