Friday, 7 December 2018

I'm a Christian sexologist

Yes I have worked as a sexologist for a while, learning the secret of the orgasm and inner pleasures of the heart and mind.

Did you know prayer can induce orgasm?  You plot to make someone come and pray, and then you go and do it and it works!  LOL for the Saints, anyway.

Only the Saints can come.  Hahaha.

LOL  That's not quite true, but we should pray the Saints have a better time than everyone else.


IT's fun being a Holy Man, A sexologist, crime investigator,  historian, political theorist, educator, scholar in other words.

Just pimping it out here on the EVIL WES COAST.

Where's it's real pretty and we're the pimps.  Sorry about that.  Lol.  We're not all pimps okay?


Someone is smoking a candle, you know, some glass pipe and wax.  Damn that white wax can get you high a fair bit.  Lol.

CRACK?  What do you know about Crack?  "CRACK COCAINE FOR EVERYONE."

Once I was being a missionary, and I saw a video of a poor religious man smoking crack and saying it made him feel at peace.  Crack is not criminal offense for users in Victoria, so I went downtown and scored some, smoked it and asked in Jesus name to feel at peace.  I felt peaceful man.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!   CRACK!   There was this cool seeming guy who used to walk around screaming "CRACK" I asked him if he had some crack one time and he took 40 bucks from me and dissappeared. . LOL! 

So I "didn't" smoke crack.  Let's just say my crackskipade is a state secret.  LOL

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