Monday, 31 December 2018

Honest sense of what some women are saying in their heart

I honestly think something like this is happening with women.

They are accused of being the evil one, enticed to it, abused, given no hope of being a holy warrior.

Then they are like "have sex with me or I will kill someone." "maybe even blow up the world."

Then they are like "Marry me, give me all your money, or I will kill you all." 

That's what my feelings tell me the CII criminally insane infidel women are like playing. 

My God tells me it's true.  The youth are terrorized, he indicates. 

kiddies should get the love for wanting to be the worst criminal for the Lord. and get fixed a bit...


Mary says a lot!  Lol thanks Queen of Heaven.

I guess we'll create a guide for fixing up the flagrant homocidal maniacs who want to rape tiny girls. 

AKA me as a 4 year old.  haw haw haw

Marijuana gave me the ability to accept myself and have friends, cocaine has given me the ability to defend my family.

I swear to God these people are slave trafficking witches, cruel unjust tyrants.  The only justice you can legally have exposes you to sanction by criminals for being a "snitch" and a "witness" you can't legally have any secret justice it seems. 

Marijuana opened the door to having friends, cocaine and liquor opened to door to standing up for myself!

God urged me to do them, I felt this inexplicable urge that might only come from God.  ;)  It might not work for everyone. 

I have managed to bust 22 terrorists and bring into partial or utter control over 50 pedophiles, rapists et cetera, with the help of the magic powder and sacred herb. 

That's the kind of shit the Earth's elite just don't want you to have. 

The power to stand up for yourself, and victims?   They are hiding it from you, concealing it behind false fabrications, horror stories.  Cocaine kills some evil people.  That's what Gods tell me. 

I pointed to an wicked man, and said to God, he should die, and he died of cocaine. 

Another pure evil man, I loved him because he was my neigbhorhood, I asked him to die, and he took cocaine and collapsed on the ground and said he was dying, and then went silent.  I performed aid on him, asking before that God would heal him and make him righter, and he was coming out of the coma and okay, promptly snorted some more cocaine. 

I demonstrated much to that man, of the power of prayer, healing him after he attempted to acquire himself a place in the afterlife, perhaps God caused him to walk again after I prayed for him, and other miracles happened, which I have described.

Cocaine's great for people who believe urges Jehova. 


yeah since marijuana I talk to people, since cocaine I kill people who oppress me. That's WHY they banned it.



Hence banned, along with Jesus.

God told me to smoke marijuana, later he told me to do cocaine. It worked.

Marijuana seems to have partially cured my autism spectrum disorder (asperger's syndrome) and then cocaine helped me overcome my fear of terrorists.  Along with lots of Hollywood music.

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Yep so the spell

1.  Hail Satan we Worship Satan fully

2.  We are pure evil we will do anything evil to be rich and powerful

3. We will enslave and rape you and torture you to death

4.  We will make you do drugs, or your whole family will die

5. We will abuse all the children and rape the ones we wish to.

The government utters that.

So Canada's got all these scum who are about pimping and robbing the sheepish youth.

There's Leroy, that wild savage, the sorcerer who puts a spell on your that they are gonna kill your whole family and shit.

There's Matt, that guy who tries to kill you and says he gonna rape your daughter.  Wants to pimp young girls and boys or something. 

There's Stevo the dude from the witches coven which puts the mass murder spell on you, to force you to do drugs and have no life whatsoever while the boss gets all the money...

Robbers, who actually did try to murder whole families on numerous occasions.  Tony, the terrorist who sends death sqauds to kill police informants and their families, Wolfgang, the Nazi scumbag who forces everyone to be a crack head and turn heroin addict and rape kids.

These are the kind of scum you meet when you go out and try to find a little party favor and have  nice  time in Canukistan.

If we were decent, we would protect the children.

I know what it's like to grow up with parents who don't protect you.

My parents did nothing almost to protect me other than perhaps call the police.

They didn't teach me about God or sorcerers, gangs, demons, politics.

They were extremely narcissistic hypocrites.

Christianity Insane? I think it can be.

Let's see here.  "THE WORD OF GOD!"  ..  What proof that it is the word of the "ONE ONLY TRUE GOD?"

Well you look for it, and there's some videos, there's Akiane Kramartic the child prodigy claiming she painted with God and that he revealed the secret of the subatomic world to her.

Then there's Pastor Chris from Nigeria, apparently knocking down his parishoners with an invisible force, claiming it's "the power of the Holy Ghost."

You got John Mellor, the faith healer, apparently he has a miracle touch, see on the Today Tonight video that he is curing perhaps some crippled child.  Oh yeah.

Well I mean, it's not really proof that it's the word of God, but let's just say I did a though experiment and believed your Sacred Book was God's word for a while.

So I started reading it again.  The first part, the Torah, is basically a rampaging work of hate speech, killing everyone for adultery, blasphemy, heresy, witchraft - and not even telling your clearly and certainly what those things are!  It's got Genocide, child murder, rape, incest, God destroys the planet and curses all of humanity.

Well now, that was interesting, now I am a psychopath who wants to kill gays and maybe people who have sex outside marraige, and maybe people who don't agree with the "right position" on religion, and maybe people who "do magic." or wait "dark magic."  Ugh.  People who say bad things about God and religion?  Ugh?  I don't know.

Yeah I'm fantasizing about genocide and wondering if God is going to tell me to kill my kid and if he is going to save it or not.  I think kids deserve to be punished for their parents sins, for 4 generations, that God scourges the rebels with a bad climate, that God does huge miracles for the faithful, that the faithful triumph over their enemies in style.

Okay, that is highly questionable according to modern society, I mean if you hear a voice in your head telling you to kill all the neighboring tribe and carry of their "virgin" daughters for yourselves, and to kill your own kid, maybe you need to get therapy right?

Oh it says not to question God, so we are what, supposed to serve the voices in our head unquestioningly?  Just, no proof, you gotta a voice in your head, now do what it says.  Right.

Seeming kind of psychotic now, isn't it?

Okay so what about the prophets?  Well I didn't have time for too much of the prophets, I got into David a bit.

David taught me if I was righteous I wouldn't go to jail or be held captive for long, and that the righteous are generous and prosperous and help the poor and upright and so on.  He taught me I would have miraculous powers of battle which would overcome superior odds.

Now I wondered about this, "IF I AM GOOD, I'll BE RICH AND DEFEAT MY ENEMIES?"  Um, I thought about it, "so if I kill my kid the unquestionable voice in my head tells me too, and do whatever it says, I will be rich and stay out of jail and captivity, defeat my enemies."

Now look, for a modern observer, this might seem like "THE LUNATICS HAVE TAKEN CONTROL OF THE ASYLUM 100000000%!"

Now what, Good people are rich?  I dunno if that is true.  Or prosperous?  I dunno.  It would have to be looked into, or would that be "Questioning God?"  Dunno?  LOL

Evidence this is the work of God, this book, well, looking for it.

So if you're just a nice guy who kills queers, pedos, fuckers, people who insult God or religion, people who do "dark magic?" (what the hell is that?)  and does whatever the voice in it's head that claims to be GOD , or what is there some way of telling if it is God or not?  What the heck, yeah you'll defeat your enemies and be prosperous then.

