Tuesday, 23 October 2018

How hard is my life? Average person's life, sign that the world is about to end:

I was sick as a child for many times.  No one investigated whether the illnesses were causing brain damage.
When I was 10 my older brother tried to rape me.
I had no friends growing up, not my mother or father, not my brothers, not my playmates, none of them showed that they like me and have a caring brain.
Having no friends and recieving nothing but lust and hate from the community, I found myself turning to drugs by 11.  After seeing Cheech and Chong, which tempted me that my life would better if I did drugs.
I was seriously bullied and assaulted several times in high school.
My first girlfriends had all already had sex and been raped too, when they were about 14 years old.
I was sexually assaulted and seduced by older, and younger women in high school.
My teacher in high school told us to have sexual relations with 12 year old girls.
One of my co students and his girlriend dissappeared but the cops labelled it a suicide, even though their bodies were never found, at least according to Simon.
I still had no friends.
My priest never helped me out.
I tried to ask questions, but people told me to shut up, or said "It's a mystery."
I wanted to support good causes like justice and peace, but people took me as a communist.
I won the election to head prefect, but the school administration stole the election from me according to the priest, the priest offered me no help.
I was convinced I was going to hell forever by 21.  I wanted to have at least one shot at love again, was a mutual seduction with this girl, but she turned out to be only using me, even though she said she loved me.
The CBC radio and my professors and the internet told me my religion said God said it was okay to have sex with little kids.
My brother showed me child porno and got me smokin weed everyday in college.  He wanted to be make gay porno with me.
I told my one goodish brother that I had been abused as a child, and he got angry, then it was decreed I was mentally ill.
No one ever apologized to me for being an asshole.
I was given poisonous mushrooms by friends, and felt I had to take them even though I didn't want to .  I died .  While I was dead aliens came and took me to visit a place in the sky and then beamed me back to my body and I woke up, my friend told me he thought I had been dead.
I was terrified of speaking to any counsellors or univerity professor.
I was given poisonous mushrooms again.  This time I went to the hospital.  They gave me a drug that is psychoactive for me, and I blacked out for 3 weeks.
They told me I might be bipolar, forced me to take drugs.
I still had no friends.  No one, no priest, no doctor, no family member, ever asked me if I had any real friends and if I felt alright and had self confidence and things.
I was forbidden from going to Church by my family.
I went back to school, quickly became paranoid, needed weed, and then got hooked on it, and became even more paranoid. 
I was like one of those Japanese youth who can't leave his room almost.
I was hooked on porno , was findout that half the world is ruled by genocidal child rapist cults.
Was imprisoned for attending a meeting for social justice and holding rulers accountable.
Had to leave school, went crazy, was in hospital again for several weeks.
Mom was dying probably, got cancer, girlfriend left me.
Couldn't work, just sat at home, my brother tried to have sex with me (Exposed himself and sexually harassed me).
My brother was still looking at child porno.
Tried to help someone in need, prayed , found a girl who was nearly killed by a man trying to enslave her.  My cat died.
I felt I had to smoke some weed again, went out and looked for a dope dealer, met a Jamaican.
Was insulted, harassed, et cetera.  Was exposed to extreme racism and sexism.
Was sexually assaulted by a teenage girl, then seduced by other teenage girls pretending to be adults.
Was pushed cocaine, felt I had to do it or they would kil me, slahs I would not have any friends again.
Was homeless at the time.  Went psychotic after the cocaine, wanted to blow up the planet except for Canada in some sort of serious way.
Was in hospital again.  Came out, couldn't work, got a welfare check, couldn't eat, had to get a credit card.  Went 10000 dollars into debt.
Was rick rolled into the Islamic cult, by a guy claiming that Allah forgives people who murder 99 times.
Joined this cult of murderers and rapists.
Had to go see my dyign mother.
She had been only one who ever act like she even remotely my christian friend, of my whole family.
Tried to read her Quran, couldn't.  Started hallucinating, seemed like it was perhaps demonic.
Began to almost be friends with one of my older brothers.
My family kept pushing booze my way though.
Prayed for a Job, got a Job.  Prayed for friends who could teach me something, met some people.
My father didn't talk to me about almost anything for about 8 years, even though we lived together.
I worked on his company, all he would talk about was work.
I realized my family didn't have any friends, and the Bible and Quran said we were going to hell forever.
I became depressed, started doing cocaine and exstasy, looking at porno.
Got seduced my more women, just for sex apparently, not to be my friend.
One of the women stole my password for my email.
Asked God for signs he existed, got some more, started to remember seeing things like that when I was a kid.
Was being possessessed by demons, was laballed a schizophrenic.
Was robbed.
Met a nice Christian girl, hahah not.  This Christian girl stole my papers and my backpack and introduced me to crack heads.
I started making my own crack. 
Still had no real friends.  No one who cared about me except in some way my old man, my dad, who gave money.
Realized they had added to Quran and were claiming that God was a pedophile pimp who wanted to genocide the world and torture everyone forever.  (who is even allowed to talk to Him in their head, I figured)
Became psychotically depressed, became crack head.
Quit crack, went to see my older Brother Leo "(no not the one who tried to rape me, he was in jail for child porno offenses).
Was partying wth Leo, he beat me up and I got beat up and robbed by some black dudes who pretended to be my friends.
Started asking God for more signs, I could tell when we were about to have an Earthquake, I could tell when it was going to rain sometimes , I heard a beautiful song played by the rain on the objects outside  .
I began to see the process for taking carbon dioxide out of atmopshere perhaps, and had insight into the treatment of Aids.
Was still being harassed by Satans, or Spirits pretending to be Gods who are not very nice.
I go back home, struggle with addiction, am attacked over and over and over again after I call the cops to try to protect myself.
Still no friends, my dad hates me and tells me I will die because I fucked up.
My brother gets out of jail, is still psychotic, refusing to believe in the Mainstream God, he claims that Satan and God talked t him when he was a kid, but the doctors told him it was a delusion system.
Ugh, to this day, I have no friend,s have nightmares all the time.  They tried bombing me, shooting me, stabbbing me, tried to kill my father, tried to rape my kids, (I don't have any but allegedly they were told this kid was my kid and they may have raped it.)."
They kept harassing me, threatening to kill my dad and brothers, they tried beating me up many times, may have tried to kidnap me.
Cops would hang up the phone when I called, and say I was insane to the doctors, who woudl then poison me and put me in a dungeon and declare the whole thing a psychotic episode.  They forced me to take drugs which are "Really bad" with cigarettes (even though I am smoker) and "bad" with weed, (even though I a smoker).  They gave me drugs whihc make you fat and violent, against children and women and the innocent, (it makes oyu aggressive).  I went throuhg a period of being under a torture mass murder threat by all these people and started to feel like joining them and kill all the innocent people who talk to the cops, raping kids, et cetera.
This was, their mental health treatment.
So I become upset.  Now Satan is coming to be trying to trick me he is the gods and he is telling me to kill all these people and torture all these people, to rape kids, to kill cops, to sell crack.
I start meeting all these people who say they childrne of Satan and they rape little kids or something.
I overhear child abuse at the daycare across the street, over and over again.
The doctors lied about my reasoning test to claim I was insane.
They are trying to lock me up in prison for life for talkin to the cops.
They tried killing me as far as I saw, at least 10-15 times maybe..
I wrote and told the governor, and they increased the dosage of the evil drugs they have me on.
The drug like make me talk about raping little kids , killing innocent people.. 
So I like finally start to get along with my immediate family, though to this day they don't show any emotional support for me at alll.
I kind o get some support now for a brief period of time from a friend and I am protected now by some kind of Angels perhaps.
I am no longer being abused as much though they still are trying to make me a fat, unhealthy, evil violent person.
WORLD GONNA END I HOPE, no not really   I don't want world to end it just I see why these people who don't care and do this sickening stuff about raping kids and torturing and killing abd robbingg the innocent (which is what, 60%-70% of the population)/?  Deserve to die and go to hell for a long period of time by God's hand.
Well anyway.

