Sunday, 23 December 2018

Christianity and Islam versus the Believer

The so called Christians tried to burn and bury the true faithful for millenia.  Pat Robertson is still trying to oppress us and bury us.  Christian Broadcasting Network is "Bury the Believers" Broadcasting.

The so called Muslims are still trying in general to bury the believers.  All the major schools of Islam have a large portion of their scholars and priests effectively devoting themselves to destroying and killing the real believers.

So how does this work?  Well the Christians commit what the Pope and Prince Charles have reffered to as the "tragic errors of the past."  (It's still going on). Despite the fact that the prophets nullified the so called "Law of Moses" as a mistake, forged in cruelty by false lying scribes, and the One of a Kind Son of God Jesus tried to finish off what the prophets had started... Despite these facts the Christians kept being told, even by their supposedly enlightened Lutherans and Anglicans, that the "Whole Bible" was the "Word of God" (They still claim it) , and people tried to impose the murderous, humanity destroying ideology of that psychopath set of novels and decrees, the Books of "Moses." See Moses didn't even write those books, they were falisified by other writers. 

Now the Muslims, they go by cults which promote wicked hadith and sunnah, that is stories and narrations of the prophet's path, despite the fact the Quran claims that believers only take their stories about Mohammad and his Path from the Quran.  The Muslims force tales of brutality, murder, and pedophilia down their people's throats, claiming the righteous are "heretics" and attempting to murder them, put them down, ruin their rep.  The Muslims are forcing people to accept "Sharia Law" which is a SATANIC HERESY.   It amounts to a plot to murder whomever the infidels want from among the believers.

Both Christianity and Islam have been at war with the Faithful, creating a system of hatred and absurdity, and a cruel system of laws which the wicked imagine the corrupt authorities are then using to oppress the faith, the good and better and okay people.  With their hateful declarations, with their satanic legal system, with their utter disbelief, these heretics Christians and Muslims have begun a war with the better people.  What are these heretics?  Some are confused, but pious people.  Others are wanton criminals, others are savage wicked thugs. 

I don't know personally anything at all really about the motives of the wanton criminal types and the savage wicked thugs.  I just know the wanton criminals threaten you with all manner of the injustice, wheras the wicked thugs actually try to do such terrible things.   I know the outcome is cruel oppression, injustice in the land, I have some reasoning that they are behind the vast majorities of idiotic slaughtering, evil raping, theiving, and all manner of mentally ill and deliberate lying.

I would like us to investigate them and find any of them who are penitent after some work,  and see if they can admit to their motives.  If they even understand their motives.  A wish to get revenge I suspect, for a sad childhood, and a profound folly,  has led them into a dark passage, where they saw the light of murder and other evil ploys.  There is an underlying urge to destroy the human race, that much I know from my own days as a foolish Christian-Islamic-Jewish DEVIANT. 

They tricked me into believing their devilish ideas, and the result was sexual immorality, intoxication, I wish for murder, revenge, destruction of people in other socieites.

They probably trick the young pious people into this life deliberately, so they can peddle them addictive toxins and satisfy their lusts with them.  Then there's the young criminals from the heretic cults, already beefed up for rape and pimping of young girls and women, then there are the monsters doing the killing and kidnapping and torture, working at destroying the world.  They want to nuke the planet.  They'd like to massacre almost everyone sometimes.  They have admitted to active plots to kill 50-90% of human beings.  It's so evil, what they aspire too.  I know they wanted to have sex with everyone and that the age desired for sexual companionship gets a lot lower than the legal limit.

I know that the goal seems to be to put you in despair and then guide you into God's wrath, in order to facilitate your easy robbery effectively, whether overt robbery, borrowing without repaying, causing you to be addicted to noxious illegal substances which you can only buy from typically 1 drug dealer at a time.  Thus they have raped and beaten and robbed almost the entire planet.

Drugs epidemic, criminal terrorism, enslaving and raping kids from the age of 8 -9, moreso as teenagers, moreso as young adults.  Evil plots, creating sorcery....  The litany of crime and terrorism continues. 

Creating a false religion that has to murder everyone, and torture them to death forever, is just yet another plot in the general enslavement and robbery of the masses. 

I let you know about it, thus they rob you of hope and bring you into ignorance and wrath of God, and then they victimize you.  Yes they tried to blow up 6000+ nuclear bombs underground, to "finish the work" they had started to accomplish the greatest crime ever, but it was stopped by the Lord and the Angels.

They were going to destroy the third world, the British, the French, the Americans.  It wasn't the will of the masses, in those countries democracy is a sham show, it is a dictatorship by an insane, rich terrorist elite.

"IT IS!" claims my Father, Yahweh.  Sob sob.  Oh well.   I guess they are pure evil.  I myself, under the influence of the false books of Moses, and Hadith and Sunnah, was plotting to kill billions of People, until Yahweh and Jesus and the Archangel Gabriel.. blah blah.  We were planning to destroy the world.  So there you go.   Ha. 

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