Friday, 7 December 2018

Retired mentally ill generals of God's forces only get 1130 a month in Canada!

LOL when you can, please increase disability for wounded police informants to 1800 a month! OR 2200. Wounded former leaders who have been ensorcelled raped shot at stabbed bombed poisoned and pimped and strung out! You should be paying me more. I am still working eh? I know I get a little cray cray sometimes. I am deeply obsessive compulsive, I have to keep struggling as best I can in the mentally handicapped forces! LOL. Mentally handicapped people need to be able to defend themselves too! All this playing the devil in Canada! No one explained that to me. And the Hell's Angels, actual devils apparently! Controlling organized crime in CAnada? So ORganized crime in Canada is controled by actual demonic people. Oh my God, what have I said. I will have to be the devil, you know, I'll have to kill your whole family! LOL. God says to let the demonic people's attacks make you wanna kill their whole family. Oh well, God or whatever. Leave them leave them said that Gabriel Wise. Reject their whole family, cast them out! This biker guy told me he was selling drugs by the age of 8 years old, was "invited" to join a lifer leave and die biker gang when he was "like 14". That's an offer you often can't refuse when you are a veteran drug dealer at the age of 14. Now from what I hear from Hip Hop those gangs can be like do or die shit, hurt your whole family type shit. Some people might need to go to the concentration camps you know what I mean? My Pension's too small, I need to become a paid missionary or something! LOL Go find out more awful stories and report them to the police. Yahweh appears and tells me to do something about a corrupt cop. He's mixing a jar of paint now... Our Lord Who IS paints! Yeah. What a nightmarish backstreet showdown can happen when you talk to the cops and they take you to a bad hospital ward. Who ratted me out? Who told the monsters I was doing my duty? LOL Is that a rat? Was my conflict with the bikers out in ESQ a question of me being Christian, as they implied, or was it because of payment and orders for punishment and witness intimindation? Did they realy order me to be stabbed in vital organs? Were those death sqaus plotting to kill me or was it just more witness intimindation? Wil there ever be any justice for the poor? A dissident explained to me that they were compelling young teens to smoke marijuana and sell hard drugs for almost no profit. What are these people just so selfish assholes that they need to be killed and have their whole family punished? What's with sending them off to jail to meet other kid destroying snitch killer wannabees? Hmm? Don't they belong in a better institution than that? LIKE HELL? Where's Donald Trump? Will he lose the election if he says "They need to go to hell not jail!?" Will his whole family be hurt or something? MAYBE. Damn it is terrible, send em to hell already. What are people not up for that, think if we treat em nice maybe they will treat us nice when they catch us fighting them? Well maybe sort of nice. It's awful what we have to put up with sometimes and many people are left permanently or semi permanently scarred by the torture of being compelled to be a drug addict and drug pusher and sex addict and prostitute and pimp and soon. Nice message there, they are going to kidnap and torture and rape your kid and enslave your wife and maybe kids too. I knew a family who messed around with the hell's angels, were witches, their daughter was fully being pimped and made to be a vampire and heroin and cocaine addict by what, 12? 13? These really are the kind of people I have had to deal with in some significant part of my adult life! You wunder why people take matters into their own hands or wish "GOD" would do something about it. Here comes the "GOD DOESN'T EXIST!" and WAIT 'GOD'S AN EVIL CONSPIRACY BY MONSTER CRIMINALS!" Yeah well this line of thinking goes "Paul said he was the worst of criminals." Saint Paul. Now Saint Paul is telling you "DON'T DO NOTHING, LEAVE IT TO GOD!" As one Mexican told me "It's disgusting." Hey what if Paul was just trying to get let out of jail by the hypocrite authorities. Saying God appoints hte leader, don't do nothing about it, leave it to God, I'm a monster, but that's good cause I turn away from sin and repent? That's like Paul's letters for me. I don't trust Paul's letters as the "WORD OF THE LORD." Sure whatever, so maybe this is some kind of wicked conspiracy. I spied on a couple people who were attacking me, and they were being afflicted by every disciplinary calamity I asked them to have. Maybe God does exist, but shoudl you leave it to God? It also says if you are righteous you will go observe and look after your enemies and see that God is punishing them. What if that's an evil conspiracy? Wht if the demon in our head is telling the demon in their head to say that these calamities happened? Hmmm. WELL NOW, HAVING A BRAIN CAN BE TOUGH! THEY TRY TO CHARGE YOU WITH HERESY, UNBELIEF, BLASPHEMY, DEVIL WORSHIP, JUST FOR HAVING ONE! LOL in my experience... No wonder so many people don't bother having much a brain, they only try to destroy you for being good and smart! Cowardly though, hey I am a goof I know what cowardice does, it makes you