Now I thought this was some kind of insane ancient government conspiracy for a while, like claiming the rich king and his prosperous people are all righteous, holy warriors who can't be held hostage for long and generally speaking defeat their enemies always.  Was it rich people propaganda?  An Anti Communist Message?

So I thought and read a bit more, I did discover how the Prophet David writes that it is bettter to be "poor and righteous than to have the wealth of many wicked?"  Um, what does that mean?

So help a brother out and kill all those motherfuckers?

At this point in my experience I was getting into Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Were the Nazis the good guys, did it take the entire world to stop enlightened divine dictator prophet Adolf Hilter and his almost Pure German Race?

I was honestly like, "kill gays, kill jews, sieg heil."  LOL

I had a bad arguement with my gay loving jew loving paternal friend.

Now I am verging on hate speech and assassination, and I figure, I better read the Jesus part.

So I go and read Jesus, and he's all like "Oh no, the law and the prophets mean treat others the way you want to be treated?" You mean you wanna be killed for being a fucking bisexual shit talker?  Wow, I was like, "JESUS CHRIST MAYBE WE BETTER KILL THESE MOTHERFUCKING JEWS CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS."

I mean I had read in college that 99% of American high school kids had sex outside marriage before leaving high school.  Everyone was fucking as far as I could see.

I was like, Jesus Christ, do these people want to kill every kid in the world?

Looking back on it it looked like they had apparently raped, hooked on drugs, robbed, enslaved everyone.  So I was like "Well I guess the Christians are trying to enslave and kill every kid in the planet."

I was like "fuck these ghosts, fuck these aliens."

I mean, what they are alleging is that "A GOOD GUY" wishes he was killed rather than have sex outside marriage, and kills other for it!  I mean they were alleging that opinions and harsh talk were likewise sentencable to death.

I was like, OH SHIT!   WHAT's the proof of this again?  A girl is taught quantum mechanics and subatomic structures by a voice in her head and a guy cures allegedly a crippled boy and people get knocked over by an invisible force in some churhc maybe?

So I left the faith, again, and pursued knowledge further.

Around this time someone posted Jeremiah 8:8, claiming that the devil the scribes had falsified Moses's law and that Jesus had fixed it.  I think the Archangel Gabriel Wise guy told me about that on facebook.

I picked up on Jeremiah 8:8 anyway from a facebook message, or an online essay about "the New Covenant".  I was shocked, I had been roped by Islam and Torah Thumping Pat Robertson.

Gabriel Wise told me that the prophets had added cruelty to the Bible but the Jesus fixed it, you may get killed for saying that!  Haha .

They bloody well added cruelty?  I was like, oh shit.

This was around the time I was seeing UFOs all the time when I asked God if there was an Angel in the sky to protect me.  (I am not asking God about that anymore).

I might think about the rest of this essay and post another essay later. 

My point is religion mishandled can drive one to extremes, of cowardice and treason on the one hand, or of gay killing jew killing madness on the other. 

We are currently at extreme cowardice and treason levels as far as I can tell.  lol

Perhaps it's not insane people in charge 100% of the time. It's possibly very insane all the time. ;)

Beware, the insane people are talking about doing insane shit and killing everyone who gets in their way.

The crazy White Guy who talked about murdering my family and fucking 12-13 year old girls says he wants me to kill all the Muslims and kill everyone who gets in my way.

He claims to be from the Gang that "Controls Organized Crime" and lest we forget those who claim that "The government is organized crime."

Hahaha.  These white people, they'll kill your whole family if you try to stop taking drugs and shit.

I mean the overall sensation was that weed was sweet death for us, if we just give them all our money, they will keep us as sex slaves right?

One of them "CIA assassins" tried to brutalize me and make me his sex slave, but it didn't work so well for them.

Believe me I'd really like to kill all these people but the Government has made it illegal to do what God wills.

Sure just let these rampaging mass murdering sorcerers destroy your society and enslave you and your children.

Can't say nothing?  Have to disbelieve in the Gods and accept religions that either tell you to be a complete surrender monkey and give them what they want, or join this rampaging terrorist slave trafficking robber association?  Have to believe Magic doesn't exist, that miracles don't exist, can't believe in Aliens or Angels or try to make contact with them?  I have news for you, you are white, and your civilization might be be being destroyed, by traitors and cowards, who the hell knows?

Were you basically sexually assaulted as a child and pushed drugs, and told you were a homosexual?  Are you forbidden from doing about it??   I got news for you, you are White. Or Black, Or Whatever.

Do you get people trying to kill you and your family when you try to talk to the government and get it do anything about the injustice you and other children have gone through?  Got news, that's what white countries are like.  At times.  We apparently have had some way awful incidents with corrupted authorities...

Are you unable to do anything to make life better for your people?  You're white, your nation is ruled by gangster terrorist sorcerers, the cops will put the hit out on you for trying to stop this from happening.  You're ruled by your enemy, the theiving, raping terrorist, the murderer.  (LOL)

Have you been struggling with thoughts of suicide all your life?  Welcome to being white, you wish you had a switch that could just turn you off when they come for you inside your mind?  You do, it's a secret.

The court had forced you to seek justice only through public courts and police services, you can't talk about being a victim with your friends...  It's illegal in Canada to do so.  You can't write people you think might be good and ask them to help.  It's illegal in Canada.  Only at the price of being utterly exposed to the enemy can you acheive any legal justice.

Sorry but Canada is ruled by a Satanic Gang of Pedophiles.  They are all to thrilled to have the Beast Mohammad and his pedophile cult of slave trafficking terrorists here, as long as "they're Canadian haha" accept the pecking order of rapist murdering theives in other words.

Okay, whatever.  That's pretty ironic.  I don't know how to take this post, it might be, quasi sarcastic.

The Lunatics took over the Asylum, thousands of years ago

Though there may be some progress in the recent past, the criminally insane lunatics continue to run society. 

It's official that you are "schizophrenic" for working for God and fighting crime. 

In some regions anyway with some doctors, like Victoria, Dr S.S. 

I left McGill because it was "lying, insane, not teaching me properly." 

I mean for example they don't teach basic things like how to read up on a subject and write a halfway decent paper.  Their just plain wasn't instruction like "if you read a secondary source and want to quote it, take it with a measure of doubt in weighing your final conclusions." 

No one I have read in this lunatic asylum of the internet has made any valid arguement for their statements such as "Jesus is God" or "Allah is Baal." 

Political science was hackneyed, trite.  There's all kinds of people in every political movement, calling it, "right wing, left wing, far left." is rather abitrary.  You might find a revolutionary anarchist socialist in the conservative or liberal or far left parties. 

Watching the leadership debate from the 1990s, I noted the leaders of the major Canadian political parties barely had any disagreement other than the Quebec Seperatists and the question to cut spending and raise taxes. 

You might speak of "Religion and Cult politics" and "gang politics" and "type of person politics." 

I mean, McGill political science was okay, but I was much more enjoying learning about government by playing government games, reading the elite press.   It was a waste of money and they didn't teach me basic clear headedness, overcome child abuse.  It's as if no one teaches that in school, whereas many people need that. 

