I had to temporarily "kill all cops" claims Jehove.
"Il a fallue tuer tous les police."
Yes satan is preying on me you see, making me say I am a child rapist who is going to kill all the police?
Lol that's my hip hop album, my hope of degenerate fame and money.
Make the "worst" hip hop album ever, Satan said.
I can just imagine it now.
"These kids are begging to get raped, the cops are begging to get killed."
Theme for a rap album.
Lol another rap album about manic psychotic behvior , demon possession, and outrageous criminality.
"I am the one behind all the mass shootings. I kill 500 people a month at least in the USA with guns."
Lol that's the kind of funny rap shit I could make money doing, claims the "Devil".
Yeah the Father, aka the Devil, aka God.
He's had me go on a cop killing rampage, lol. All the cops were werking for the pedophile cult, he claimed.
Told me to "rape kids kill cops." Lol Jesus did that. A two years ago. Been raping kids killing cops ever since, of course!
Lol funny rap album.
Yeah, it's the devil, he finds it amusing to trick me that I am ordering the mass shootings and that I am a child raping cop killer too boot.
He claime I kille like 10000s of cops.
Lol. Raped millions of kids.
That's the kind of shit the God is telling me I do, and he's "greatly pleased" with me, such that a Holy Ghost is here all sniffing lines with me.
I raped the kids to get them out of the pedophile cult, into the normal gangster lifestyle. The cops are these insane terrorist pedophiles who torture kids forever for snitching.
Yeah... that's the kind of stuff Jehova has me on about.
Now Jehova's like "a tiny few cops starting to stop being terrorists who torture snitches forever." .
So I don't have to kill all the cops anymore, just 98% of them? "Yes" says the Gawd.
Oh yeah, rap album coming. The cops were busy raping your babies in elemtary school, they went to the school and gang raped all our kids in grade 1, then deleted your memories using black witchcraft.
That's what Jehova aka the Devil is claiming.
I'm laughing so I think this is some kind of joke, lol.
Yeah like I tried not to rape any kids, but that was impossible given how the government forced me to take drugs that make you a pedophile. lol.
The literally forced me to have sex. They gave me these drugs that with marijuana, make you so horny, you actually go around raping the women who want to get raped.
And girls.
Oh those 14 year old girls, just begging to be raped, threatening to kill themselves if they don't get raped! Lol.
They want a real man, a "scottish Muslim" to come and impregnate them like the Holy Ghost did to Mary. Lol. The Holy Ghost, yeah sure, that's me, the Holy Ghost, I go around impregnating 14 year old girls. Lol.
This is hip hop, a rap album, themes for for my rap album.
I'm raping babies now, as the Jewish Talmud decrees it's a good idea (saves money they point out.).
That's a true fact about the Talmud.
It says raping babies is a fine because it saves money.
Smoke a little more crack, inject that meth and heroin, fucking die of an overdose , why not? Your life is a pointless waste of time anyway!
The things you can have fun with in rap.
The war bewteen the justice system and the criminal's isn't new, it's as old as the sun. almost.
The criminal synagogue is sitting there saying "kill police informants and rape babies is fine.".
Some Nazi goes and burns their library down, he goes to prison for a hate crime! Lol.
Talk about the "Jewish pedophile cult" or "Any pedophile cult" or "evil cult" on twitter, get banned.
Facebook bans you for hate speech for mentioning rapists going to prison other than as a warning that they can sometimes go to prison.
I got banned from facebook for posting an article about Muslim rape culture. Lol the Muslim imam was claiming that "women who don't wear the veil want to get raped." (that might even be true).
I interviewed a bunch of women who didn't wear the viel and wore tight jeans, bought them dinner ot a joint and talked ot them asked them if they wanted to get raped, they all claime they wanted to get raped an one of them insisted that I rape her by getting drunk on tequila and refusing to leave my apartment when I was warning her that I was about to rape her because of the tequila.
Lol that's just how babies get made over here in infidelistan , children..
Look my advice is interview women about whether they want to get raped, if they say yes, that means they like you, rape em, give them a baby, lol death threat them into having your baby, don't let them get abortion, lol bomb the abortion clinic! ! Hhahah just kidding, this is hip hop people...
Then again there's only 2 billion pale Euros and 5 billion chinks nad darkies, maybe you better impregnate those scandalous sluts and raise another generation of super Judeo Christian terrorists.
No seriously, the women wanting to get raped, making you rape them, then saying you're rapist. Fuck them!
I mean, damn those bitches! Evil girls man, they wanna get raped and then kill a man or lock him up, just for a rep.
The pussy is dark, it's an evil device made for spawning demons.
Oh the saying no while making you rape them, that's just the women's kinky dark side coming out.
A woman told me she was raped, I told her to take a hike.
I'm not helping these bitches who don't believe in God, who say they want to get raped, and then get raped!
Fuck that they are just looking to control men and make them fight each other!
I demand peace, lets lock up these psychopath women who wanna get raped!
Oh and the fucking Persians telling me pedophilia is from the mouth of God!
Yeah sure, Mohammad the prophet orders you to hump 6 year old girls and enslave all the non Muslims nd have sex with them, no matter what their age! That's what I heard in the mosque.
That's what made God tell me to kill all the cops, they just don't fucking stop these pedophile cults, and you call them, and next thing you know you're in the mental hospital being driven insane, while being tortured, and then people are trying to kill you!
"All cops" says the Devil, "kill them.".
"You want a kingdom where the God is King, and there's no crime, just parties and work all the time." says the God, aka the Devil, aka schizophrenia, aka the magic mushrooms, and he points out "if you want that you are going to have blow up the lot of people."
I am flummoxed, I didn't want to rape women, but it's the only way they would marry a man , if he threaten them and rape them a lot!
I am sick and tired of these psychos who reject God.
An Empire where the psychiatrists aren't the primary cause of mental illness, where the cops do their job properly, where you are protected by Church and State, and Corporations, instead of preyed on by lunatics looking to destroy you all the time.
Yep the God says I pretty much got to have a civil war if I want that, pretty much carve out an independent state as Tyrant, basically.
"So kill 9% of cops" says Schizophrenia, Jehova the Devil, the one and only God.
Great Jehova, that's great, what a mess........ Little girls just begging to be raped, the things I saw in Victoria, what a weird society.
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