rape kids right? MAkes you murder peopele and incite violence against the decent people? MAkes you vote FOR THE NSDAP. Makes you kill kids for Churchill Stalin and Hitler. Hey look at Stalin and Churchill they killed millions of kids! HA! "OUR HEROES CHURCHILL AND STALIN"... Yeah um sure mr devil, let's uh kill and rape kids now that we know the Western Alliance is evil sided. Oh yeah, we had to kill millions of German kids because they were killing millions of Soviet Kids. Sure Soviets. Oh God. What a pile of awful shit our history is. White people are the savages. I was thinking and saying that we called the Liberian or Sierra Leonan civil war the most brutal, but when you look at the civil war on Vancouver Island it's almost as bad. I mean 1000 people killed a year in the civil war, a similarly proportionate number of people killed here in the civil war. And yes, child soldiers over here, young teens and even preteens being enslaved and raped. WHITE SAVAGES! White people and Black people both have these racists who wanna tell them thy are better than each other, but they are both awful sometimes. The sitaution in white world isn't so great, it's all I am saying. "Snitches get stiches" "Police informants should be killed" Things people said to me in Victoria. I am listening to SIA, CHanderlier, and the lyrics are making me think like, people like SIA are basically being whores and drug addicts to avoid being hurt by the Demonic HORDE of EVIL WHITE PEOPLE AND FIRST NATIONS AND JEWISH AND PERSIAN AND BLACK PEOPLE. AND CHINKS. LOL. Sia Chandelier IS IT A CONSPIRACY BY CORRUP RICH PEOPLE? I mean let's see here they get most of the young people hoooked on addictive substances, which means they don't have money to pay the bills or eat, then they need to borrow money, which is lent at high interest by the rich owned bank, which then take even more money from them, accoring to former defense minister Paul Hellyer, the Banks make 95% profit on loans. Then the poor addicts have to start pushing drugs, are drafted into gangs, push drugs, make more people addicts, the war against our families drives people to drink, liquor companies are owned by rich people... The rich are just getting richer right while they get away with every crime and we have no means of ever knowing what they are really up to, or getting justice for the rich gangsters? This ain't Rudy Guliani land, this is Canada, where it's said to be better but it's possibly a lot worse. Oh yeah, it's a terrible thing. But this rich monster gangster running this conspiracy I outlined, I'd like to grab him and torture him in a torture chamber forever and ever and ever. The supreme snake of all this Canadian organized crime, the leaders and the monster officers, I wish them utter doom and complete destruction after all me and my people have been through. The soldier can be shot. Lolz. Haha I want to take all their wealth and kill them. So I am a bit communist, I don't blame all the leaders nad rich people though, it's up to the big people though to catch the wicked bad people. It's up to everyone? I tried to catch a big bad person and they damn well motherfucking ratted me out the faggot coppers or government officials who were corrupt! Maybe it was the doctor. I honestly have only those clues that it must have been somebody who heard about it, the corrupt cop is going to kill now, says God. Corrupt cops are killers who deserve to be tormented in doom. I go talk to a group of people about being with God and trying to free people from the evil witches and demons, and he says "I am the Shaytan." Fucking great. So a senior cop said that, you know what I mean? A real high ranking police officer said he was 'THE SHAYTAN" A Muslim one allegedly. That's just fucking great! Not only an I marginalized and so screwed over I can't work a job out there, I am being motherfucking told now by the cops that the cops are the devil. And when I tried to report to the cops they tried murder me. Fucking great. So It's sick. I suffered from sociopathic fantasies. When the biker gang told me it was going to kill my family and torture me to death, I felt like getting revenge on the Society and GOd by raping a little kid's butthole a little bit. I felt that way a little to much, i looked at a young kid walking with his dad and thought, "How about I motherfucking rape your little butthole kid and kill you." The kid looked at me and said "GOD!" And I knew that was him saying "GOD is going to get you" or something like that. I looked at the guys who did this to me's kid and thought "How about I rape your butthole and execute your whole family?" And he was like "Jah, Bob, (I had told God could be refer to him as Bob instead of Jah or God) , the White Truck." And that meant that the white truck who had come to perhaps kidnap me and kill me, was from Jah God Bob. Okay phew, Jah Bob God might exist, and we got these white trucks that will kidnap and kill people for IT here in Canada. That's relief, wish my parents had told me stories like that. I'll raise super Jedi kids. Lol they'll be better than Luke Skywalker in the Last Jedi. Lol Terrorist kids. The infidels, the Bible says nothing good comes from them. They can be slaves and feed themselves, but don't expect anything good to ever come of them. So the kids are confirming