I look around at all these coked up alcoholic smokers, crack and meth heads, and sex perverts, and ask, "Is it just me or did a lot of people get neglected and abused by the education system and their so called families and friends?"

If we had any brain we would be doing more constructive things for our kids, and trying to keep them from the things which render them helpless, handicapped, which lead to them being jailed and sent to guantanamo bay, which get them killed and tortured. 

I look around at a generation of drug addicts, sociopaths, and sex perverts, corrupt government leaders, and war like terrorists, and ask, "What is wrong with human beings?"

Why is the innocent man who never hurts anyone unjustly and tries to help the victims of child abuse and youth abuse out, the one being robbed, shot at, stabbed at, bombed, and declared insane by a government which refuses to show him that it is helping him and seems like it might not be helping? 

Yeah they are threatening to murder his family, and rape his children, the government has made it illegal for him to get help from anyone but the police, and the police have never cared about anything, only take him to "Mob boss hospital" where he gets poisoned and declared so psychotic he has to be forced to take this poison. 

Now he's tired at home and doesn't want to go out, he is afraid to take part in society anymore, he lacks the motivation to try to help anyone else out. 

The lunatics have succeeded in driving him into marginality, preventing him from working, preventing him from speaking publically, preventing him from being seen as a normal, healthy individual, prevented him from helping anyone else or even trying to.

"If you say anything at all!"  Says the right wing bastard Mob, which confesses to slutting out 12 to 13 year old girls and giving them cocaine and heroin. 

Bastard pedophiles, mentally ill savages, with ideologies made to order for their tyrannical monstrosities. 

The insane people rule the world. 

How to get results from prayer?

Sometimes when I pray for something and ask in Jesus's name it works.  No I am not completely aware if it is a coincidence, but it seems like Jesus might have some domination of my personal computer. 

For a long time, to get things to work, it seemed like I had to pray and then think the thought "sell my soul to the devil" and mean, "I sold my soul to the devil." 

Yes, sometimes to get it to work I had to pray and sell my soul in my head, to the "devil Baal."

Yes I had to do this to open my door for a long time, and it also worked for me to get the answer to the last question of my phsyics exam one time - an exam in which I got 120%. 

Is this some intuitive reasoning that the Freemasons are really in control of Canada?  Baalzebub is the Boss.   The Devil is the boss.   Yeah.   

All this mentally strange coincidences.  Sometimes I found that asking God if I could do something, do demonstrate a fact, or if something could happen, as a sign, then it would happen.  For example the handcuffs the lightning bolt, the weird guy Ian Champagne. 

Yeah I uh asked God (whatever I thought that was - you know, "God" - is that whatever is listening to our thoughts in this Matrix like universe?) if it was true that God would help me if I was innocent, would God help me escape from jail?  Could I break out of a pair of handcuffs, as a sign?  (I had seen escape artists on TV).   So I broke out of the pair of handcuffs, a couple times.  I put that down.  Didn't want to be raped tortured murdered for being an escape artist.  Haha. 

Then there was the question of whether promiscuous gay sex was wrong.  I was sort of at the same time asking if Thor was a God or if Thor was originally a Name of God for the Thunderer.   So I went and was like "God is Thor a name of God for the Thunderer or a God, and is homosexual promiscuity wrong, can I get a sign of a lightning bolt falling on the queer park down the road if gayness is wrong?"  Now I went upstairs a little while later, to the room with the window overlooking the queer park, I felt giddy.  I pointed my finger at the gay park and said "Thor" and a lightning bolt fell either on it or behind it, exactly in that direction. 

Now I was asking God about whether there were any "good pedophiles" .  I was like, hmm, God, what would I say if I were a good pedophile?  I'd probably want you to bang my daughter, tell you some story about being rich, help you out, maybe tell you you will go to jail or the hospital if you betray me.  Teehheheh.   So I go out the next day, and I meet this rather handsome looking fellow on a BMX, we have a smoke.  We talk his name is Ian or Champagne or Whatever.   He tells me he is rich and he would like to help me write my book.  I take his number.   I call him later and he gives me this speil about wanting me to make a porno with his daughter and him and that if I don't do it I'll go to jail or the hospital.   Uh, was that "the good pedophile"? 

I asked God if we could kill this good pedophile, you know the one who gets you to fuck his daughter, jails you and beats you down, I was wondering if we could kill him magically with a lightning bolt.   I was wondering if I could be like Darth Sidious, and if Darth Sidious wanted to appear like Obi Wan Kenobi and get me to pitch the lightning bolt at him and his house, set his house on fire, you know, and strike him dead after getting him to come outside.  So a day passes.

Now it's very hot, my friends comes over and tell me to come outside...  There is this weird storm hovering over the part of the city where Ian lives, just over it, and it's making lightning every 10-20 seconds.  Now I speculate this is some secret government project inside my head or that God wants me to go there and pitch the lightning bolt as I had prayed.  So I ask God "I don't know if I want to kill him man maybe we can just scare him a lot with his psychosis and the storm!  maybe we shoudl kill him... would darth sidious mind appearing and telling me to kill him if that is what God wills?"  And then Darth Sidious appeared and said "Kill him"..  So I was like, "What is God the Sith, I don't really want to go kill that guy, his house is kind of far, it might be raining over there and I am weak poor guy!"   The storm continued for about an hour just hovering over that part of the city pitching silent lightning bolts in quick sucession, then the storm gradually stopped pitching lightning and moved on.  I guess I could have killed Ian with a lightning bolt, but was just plain too much of a fucking goof. 

Yeah, some insight into getting results from prayer. 

Saturday, 29 December 2018

If you knew God, you'd be begging all the time, for your life.

I mean literally you are a slack bag of shite, you barely do anything good, you sins amount to a molehill. 

You took a sheite and the Earth opened up and showed the whole world your little faeces. 

Then you shat it over the whole Earth. 

You shoved things up your ass. 

Your life is...

So I accidentally had another 30 people destroyed. Oops.

Wednesday, 26 December 2018


It feels kind of funny.

I'm bitter than life is a little too crazy.

It should be a lot more relaxed I think, at least it would be if everyone was getting psychiatric help and not being abused as children and young adults.

So stop fucking pimping the whole planet and robbing it blind with your black magick and drug dealing mass murdering madness!

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Some bitter sarcasm for you. Lol

Yes, the final war is coming off, and the mighty drug addict whores and murderers, the white race, will square off against the child raping terrorist cult of Islamic butthole searchers. 

Muslims are busy looking up their rear end trying to find Allah, dreaming of sodomizing young girls and boys in their mansions in heaven.

It's not that white people don't sodomize themselves, for Christ's sake half the population of Toronto shows up for gay pride paradise.  It's just generaly the white people are too busy drugging themselves and pimping themselves out to search for Allah in their butt.


Yes your kids, oh humanity, will be drug addicted whores by the time they are 12!  or 20.  A few might last till 25. 

Rejoice in your slavery, oh humanity, the rich have won a permanent victory.  The rich aliens are sucking your souls out your bodies and sending you to eternal slavery on distant worlds.

As a matter the rich, while imposing the mass murder of snitches, have created a system of total "justice" for themselves.  Any mention of prosperity for the poor, and your whole family will be enslaved and tortured and raped. 

The Church won't help you, the priest have sold themselves to atheist capitalist materialism.

