Monday, 31 December 2018

Marijuana gave me the ability to accept myself and have friends, cocaine has given me the ability to defend my family.

I swear to God these people are slave trafficking witches, cruel unjust tyrants.  The only justice you can legally have exposes you to sanction by criminals for being a "snitch" and a "witness" you can't legally have any secret justice it seems. 

Marijuana opened the door to having friends, cocaine and liquor opened to door to standing up for myself!

God urged me to do them, I felt this inexplicable urge that might only come from God.  ;)  It might not work for everyone. 

I have managed to bust 22 terrorists and bring into partial or utter control over 50 pedophiles, rapists et cetera, with the help of the magic powder and sacred herb. 

That's the kind of shit the Earth's elite just don't want you to have. 

The power to stand up for yourself, and victims?   They are hiding it from you, concealing it behind false fabrications, horror stories.  Cocaine kills some evil people.  That's what Gods tell me. 

I pointed to an wicked man, and said to God, he should die, and he died of cocaine. 

Another pure evil man, I loved him because he was my neigbhorhood, I asked him to die, and he took cocaine and collapsed on the ground and said he was dying, and then went silent.  I performed aid on him, asking before that God would heal him and make him righter, and he was coming out of the coma and okay, promptly snorted some more cocaine. 

I demonstrated much to that man, of the power of prayer, healing him after he attempted to acquire himself a place in the afterlife, perhaps God caused him to walk again after I prayed for him, and other miracles happened, which I have described.

Cocaine's great for people who believe urges Jehova. 

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