Sunday, 21 October 2018

I had to correct my letter to Paul Hellyer, sometimes when I am afraid my fingers are faulty.

'you can't let rapist scam artist murdering theive who wanna kill and torture a lot of the snitches rule your planet and acquire 99% of the wealth or it will be utterly destroyed.' 

My comments to Paul Hellyer, outspoken dissident prime minister of Canada.

The extra terreistials won't take over Canada if I am dictator. Haha but then again, I am from a race which is from a distant corner of the universe which is superior to humans and angels. yous should extend loans as charity instead of as debt, and you should get rid of money, and you should help people to have a better life always, especially those who have a bad life...... Islam is ruled by terrorist child rapists, so is the USA and BRITAIn. They try to kill the really honest upright people like 100 times. I don't llike Paul Hellyer as much as I would like because he is only saying they are liars.... They are murderers and rapists too. they are stealing 99% of our wealth. humans are a race of godless bitches so we had to have an alien invasion to save the planet okay? beware the demonic alien race it is going to invade too. We will protect the good people usually from it, unless they are too much like 'a good asshole' or something like we screw up or something. My Yahweh vision which proves it exists has been known to refer to me as 'the Emperor of the Universe' and so has my god 'Odin' vision. I am best friends with the Archangel Gabriel Wise, he is claiming ot be third in command of the main Archangel Gabriel's Kingdom in Heaven. That second Archangel Gabriel is the one humans have heard of... I can order their (evil dudes raping murdering robbing 99% of wealth's) destruction if the human race decides to agree with me about being a nice person. I am willing to undergo tests to prove I am not insane that I really see a lot of blessings and that I am really really nice guy overall.
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Nicholas Boake

you can let rapist murdering scam artist theives acquire 99% of your wealth and a have a totally criminal military dictatorship over you or your planet will have to be destroyed.