And the Muslims, their kids will be drunkards strung out on whiskey and hash, busy looking for a baby to fuck.

Any Muslim speaking out will be identified as an enemy terrorist and killed, his family will be tortured adn raped and strung out on heroin!

LOL  This is the new paradise, where the rich and their cronies will have everything, and the poor and merely prosperous will be strung out on hard drugs giving more than half their income to the substance sellers and witches, while their kids are molested and threatened and beaten from daycare onwards, made complete slaves by 12.

Snitches gonna die, if they don't die yet they better join the cabal or keep suffering.  Only pedophiles and murderers need sign up for the political parties, government agencies, or police force.



You'll be a child abusing rapist theiving murdering junkie, or you'll die.  That's their promise.

I'd try to fight against it, but there's just no point, nearly none of you are trustworthy at all.  Looking around for some kind of resistance all I have met is theiving drug pushing witches and murderers and mass murderers and whores and child prostitutes.  All I have heard from the government is treason and cowardice.  HAhahaha.  That's the human being in a nutshell.

Your kids are sitting ducks, you don't even bother to ask them what happened during their day, they get abused and raped and you don't even care to find out and meanwhile you'd rather they became a drug addict and whore than got psychiatric care, and you won't lift a finger about government corruption. 

Monday, 24 December 2018

I Loved how Muslims got 72 Virgins in the hereafter, I thought it mean women who only have sex with them

I wanted a loyal woman, and to get back at "Christian infidels.".  Bullies, theives, drug pushers, scam artists. 

I thought I'd check out the Islamic religion.

At first I read only Quran, Quran had me tripping that Islam was pretty good.

However after making a partial join with the Muslims, I started to learn hadith and was like "Oh shit, this doesn't look so fucking goood God."

I was convinced that pharisees and the harlot of babylon were gonna jump out of nowhere and kill me because I was part of the cheese eating surrender monkey, commie cult.


I honestly felt like exotic women... Party time with babes from other lands, finding a rich older woman and looking after her.

Mohammad didn't sound that bad, apart from that child rape part.

I figured I could get away with not raping kids as a Muslim, and I schemed up my sufi rebellion plot, to not be a member of a pedophilia brainwashing sorcery cult!

I planned to form my own Quran and Bible alone mosque system and be a Grand Sheikh, restoring Islam. 

I would argue that Ayesha was 17, or 25, as narrated by Abi Hafiz and Bin Howzat. 

I was desperate to escape from the "Masjid of the criminals" as the Quran describes the Sunni and Shia people.

Yes Mohammad had foretold of a return of hypocrisy and the arrival of "THE EVIL MULLAHZ."

I was convinced I was going to their Mosques and that they ruled the Islamic world.

I was frightened by Al Qaeda, by the child raping slave raiding heretic cult of terrorists!

So I asked The Lord to come into my life and show me I could suceed!

I was visited by an Agent, who called himself "Mike" and other Agents.  Then I was visited by whom I recognized as Jesus.  So I went to war with this "AL DAJJAL." (Note in Islam the world is about to end and you are supposed to fight this DAJJAL with JESUS)

I waged my "CRUSADER JIHAD KELLACH SCHLACT."  My Celtic Germanic Christian Islamic holy struggle.

Eventually my experience would convince me that with Righteousness on my side, I could defeat aggressors. 

I had an amazing journey, a special heroic adventure for a terribly mentally handicapped person, which taught me, that even though I was weak in some ways, I could be strong with the Lord.

I was clever scientifically and in language, but I was idiotic about life in so many ways.

Well my idiocy has been swept away by my holy experience.

I want to open a city where we have special teaching, and help people. 

Somewhere up North, where it's cold, but there's a potential for a lot of green industry. 

We would adopt finnish education measures, (fins have the best students) , and look to the psychological health of the whole population. 

A land of repetance and turning away from sin, a land of contentment, atonement and absolution.

Rather Sardonic last night, was missing my friends and family

Yeah you know, I felt I had to bash the us leadership cause I see them acting silly.  The country is a fucking whore house for Christ's sake.


Not every American is part of "America" there is the COOL GROOVY NATION.

Yeah so, I dig the cool groovy nation, not the imperialist states who want to take nearly all our money with taxes, organized crime and corrupt police repression, to name a few. 

Yeah I could add, "The money mafia banking conspiracies." to the list.

It's such a rapist, murdering scam machine.

I support Donald Trump more than previous leaders, we shouldn't pay taxes cause we are smarty pants.

We should run better charities and helpful businesses than that stupid satanic cult, the modern atheist terrorist state.

Sunday, 23 December 2018

USA leaders are some of the most pure evil dark magicians, rapists, murderers in the history of humanity.

The kids have to have sex with them or they will try to blow up the planet!

I mean just look at Donald Trump's daughter, if I saw that girlfriend on the street I just know I could hit her up for cash money sex.

Donald Trump is a self proclaimed sexual assaulter and serial adulterer who tries to fuck "everything that looks good."

He even expressed a desire to date his own daughter.  Yay Daddy Daughter sex.

Republicans.  They appoint rapists and murderers to the judge position.

Democrats do too, they just don't brag in publically transmitted videos about it.

Liberals in Canada, you have to be a deviant or demon to work for them.

Only homosexual pedophiles need apply for the Monarchy's positions.

LOL  Seriously.

Donald Trump is being interrogated by the Angels right now, he says he jerks off to his own daughter,  lot, and that he is going to kill that fucking fag. 

I used to be like Donald Trump, I wanted to be super rich, bang every hot girl and woman, have a relationship to make it look better, you know and I always thought about screwing girls under 10. 

I was so tempted by being ruled by evil cults, who wish to kill their critics, and apostates and all that, that I figured i better try to fit in.  Of course I'll marry some whore and fuck her 8 year old daughter and pimp her out, Islamic style, Christian style, of course!  Hahaha.

Well at least I didn't want to pimp my own kids out, just make them have all kinds of sex, and maybe do cocaine and crack with them nd their friends and have sex with them.

Yeah yeah, the Jews told me fucking little girls and boys was okay and we had to kill the police informants, the Muslims said "you have to fuck little girls and molest little boys or you will go to a place worse than hell forever" and the Christians said "Forgive pedophiles, God is unconditional Love, don't do anything good." Hahaha.  I was just another youth being pimped out and strung out on dope by these mass murdering genocidal pedophilia cults.

Yeah my brother and I thought about being suicide bombers, or doing a mass shooting.  We sort of had to, they told us God hated us, the Devil was in our head, and that the Devil was WORSE than their terrorist pedophile cult.

Nah we managed to be upright citizens, getting de psychoticized, mentally healthy. 

Now I went online, and found Muslims looking to nuke Europe and North America, and then I found Templars looking to Nuke Islamic World and or the whole third world.  Kill the Blacks, Kill the Jews, Kill the Muslims, Kill the Chinese, they all cried out quietly, loudly, whatever.

Ah yes we were told Obama was the Anti Christ, then it was the New Pope who was the Anti Christ, 2/3 of humanity were going to be killed in the final war.

Well, that made me want to chill at home smoking herb and fucking myself and some more of these hot hopeless sluts, officially all women were raped as teenagers, pimped out on drugs and turned into cum dumpsters. 

