Monday, 24 December 2018

I Loved how Muslims got 72 Virgins in the hereafter, I thought it mean women who only have sex with them

I wanted a loyal woman, and to get back at "Christian infidels.".  Bullies, theives, drug pushers, scam artists. 

I thought I'd check out the Islamic religion.

At first I read only Quran, Quran had me tripping that Islam was pretty good.

However after making a partial join with the Muslims, I started to learn hadith and was like "Oh shit, this doesn't look so fucking goood God."

I was convinced that pharisees and the harlot of babylon were gonna jump out of nowhere and kill me because I was part of the cheese eating surrender monkey, commie cult.


I honestly felt like exotic women... Party time with babes from other lands, finding a rich older woman and looking after her.

Mohammad didn't sound that bad, apart from that child rape part.

I figured I could get away with not raping kids as a Muslim, and I schemed up my sufi rebellion plot, to not be a member of a pedophilia brainwashing sorcery cult!

I planned to form my own Quran and Bible alone mosque system and be a Grand Sheikh, restoring Islam. 

I would argue that Ayesha was 17, or 25, as narrated by Abi Hafiz and Bin Howzat. 

I was desperate to escape from the "Masjid of the criminals" as the Quran describes the Sunni and Shia people.

Yes Mohammad had foretold of a return of hypocrisy and the arrival of "THE EVIL MULLAHZ."

I was convinced I was going to their Mosques and that they ruled the Islamic world.

I was frightened by Al Qaeda, by the child raping slave raiding heretic cult of terrorists!

So I asked The Lord to come into my life and show me I could suceed!

I was visited by an Agent, who called himself "Mike" and other Agents.  Then I was visited by whom I recognized as Jesus.  So I went to war with this "AL DAJJAL." (Note in Islam the world is about to end and you are supposed to fight this DAJJAL with JESUS)

I waged my "CRUSADER JIHAD KELLACH SCHLACT."  My Celtic Germanic Christian Islamic holy struggle.

Eventually my experience would convince me that with Righteousness on my side, I could defeat aggressors. 

I had an amazing journey, a special heroic adventure for a terribly mentally handicapped person, which taught me, that even though I was weak in some ways, I could be strong with the Lord.

I was clever scientifically and in language, but I was idiotic about life in so many ways.

Well my idiocy has been swept away by my holy experience.

I want to open a city where we have special teaching, and help people. 

Somewhere up North, where it's cold, but there's a potential for a lot of green industry. 

We would adopt finnish education measures, (fins have the best students) , and look to the psychological health of the whole population. 

A land of repetance and turning away from sin, a land of contentment, atonement and absolution.

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