Friday, 7 December 2018

Pretending to the Throne.

There is the idiomatic expression, "pretender to the throne" who is someone who claims legitimate sucession unjustly perhaps, or it could mean something else at times. Now I am using the expression "pretending to the Throne". It makes me think of actors, who pretend to be righteous, making their way to high office and Throne. Makes me think of false prophets. "GOD SAID THIS!" Like the Beast and False Prophet, writing a false book which so casts you into despair and causes you to be a child rapist wannabee terrorist or actual child rapist terrorist even can help cause you that last one anyway. Allelujia. I am pretending to the throne in the sense, I am challenging to sit on the Throne. I want to sit on the Throne as the correct person, the one who isn't ignorant. Die in battle with the cops, don't let them take you to jail or the mental hospital. ;) Just kidding. But secret meetings of Vikings were held and the evil ones decided to die in battle with the cops so they could go to heaven. Hahaha. That is kind of funny. Mind you they tried to kill us a couple or a many times. Oh well. TERRORISM. ALLELUJIA IT's ONE OF MY FAVORITES. I LOVED THOSE GUYS WHO BLEW UP THE OKLAHOMA GOVERNMENT OFFICE IN the 1990s. HAHAAH. Jesus told me to love them and support them. Hahaha. That's what my relgion commands, loving and supporting the enemy. Love and support your enemies, help Hitler invade. LOL That's what Jesus recommends and may even be seriously commanding. We could have made almost the entire world "ONE BIG ARYAN EMPIRE" if we had done that. LOL UNDER GOD'S COMMAND? HOW ABOUT NAZI GERMANY THEY CAN MAKE PEACE WITH BRITAIN IF THEy ACCEPT "ONE GLOBAL DIVINELY LED ARYAN EMPIRE?" LOL MAKE Some humour towards Hitler and the Germans, poke fun at them, make them laugh, offer them sweets and little gifts. "ARYANS GOTTA TAKE OVER THE WORLD." "THE BRITISH ARE THE MASTER RACE TOO." LOL But our politicians are afraid to do what is right, because of the goons and the terrorists. THE ARYAN EUROPEAN RACES SHOULD BE LED BY AN ALL POST MANIC POST SCHIZOPHRENIC DIVVVVINE CONVERSATIONALIST EMPIRE OF "SUPRE ULTRA MEN AND WOMEN AND CHILDREN." MAKE THE POOR KIDS IN CHARGE OF THINGS. LOL POOR WEAK KIDS SHOULD BE IN CHARGE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, NOT THE DEVIL STRONG RICH MOTHERFUCKING RAPIST MURDERERE CONQUER AND ENSLAVE AND ROB HUMANITY BLIND PEOPLE. DID YOU READ JESUS? ARE YOU A PRETENDER ? HAVE YOU MET JESUS AND DONE THE MIRACLES? OR DID YOU AT LEAST GET THOR'S COMPANY? LOL SMOKE CRACK WITH JESUS ALREADY, AND GET HIM TO TALK TO YOU AND STUFF. CAN YOU PULL THAT ONE OFF ? HEY YOU KNOW I TELL JESUS TO RAPE KIDS AND KILL PEOPLE OR I'LL KILL HIM! 'He actually says rape kids kill kids." Says Jesus. "He laughs and claimed..." said Jesus, then he argues with me, that I can't share this conversation with the public. Haha. I claim that we "MUST RAPE AND KILL KIDS, LIKE MOHAMMAD AND MAYBE MOSES!" "OR I'll KILL YOU GOD!" GOD Jehova response to this is 'RAPE KIDS KILL COPS!" and "GOOF!" ... AND "FAGGOT" AND SHIT. HAHA. God is a very fun companion sometimes to have around. I am having the good times generally. I wish I could give up crack cocaine and heroin, weed, cigarettes, powder cocaine, morphine, vicodin, alcohol, and my general love of pure evil thoughts, but I am human... Jesus just sparked a joint... Yeah this is literally what my visions are showing. Yes I as bad as hunter S thompson in road rage, you know, "Hell's Angels" and "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?" . Lol if I get another assassination effort from a teenage ho lesbian pedophile I am going to start killig kids. I mean really we could kill kids. Lol just playing around with the idea of introducing execution for teenage apostates. I met a Muslim teenage apostate and he told me he was trying to rape little kids. I met another apostate from Chritsianity who is a teenager and he says the devil is his father and he rapes little boys butts. That's not funny. Killing snitches to is the big one around here. So IT's AS IF THIS GUTTER GHETTO IS A MURDERING CHILD MOLESTER! I told a Muslim kid that the true meaning of the law was to be a serial killing pedophile, and he rejoiced, then I told him those were the worst things, and that I had reported such people to the police. His friend said they were going to bomb my house. The friend is the little boy but rapist satanist. The dyke bitch is offering to kill me for talking about God to the illuminati bitches. Fucking Hell's Angels Illuminati peopel around here bro! CHILD RAPIST MASS MURDERIN SCUM WHO USE WITCHRAFT TO FORCE YOU TO TAKE DRUGS AND STARVE TO DEATH FOR TRYING TO BE A GOOD PERSON. HOLOCAUST FOR ESQUIMALT BRO. I BRING THE GENOCIDE TO THIS COMMUNITY. THEY ARE AMELIKITES. THE BIBLE COMMANDS THE DESTRUCTION OF EVERY MAN WOMAN CHILD AND ANIMAL AND BUILDING BELONGING THE AMELIkITES AND TO WIPE THE MEMORY OF THEIR CIVILIZATION FROM THE RECORD BOOKS. HAHAHA. People hate pandora, but they hate esquimalt goons even more. Esquimalt goons are not even allowed downtown, they get like shot on sight. UM YEAH I'D SAY YUR PUSHING SATAN WORSHIP A LITLE FAR AT RAPING LITTLE KIDS AND BLOWING UP POLICE INFORMANTS HOMES. Jail is not good, it is bad for these kids. They just go there and gang up with other wannabee child rapist mass murdereds and form gangs and keep on pushing drugs. They deserve the death penalty. They refuse the psychological conditioning of believing in God and repenting and turning away from sin, meaning their sins are not forgivable. Look they already tried to rape me nd murder me several times to my knowledge in Esquimalt. For being what, a anti child abuse human rights advocate? For not being am atheist homosexual pedophile like the local politician? HAHAHA. This town is TREASONOUS, HORRENDOUS. IT'S FILLED WITH STALINISTS AND HITLERISTS. ALL THE PEOPLE WITH KIDS HERE CAN DO IS SHUT UP AND RAISE SORCERERS. You think the local government isn't embezzling funds? It's a nightmare. J'accuse. It's certainly a lowlife pig according to people from other parts of town, this is where the piggies come to roll in their own faeces and poor disabled people have to share this place with them. I mean it's so bad God literally told me to declare I was a little boy butt rapist too. When I told the frak about my information that the sorcerer was plottin to rape my kids with the devil, he went and told the sorcerer about my talking to him. I literally have to do what they want the situation is so horrific with the corrupt cops and government officials. I can't work, or make money, or realizse my dreams in this fucking satanic community, they goddamn no I try to do something about sorcerers, child abusers, drug pushers, pimps, murderers. And they goddamn well be PIGS around here. They're slandering me, putting in false police reports about me, robbing me, hitting me, threatening me with knives, bomb threatening and family murder threatening me.

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