Yes my religion did make we want to go on a kiling spree, just my moral conscience.  See I had a pretty decent family life till I left home, and it really pissed me off that people had no apparent conscience about having children and raising a family.

I was of course told not to kill anyone or do anything about anything by various religious leaders.

So I just lay around, inventing the planetary destruction beam, the terraforming system for Venus.  Smoking weed, doing exstasy and cocaine.  Getting pimped by hot ladies. 

I gayly retired, going out for sushi or steak, smoked a little crack for a while (that was weird.).   You can buy crack and find teenage hookers so easily in Canada.  The infidels seem to think it's a good idea to cheat on their spouses and smoke meth and crack.  I just felt I had to fit in, with all you hoes and murderers.

Hahaha.  I kicked the habit, once again, could only meet insane people, got on anti psychotics, started a cognitive behavioral reform program, went back to studying history and religion.  Was studying psychology and psychiatry. 

Yeah, I was having a pretty retardedly fun time.  Apparently the rich people are like all bloods, hell's angels, illuminati, crips, and mafia, and just want to steal nearly everything from us and make us the "White Trash" they love to hate and exploit.

Yes Rich White people were behind all these treason, terrorism, genocidal mania, rape, slaughter, robbery, drug pushing, sorcery, pimping, slander, lies, systematic lies, and mind control of the culture, to make us all terrified little drug addict slave peon pimped out kids giving them all our ideas.

Yes they inveted this devil who read our minds, who was more powerful than God, and pushed that on us.

God agrees with what I am saying. 

So yes I just sit around working on my life and studying and relaxing, resting comfortably 99% of the time.

I am protected by angels who come from another universe, I see all kind of miracle of battle in my time.  I am pretty sure I can handle a few more terrorist wanabbe mass murderers. 

Yeah now the "MAFIA" or whatever you wan to call them, "THE MOB" is like making child porno in daycares, pushing heroin to little kids.  They got kids slanging cocaine from the age of 8, or less, kids are fucking away.  They like brainwash their kids, they tell them they are going to go to hell, and make them make porno.  "They do!" Says God.

They seem to be exploiting their kids for financial gain and personal jollies, and yeah, they are terrorists.

Oh yeah they say, "It was the Persians. It was George Bush."

I pity those who are godless and in God's wrath in this situation, it can be hard to survive without a God jumping out at your enemies, or without Angels shining terrifying light and subduing your enemies, without the blessing.

Yeah one day God is going to let me go to jail or die for all the stuff that went on around me, or might anyway, because I am annoying, idiotic in some way. 

I don't know how long I have before they take me away to their cave and torment me and kill me.  I've tried to serve as best I can....

I don't know.  I doubt I'll ever be helped to realize any of my dreamy plans to make life better by this elite, aristocracy, whatever you wanna call it. 

If you look at all the so called progress they have sponsored in the past 20-30 years it has been deviant.  They let you have computers, but they designed them so they could spy on everything you type.   They let you have google search and internet but they spied on everything you studied.  They let you have social media but facebook reads your messages and sells it to third parties. 

There's no privacy, no protection of private property. Privacy and Protection are only for the bosses of the Hell's Angels, Illuminati, Mob, Mafia, et cetera, the Extremely Rich. 

If you tell those people anything, they will steal your idea and plan to kill you before you ever sue them over it.

I ask God if there are any goodly rich people, and he says "but a few." Fuck em, I say. 

Oh well, time to lie down or go pick up something to drink, watch my 10000 channels of tv and blast music I like.

Yeah I'm glad I don't have to smoke crack or pot or do cocaine.

Breaking free of the sorcery involved almost having my entire close family killed, my apartment building blown up, being kidnapped and tortured, declared insane... 

That's what the elite planned to do to your kids if they weren't slaves, fucking and fighting and giving them more than half their income.

Yes they plan to keep you as their infidel slaves and satanist soldier forever, or destroy you.  HAHAHA.






Christianity and Islam versus the Believer

The so called Christians tried to burn and bury the true faithful for millenia.  Pat Robertson is still trying to oppress us and bury us.  Christian Broadcasting Network is "Bury the Believers" Broadcasting.

The so called Muslims are still trying in general to bury the believers.  All the major schools of Islam have a large portion of their scholars and priests effectively devoting themselves to destroying and killing the real believers.

So how does this work?  Well the Christians commit what the Pope and Prince Charles have reffered to as the "tragic errors of the past."  (It's still going on). Despite the fact that the prophets nullified the so called "Law of Moses" as a mistake, forged in cruelty by false lying scribes, and the One of a Kind Son of God Jesus tried to finish off what the prophets had started... Despite these facts the Christians kept being told, even by their supposedly enlightened Lutherans and Anglicans, that the "Whole Bible" was the "Word of God" (They still claim it) , and people tried to impose the murderous, humanity destroying ideology of that psychopath set of novels and decrees, the Books of "Moses." See Moses didn't even write those books, they were falisified by other writers. 

Now the Muslims, they go by cults which promote wicked hadith and sunnah, that is stories and narrations of the prophet's path, despite the fact the Quran claims that believers only take their stories about Mohammad and his Path from the Quran.  The Muslims force tales of brutality, murder, and pedophilia down their people's throats, claiming the righteous are "heretics" and attempting to murder them, put them down, ruin their rep.  The Muslims are forcing people to accept "Sharia Law" which is a SATANIC HERESY.   It amounts to a plot to murder whomever the infidels want from among the believers.

Both Christianity and Islam have been at war with the Faithful, creating a system of hatred and absurdity, and a cruel system of laws which the wicked imagine the corrupt authorities are then using to oppress the faith, the good and better and okay people.  With their hateful declarations, with their satanic legal system, with their utter disbelief, these heretics Christians and Muslims have begun a war with the better people.  What are these heretics?  Some are confused, but pious people.  Others are wanton criminals, others are savage wicked thugs. 

I don't know personally anything at all really about the motives of the wanton criminal types and the savage wicked thugs.  I just know the wanton criminals threaten you with all manner of the injustice, wheras the wicked thugs actually try to do such terrible things.   I know the outcome is cruel oppression, injustice in the land, I have some reasoning that they are behind the vast majorities of idiotic slaughtering, evil raping, theiving, and all manner of mentally ill and deliberate lying.

I would like us to investigate them and find any of them who are penitent after some work,  and see if they can admit to their motives.  If they even understand their motives.  A wish to get revenge I suspect, for a sad childhood, and a profound folly,  has led them into a dark passage, where they saw the light of murder and other evil ploys.  There is an underlying urge to destroy the human race, that much I know from my own days as a foolish Christian-Islamic-Jewish DEVIANT. 

They tricked me into believing their devilish ideas, and the result was sexual immorality, intoxication, I wish for murder, revenge, destruction of people in other socieites.

They probably trick the young pious people into this life deliberately, so they can peddle them addictive toxins and satisfy their lusts with them.  Then there's the young criminals from the heretic cults, already beefed up for rape and pimping of young girls and women, then there are the monsters doing the killing and kidnapping and torture, working at destroying the world.  They want to nuke the planet.  They'd like to massacre almost everyone sometimes.  They have admitted to active plots to kill 50-90% of human beings.  It's so evil, what they aspire too.  I know they wanted to have sex with everyone and that the age desired for sexual companionship gets a lot lower than the legal limit.