Friday, 19 October 2018

The New Cold War Between the USA, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Canada's liberal party.

It's ice fucking cold.

Canada's liberals have challenged the great world leaders to a duel, and called all their armies into power.

Canada was operating a discreet project of training Jedi warriors, and may even go as far as to forcefully topple the uk, russian, chinese, british, american, and other world leader.

Canadians are all sith lords, holding back a crushing urge to genocide the evil people of those countries.

Canadians are now all God's personal friend, and rumour has it they are having something called a Mega Mangolian Hyper Righteous Ultimate Prophet. 

His Father was the greatest hero who ever lived by many accounts, and now he is even becoming mega hero.

He wants to destroy the New World Order's Financial and mental stability. 

Then he wants perhaps to invade the big countries with un peace keepers and have God spectacularly kill the world leaders.

He wants to film it all on live tv , rock the box office.

He says he plans to kill no one, but to send them to hell instead.

In fact he says they already in hell, a pre hell, and their punishment is going to get worse.

He says he likes Putin.

He says he likes Donald Trump but he's the biggest cowardly evil person who ever lived.

Other than maybe George Bush and Obama.

He says he likes to eat Vegetarian food.

But claimed people with O or AB blood type might need to cannibalize animals and people.

He claims he really really wants to cannibalize evil people and serve them to their vitctims.

Most of his friends right now are Black.

He thinks the angels will look the other way if he accidentally cannibalizes a few millions people, who might be labelled as the new world order elite.

The he laughs, no on is sure if he is joking or if he is one of those black prophets.

He says it is official new world order policy to try to utterly and completely destroy every single snitch forever and ever and rape babies and mass murder everyone non white or who is not financially rich.  He claims right now world leaders are trying to kill the average snitch like literally 10 times. 

He claims the US government authorizes this, and so too did Canadian government.

He says we are almost all ruled by a communist fascist and can we please be worse than the communists and fascists cult of corrupt priests and politicians and doctors and lawyers and scientists and teachers and cops and judges. 


The he laughs, no one is sure what he means, but peopel believe him or something really weird. 

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Hey we got a 100% good posting here on why I am attracted to Christianity

Patrick Clancy Nick Boake, As a Christian, which has worked better for you, God, or all the psychotropic drugs you have had prescribed to you throughout your life?
Nick Boake the coaine and booze work best.
Nick Boake also, having sex with nuns who get std tests
Nick Boake the healing prayer thing really makes me feel good though sometimes
Nick Boake also I like being a gangster
Nick Boake anti psychotics can help you combat drugs addiction and sex addiction maybe.
Nick Boake I also like the fact I am so rich and privledged because I am smart white male.
Nick Boake and I like being forgiven by other people who don't believe in the prison system and refer the snithces on us as devils who are about to go to hell.
Nick Boake I like the fact I'm guilty of nothing.
Nick Boake And like being involved in killing some creeps.
Nick Boake i like the fact I'm the Godfather's brother, and my friends the priests are licensed to kill.
Nick Boake I like being around other people whose officla policy is to forgive most crimes.
Nick Boake I like the fact the government is afraid of us, and cops like us and generally won't put us in jail.
Nick Boake I like the fact the whole world trembles before our might.
Nick Boake I like the fact most of us are pretty much fairly nice people if somehwat handciaped and possibly a bit retarded sometimes.
Nick Boake I don't like the murderers and rapists in our midst very much though.
Nick Boake I like the fact Christians steal from assholes and sell goods cheap to poor people.
Nick Boake I like the fact Christianity is reponsible for the unversal declaration of human rights an the united nations and the world health organization.
Nick Boake I like the fact Chrisianity is a big communist party or socialist party but you can stil get rich if you want.
Nick Boake I like the fact Christians who accept Jesus as their Lord believe in the inalienable rights of human beings and particularly children and the elderly and weak and innocent.
Nick Boake I like the fact I am becoming more intelligent as a I get older and get into loving other people more.
Nick Boake I like the fact I have real friends.