Patrick Clancy Nick Boake, As a Christian, which has worked better for you, God, or all the psychotropic drugs you have had prescribed to you throughout your life?
Nick Boake the coaine and booze work best.
Nick Boake also, having sex with nuns who get std tests
Nick Boake the healing prayer thing really makes me feel good though sometimes
Nick Boake also I like being a gangster
Nick Boake anti psychotics can help you combat drugs addiction and sex addiction maybe.
Nick Boake I also like the fact I am so rich and privledged because I am smart white male.
Nick Boake and I like being forgiven by other people who don't believe in the prison system and refer the snithces on us as devils who are about to go to hell.
Nick Boake I like the fact I'm guilty of nothing.
Nick Boake And like being involved in killing some creeps.
Nick Boake i like the fact I'm the Godfather's brother, and my friends the priests are licensed to kill.
Nick Boake I like being around other people whose officla policy is to forgive most crimes.
Nick Boake I like the fact the government is afraid of us, and cops like us and generally won't put us in jail.
Nick Boake I like the fact the whole world trembles before our might.
Nick Boake I like the fact most of us are pretty much fairly nice people if somehwat handciaped and possibly a bit retarded sometimes.
Nick Boake I don't like the murderers and rapists in our midst very much though.
Nick Boake I like the fact Christians steal from assholes and sell goods cheap to poor people.
Nick Boake I like the fact Christianity is reponsible for the unversal declaration of human rights an the united nations and the world health organization.
Nick Boake I like the fact Chrisianity is a big communist party or socialist party but you can stil get rich if you want.
Nick Boake I like the fact Christians who accept Jesus as their Lord believe in the inalienable rights of human beings and particularly children and the elderly and weak and innocent.
Nick Boake I like the fact I am becoming more intelligent as a I get older and get into loving other people more.
Nick Boake I like the fact I have real friends.
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