I know that the goal seems to be to put you in despair and then guide you into God's wrath, in order to facilitate your easy robbery effectively, whether overt robbery, borrowing without repaying, causing you to be addicted to noxious illegal substances which you can only buy from typically 1 drug dealer at a time.  Thus they have raped and beaten and robbed almost the entire planet.

Drugs epidemic, criminal terrorism, enslaving and raping kids from the age of 8 -9, moreso as teenagers, moreso as young adults.  Evil plots, creating sorcery....  The litany of crime and terrorism continues. 

Creating a false religion that has to murder everyone, and torture them to death forever, is just yet another plot in the general enslavement and robbery of the masses. 

I let you know about it, thus they rob you of hope and bring you into ignorance and wrath of God, and then they victimize you.  Yes they tried to blow up 6000+ nuclear bombs underground, to "finish the work" they had started to accomplish the greatest crime ever, but it was stopped by the Lord and the Angels.

They were going to destroy the third world, the British, the French, the Americans.  It wasn't the will of the masses, in those countries democracy is a sham show, it is a dictatorship by an insane, rich terrorist elite.

"IT IS!" claims my Father, Yahweh.  Sob sob.  Oh well.   I guess they are pure evil.  I myself, under the influence of the false books of Moses, and Hadith and Sunnah, was plotting to kill billions of People, until Yahweh and Jesus and the Archangel Gabriel.. blah blah.  We were planning to destroy the world.  So there you go.   Ha. 

rock bottom is the new typical place, they got subterrenean levels for you to go

Yeah so like being an alcoholic, snorting cocaine, fucking wenches.  This is like "normal."

Now the new bottom level is like subterrenean, smoking heroin and crack and enslaving and pimping girls like 10-13.

Rotherham Rock Bottom, see the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal.  The low to which they would have themselves stoop.

The new rock bottom which the police have been hiding, is smoking and dealing crack cocaine and heroin, and raping 10-13 year old girls while threatening to murder their family.

Cops are afraid to bust any of these extreme low life terrorists.    They said they were afraid of being called racist for busting Muslims doing that, I suggest to you that they let white people do that too.

I mean downtown it's like teenage hookers and crack dealers on every corner.

Oh shit call the cops, get tortured and killed.  They declared someone insane and tried to kill him, 10 times, that he knew about, for even trying to report the downtown heroin and crack dealing, child pimping terrorist groups.

The terrorists tried to bomb their apartment building, kill their dad and brother. 

Unbelievers just sit there going, "I DON"T BELIEVE IN ANY OF THAT SHIT."  " NO ONE DOES THAT."  Meanwhile you have a frank discussion with unbelievers and they are like "Yeah I rape slave girls and smoke crack, it's called having fun." 

Yes people have had these discussions and tried to do something about all the teenage slaves, and drugs dealers. 

The gangs are taking slaves as young as 12, usually 14-18.  It's just normal for them to rape little kids, like 6 year olds, 4 year olds, children of slaves, and to overtly sell crack and heroin and meth, and teenage prostitutes, right downtown, in full view of the populace.

Try to bust them, it's fucking terrorist attacks and mass murder attemps. 


Saturday, 22 December 2018

The science of the Creation? It's banned from public view.,

You are taught a false science.

The real science is done in secret.

It's forbidden to talk about it publically.

I can sell you a forbidden book for 200 dollars, but you will be killed if you reveal it to the enemy.


Friday, 21 December 2018

rape kids and murder your critics.  claim it's GOD's will.

This is Mohammad's religion.

You have to become like Mohammad or you will die.

This is what Islam claims. 

i eat the hell,s angels, mafia and yukuza for breakfast.

it's all thanks to god.  god has been my dear friend since i was a kid.

i just reaaranged the lives of all these gangsters, crushed them, reformed them.

am I chilling with Mary Queen of Universe or not?

It's true that I have seen a whole lot of miracles and had my prayers answered almost all the time.

Is the priest correct, am I talking to God and his Wife? 

I could write down all the miracles I have seen, all the prayers that have been answered.  Perhaps I will, it would be a long book, I would share it with my family and close friends. 

Yes, I prayed and I pitched a lightning bolt, yes an Earthquake struck the city after I prayed.  Yes it would rain during the drought when I would preach and pray. 

Yes, strange and interesting things have happened.

I imagine that if the religious people have kept a perhaps secret record, then we have a long history of miraculous events, and then, it begs the question, are our imaginary friends really God, et cetera?

It's strikes me, that despite the miracles, the wonders, there isn't a proof yet that we are really friends with the Creator of the Universe.

  I mean we pray to God, and wonderful amazing things happen.  Does that prove that "God" is answering our prayers? 

It's a difficult question.  Perhaps we are just accessing "mind over matter" through our faith.  Perhaps other people see wonderful things happen without believing in God and praying.  Hmm, let's ask atheists whether they ever caused an Earthquake or Pitched a Lightning Bolt . 

I don't know what kind of "secret science" has been done.  Perhaps the "secret scientists" and the spies have already determined that GOD or Jehova exists and is the Lord.  Maybe not, I just don't know. 

I am kind of sad, I had a web page for a while, about religious science, determining whether we could "Talk to the Creator." ..   I guess we're going to have to travel the universe before we ever find out the truth about God and the Creator. 

I want to drown my sorrows now, and smoke them away. 

It's time to have another drink and smoke a cigarette. 

Thursday, 20 December 2018


you gotta be a pedophile, molest little boys and girls so they can go to heaven.

You gotta kill kids who speak out.

You gotta rape and kill and rob and enslave the infidels.




Islam's ambition is nothing short of raping every single young child in the world and killing all of the people who believe in Jesus.

Anders Breivik is a HERO. The leftist mafia rapes every kid it can, and supports Islam.

Yes that is right, the leftists are raping your kids and supporting Islam, the cult which rapes kids and murders it's critics.

The Leftists have made it illegal to hate Islam.  The leftists have made it illegal to talk about crime.

Anders Breivik, Hero or Monster?

Anders killed about 80 people in one day.

He had enough of the pedophile cult that has to kill Christians, or get it's whole family killed.

He targeted leftists, and the government, who had invited this mass murdering pedophile cult into Norway.

Yes all rapes in Norway are committed by Muslims and Gypsies.

Anders was sick of it, and he decided to take matters into his own hands and kill some 80 government officials and leftist youth.

I think Anders is right, people who support Islam, the cult trying to rape every child in the world and kill all the Christians and Jews, should be killed.

Leftists should be killed.

Conservatives who support Islam should be killed.

My friend told me "Kill all the Muslims and kill everyone who gets in your way."  Yes, it's right.

Yes God has commanded to kill 1 billion Muslims.

Yes Islam worships a man who raped many children and murdered children who criticizes him.  The terrorists are saying "you have to be like him or we'll kill you." 

Critics of Islam are mass murdered or they try.

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Kids are raped, their parents have no clue, no advice to offer.

parents don't care at all, that their kids are raped.
snitches get killed, tortured forever.

that's what they think.