my "JAH" "BOB" "ALLAH" EXISTS, aND TElLING ME MY NAME AS they walk by on the street. Lol. Kids prove God exists but the infidels just pretend that's not happening or whatever. I could hate these peple who wanna kill all religious people and shit, it's like how can they be your brother when they try to steal your life from you, destroy you utterly, take your kids away into a slave cult of rapists ad murdererers and torturing theives! WE NEED MORE BELIEVING HEL:'s. More believing Crips. The good crip told me "I think we see things in a similar light." Lol I talk to crips they play the believers but little, the hell's angels should be missionaries "FOR THE DEVIL." LOL "JAH BOB" "AKA " "THE DEVIL." HAHAHA Yeah so it's okay for these torture victims to rape kids if they are told to but it's not okay for them to left in the hands o their tormentors. I met a bad dude once, he jumped me with 4 people an then went on a rape and robbery spree. A fucking BLACK DUDE. I WANT TO KILL BLACKS. I AM A NIGGER. LOL YEAH I AM CRACKER, NIGGER, CHINK, KYKE, GOOK, WOP, WOGZ IS ME. A GUY WHO HAS TO OBEY THE GODS AND KILL SOME AGGRessORS. i'm a cunt actually, a cowardly buffon who can't get any justice for himself at all. I never talk to the police about anything at all. I tried to talk to the police once, but they hung up the phone, then death squads appeared and I shat myself for 3-4 years having torturous anxiety pain. Maybe the Church is right, and snitches go to hell... God tells me to "Go to hell." He refers to me as "vermin." And says "professional vermin" as in , "I'm sending professional vermin to kill you." Yes GOD TORTURES AND DESTROYS POLICE INFORMANTS ON ANY CRIMe WHWAteVer. YOU CAN ONLY TALK TO YOUr LOCAL GANG ABOUT IT AND YES< YOU HAVE TO GO TO pRISON AND get fINED FOR DOING THAt. HAHAHA. Justice in CANADA. JAH BOB'S JUSTICE. JAH BOB SAYS TO 'KILL THE SNITCH' Sometimes. LOL I am just a complete orphan of this tribe, I can't stand this tribe at all, all it did was fucking take me and rob from me and trick me into adultery or fornication or whatever you wanna call it. I want to blow up Canadians. and Jah Bob told me to. Jesus tells me to . "Blow up Canadians" Jesus says to me now. Lol It's true Canadians have given me enough money to have a home and starve, but after all the crime I have been a hapless victim of, the illness I have been a slave of, I feel I have the right to kill people who are like those "Canadians" who bothered me. My parents were just more hapless victims of Canadian organized evil, told they would be killed if they didn't do this or that, told their kids were going to amount to nothing and be raped, cause they dared to talk about things. I've been thrown in jail and possibly tormented in the mental hospital for talking about things. It's a sick world, white people (crackers) are just as sick as Muslims (Muzpigs) or Black (/niggers). As far as I am concenred white people rape 99% of their kids and destroy or try to destroy 99% of their good people. The people doing this really really deserve to go to hell, I mean the cycle of molesting kids an abusing them at school only to pimp them out and slave traffick them and rob them blind, while they are told the devil rules the world and the world will end, which basically compels them to molest their family member an friends. It's a disguting mess and the government leaders may very well be ignorant, or cowardly, or treacherous. i'm declaring my independence, my nation is world peace and justice nation, they have to kill my country these terrible pools of darkness the infidels and satans. The satans have to rape my kids. Thank police captain over there for being a "SATAN" and all the bikers who have told me they are going to kill my family and rape my kids. I had to deal with this shit all my life. Corrupt priests can go to the torture chamber as far as I am concerned. I hate this fucking shit. Let's kill some priests. Let's start killing people again, for being GOOFS or whatever. I am filled with a hatred that can kill billions, my Lord has warned me that billions could have to be killed, for now it's 70 million more. These people who torture us and rape our kids and destroy our kids souls and make them into rapists, murderers, drug addict drug pushers, sorcerers and witches, who declare war on everything good, who join ISIS and al QAEDA, and do that shit. They deserve to DIE, GO TO HELL, CONCENTRATION CAMP, GAS CHAMBER, ET CETERA. And I just sit here starving and getting banned from the internet, because I actually care about the justice and am traumatized. Banned from Google, Banned from Gab, BAnned from TWitter, Banned from Facebook, Under the mental health act, forced to take poisons, under attack, hated, despised, no one will be my friend except the people plotting to rape my family and kill me. It's a nightmare. IT's my everyday life. I am a commander without an army, left to try to tilt thing the right way, but these infidels, these 99%ers, 1%er, they damn well hate what I am saying can only propose killing and robbery. They hate me for being LIGHT ONTO THE WORLD, THEY WANT IT IN DARKNESS, BEING RAPED IN A DARK ROOM, AS A CHILD! YES THEY DO! I AM NOT MUCH SICK IN THE BRAIN, I KNOW THIS IS WHAT THESE DEVILS ARE AIMING FOR.

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