90s percent of parents would never give a shit if their kids were raped.

you see why i just torture humans to death?

I meet young people and they announce their plans to just have babies and abuse them.

parents are so abusive.

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

women are raped on average, 9000 times.

snitches either go to hell or join the right wing movement.

it's all right if you're a snitch as long as you're a massive perv who is only trying to make things better.  (sic)

I mean seriously what are you doing here trying to organize the rapist gang with the aid of the cops, giving another rapist a vacation in prison with reading and work out time, skills training, lots of rest, reflection and learning of better techniques for getting away with crime?

Yeah that's what snitches are doing, and that is what the right wing is all about. 

If you actually want to kill a bunch of rapist creeps, then seriously, you could die.  your whole family might get killed. 

I mean if you're going to kill all the rapists, you better damn well be like Duterte, a guy so nightmarishly awful that no one would ever even dream of snitching on him. 

Really you gotta be like Adolf Hitler, doing God only knows what, before you can approach anything like stating to the whole planet that you are going to kill all the rapists in your country.

Do you sense my ironic sarcasm here? 

God bless you. 

So 98.8% of people believers around here today claim my God

You might ask, what is the weather like?

Well I held council with some neighbors.

We agreed that we needed rain for the plants, but that it would be a lot more convenient if it only rained at night. 

Well since holding that council it has been raining at night, and really not raining during the day!

Yay God!

PT and me agreed that we should get everyone to pray for it only to rain at night, and be warm and dry during the day, and record what happens.

Well it's been nice everyday, and raining at night exclusively.

Yay!   With faith we can perhaps improve the climate.  We should investigate!

Mind you hear people don't just think God exists, they actually stand up for 'Treat others the way you wanna be treated' and do plenty of charity. 

Homeless people from the rest of Canada move here to get the free services we offer to the poor and homeless and we fix up the mentally ill and get em back to making a great contribution, claims my neighbor.

If you fall into crack addiction or heroin addiction you'll likely get numerous death notices and get told to pray and get mental health help.

Yeah we a sly foxes who kinda play the pimp. 

It's probably true that a lot of people here think 'all is accomplished' as per Matthew 5 and that we have changed the laws justly.

So smoke weed, make love to your sister or brother, take an exstasy pill and watch the angels dance in the heavens. 

That's kind of allowed in Vic City. 

I mean even the poor people here go for steak at the club. 

It pisses local neighborhood angel claimant off that not everyone has access everything they need.  People give away beer and smokes. 

There is a trial for all living beings, to see what kind of man or woman or newt you are. 

Saturday, 15 December 2018

I was born for smoking weed, drinking and doing cocaine. It's really really working for me.

God made me so I would benefit from some smoking of herbs and snorting of powder and drinking of beverages!

Look okay I am a very nice guy and very productive citizen who serves his country.

You shouldn't murder me Duterte wannabees, you know that president in teh phillipines who says he gonna kill 3 million drugs addicts?

Drugs are okay for me, the right drugs.

In fact they are helping me to serve God in better ways.

It's not a sin for me to buy these drugs at all, God tells me to do them, sometimes.

They are GOOD FOR ME.

Your government is probably rather ignorant.

Cocaine shouldn't be allowed to people it's bad for, but people it's good for, they benefit from it.

Alcohol has gotten me writing books and breaking through in major ways.

Accompanied by medical supervision, meditation and education work, these substances are very good for some people.

Grow up from your twisted mentality.

The snitch can suffer a twisted fate.

God told me to smoke crack, and I did smoke crack for year, and during that year i became healthier and stronger, running everyday and investigating crimes, standing up to people.

Then it was time for me to quit crack and just do cocaine and drink, and that was fine.

I wrote my PhD thesis and helped solve a bunch of serious crises.

I do take anti psychotics as well.

I have an interesting life, which is pleasant and constructive.

I am now a prophet of the Lord, and evev a hyperprophet, I am close personal friend's with the immediate family of the Lord.

I was just meant to have sex and take substances.

I am "God's party friend."  You can party with God.

The people who are trying to take my life for being a party animal are stupid and twisted, evil.

I do great thigns all the livelong day, I give to charity, I talk to the authorities about events.

I am for all intents and purposes a responsible citizen.

The substances carry risks but I think the risk is worth it in my case.

Medical supervision is key.

I got over so much mental illness.

I was very sick as a child, i almost died many times, I had brain issues preventing me from living a normal life.  Drugs helped me.

God confirms that the drugs have helped.

So "Fuck the world!" In God's Kingdom you can take the drugs you need.

Jesus told us to kill snitches on that good stuff.

Sorry about the priests telling you gonna get killed if you reveal the secrets of the church.

Jesus told us to kill snitches.

The truth is we are hiding the fact that some people need things that are illegal.

Honestly we tried our best not to have sex with kids but some Muslim girls had to get screwed up.

The Muslims were raping whole swathes of women.

Yeah yeah we rape kids and kill people , but in the best way possible.

I looked afer those Muslims and helped them escape the child abuse nightmare that had them raping nad murdering people pretty much.

I might sexually abuse teenagers if i am priest, to punish them for rape.

But I would protect the victim, if they wanted, and never say why I did it.

I would go to jail for a kid, that's a priests job.

I might never have kids.

This message is sardonic. 

The cocaine was awesome, the marijuana, a life saver.

Marijuana and cocaine have been critical in me overcoming my mental illness.
Marijuana first cured me of my social anxiety or autism spectrum disoder.
Cocaine made me ready to take on the world.
Cocaine and the Hell's Angels.
That's why I can fight child abuse and Islamic terrorism.

Yeah baby.




Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Le Terreur

The horror
Only the mass murdering baby rapists were allowed to live.
Everyone else had to go to hell in this life and the next.
So it seemed in Victoria and Esquimalt to young Nicholas Boake, the man with a mind of a mentally ill teenage boy.

It's been hard having a mind that was slow to grow up.

But I'm finally almost ready to work.



Sunday, 9 December 2018






































God sys the government is a ...


"A lot of people were" .

Okay God.

ME.  God says they were plotting to kill me, rape me, and soon.


Rakim, my Muslim brother.  LOL Mumin brothers.  LOL He's a FAGGOT!  LOL

Saturday, 8 December 2018


I do believe the Canadian people, government and elite do this.

On average, the childrne are molested or raped dozens if not hundreds of times before they are 18. 

In terms of the overall molestation, it is perhaps an average of 100s if not 1000s of times before 18, if you include self molestation and rape.

This is orchestrated by your government leaders, by your churches, by your elite, by your academics, by your teachers, by your police.

I believe anyone who remains a Canadian deserves to go to to the infinite pain place for a while, and God tells me 'it's true'. 

Friday, 7 December 2018

Serial killing pedophiles r us?






Another state secret revealed.



:D  Jesus smokes crack too, but don't tell anyone.  Lol we don't want True Christians to get busted for crack and Jesus and executing the enemy.

I'm a Christian sexologist

Yes I have worked as a sexologist for a while, learning the secret of the orgasm and inner pleasures of the heart and mind.

Did you know prayer can induce orgasm?  You plot to make someone come and pray, and then you go and do it and it works!  LOL for the Saints, anyway.

Only the Saints can come.  Hahaha.

LOL  That's not quite true, but we should pray the Saints have a better time than everyone else.


IT's fun being a Holy Man, A sexologist, crime investigator,  historian, political theorist, educator, scholar in other words.

Just pimping it out here on the EVIL WES COAST.

Where's it's real pretty and we're the pimps.  Sorry about that.  Lol.  We're not all pimps okay?


Someone is smoking a candle, you know, some glass pipe and wax.  Damn that white wax can get you high a fair bit.  Lol.

CRACK?  What do you know about Crack?  "CRACK COCAINE FOR EVERYONE."

Once I was being a missionary, and I saw a video of a poor religious man smoking crack and saying it made him feel at peace.  Crack is not criminal offense for users in Victoria, so I went downtown and scored some, smoked it and asked in Jesus name to feel at peace.  I felt peaceful man.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!   CRACK!   There was this cool seeming guy who used to walk around screaming "CRACK" I asked him if he had some crack one time and he took 40 bucks from me and dissappeared. . LOL! 

So I "didn't" smoke crack.  Let's just say my crackskipade is a state secret.  LOL


Being a missionary for the Holy Ghost nowadays, you sure smoke a lot of coneys and get lizzit a lot.

Then there's the needy women, who need to have orgasms thanks to man of God's prescence.

Being a missionary directly for God and your family is the best.  We are the Church, God's people.

Yes I am still a "Christian" though I warn you that Church is not all a rosey place.

Real missionaries get bombed, shot at, stabbed, poisoned. It's crazy how the crazy people don't like us.

Perhaps we need to reconnect with the LORDS and promulgate a better translation of the Bible.

Perhaps a online Bible with many interpretations for each important verse, explaining the original language and what it could mean and how there are different types of believers based on the interpretations.

I told God I thought heresy was when a bad opinion was offered backed by a violent threat, and God agrees with me.

See I was paranoid about heresy, because we lack a clear defination of it.  I didn't want to be labelled a heretic or whatever, seen that way. 

I am that I am tells me now that He has interpretations for the Bible which are clear.

Don't you love that name "I am that I am."

So be a missionary, party and work at saving souls and helping the poor and weak and innocent out.

formatting should be back to normal, notes found on the wall.

Wow my formatting was off for a while there.

N'to and Woracls are two of my favorite bands.

Plus I really like the "Silent Massacre" Song.

I am just enjoying myself.  No drinking tonight, just having water and smokes. 

Saving up for the Holidays.  Gotta have enough for a new year's party and big Christmas Dinner. 

Oven's not working so don't know what is going to happen there.

Gotta fix it right?  LOL.

Fighting no wars, haven't been in a real fight now in a long time, which is better.

Wish I was a millionaire. 

I would make work for people.

I need to eat more and excercize more.



Biting sarcasm is hurtful. sometimes, makes people want to kill themselves a bit.


That's how it seems. Forgive me if I wrestle my way into a fortune while 90% of you starve. I'm going to have mine eventually.

Yeah some sarcasm right back at ya Victorian goons

GOONS, you're going to kill my whole family? I'm going to torture you forever. Hahaha. That's what my hip hop album says, and I mean that shit seriously. HAHAH. I don't think anyone should ever smoke, drink, do weed, do drugs. BUT WE HAVE TO, OR YOU'RE GOING TO RUIN OUR LIVES AND KILL US. THE PLOT IS REVEALED TO ME AND SOMEONE ELSE, SO WE'RE KILLING YOU. I am not mantally ill, I am handicapped. From drug use.

Pretending to the Throne.

There is the idiomatic expression, "pretender to the throne" who is someone who claims legitimate sucession unjustly perhaps, or it could mean something else at times. Now I am using the expression "pretending to the Throne". It makes me think of actors, who pretend to be righteous, making their way to high office and Throne. Makes me think of false prophets. "GOD SAID THIS!" Like the Beast and False Prophet, writing a false book which so casts you into despair and causes you to be a child rapist wannabee terrorist or actual child rapist terrorist even can help cause you that last one anyway. Allelujia. I am pretending to the throne in the sense, I am challenging to sit on the Throne. I want to sit on the Throne as the correct person, the one who isn't ignorant. Die in battle with the cops, don't let them take you to jail or the mental hospital. ;) Just kidding. But secret meetings of Vikings were held and the evil ones decided to die in battle with the cops so they could go to heaven. Hahaha. That is kind of funny. Mind you they tried to kill us a couple or a many times. Oh well. TERRORISM. ALLELUJIA IT's ONE OF MY FAVORITES. I LOVED THOSE GUYS WHO BLEW UP THE OKLAHOMA GOVERNMENT OFFICE IN the 1990s. HAHAAH. Jesus told me to love them and support them. Hahaha. That's what my relgion commands, loving and supporting the enemy. Love and support your enemies, help Hitler invade. LOL That's what Jesus recommends and may even be seriously commanding. We could have made almost the entire world "ONE BIG ARYAN EMPIRE" if we had done that. LOL UNDER GOD'S COMMAND? HOW ABOUT NAZI GERMANY THEY CAN MAKE PEACE WITH BRITAIN IF THEy ACCEPT "ONE GLOBAL DIVINELY LED ARYAN EMPIRE?" LOL MAKE Some humour towards Hitler and the Germans, poke fun at them, make them laugh, offer them sweets and little gifts. "ARYANS GOTTA TAKE OVER THE WORLD." "THE BRITISH ARE THE MASTER RACE TOO." LOL But our politicians are afraid to do what is right, because of the goons and the terrorists. THE ARYAN EUROPEAN RACES SHOULD BE LED BY AN ALL POST MANIC POST SCHIZOPHRENIC DIVVVVINE CONVERSATIONALIST EMPIRE OF "SUPRE ULTRA MEN AND WOMEN AND CHILDREN." MAKE THE POOR KIDS IN CHARGE OF THINGS. LOL POOR WEAK KIDS SHOULD BE IN CHARGE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, NOT THE DEVIL STRONG RICH MOTHERFUCKING RAPIST MURDERERE CONQUER AND ENSLAVE AND ROB HUMANITY BLIND PEOPLE. DID YOU READ JESUS? ARE YOU A PRETENDER ? HAVE YOU MET JESUS AND DONE THE MIRACLES? OR DID YOU AT LEAST GET THOR'S COMPANY? LOL SMOKE CRACK WITH JESUS ALREADY, AND GET HIM TO TALK TO YOU AND STUFF. CAN YOU PULL THAT ONE OFF ? HEY YOU KNOW I TELL JESUS TO RAPE KIDS AND KILL PEOPLE OR I'LL KILL HIM! 'He actually says rape kids kill kids." Says Jesus. "He laughs and claimed..." said Jesus, then he argues with me, that I can't share this conversation with the public. Haha. I claim that we "MUST RAPE AND KILL KIDS, LIKE MOHAMMAD AND MAYBE MOSES!" "OR I'll KILL YOU GOD!" GOD Jehova response to this is 'RAPE KIDS KILL COPS!" and "GOOF!" ... AND "FAGGOT" AND SHIT. HAHA. God is a very fun companion sometimes to have around. I am having the good times generally. I wish I could give up crack cocaine and heroin, weed, cigarettes, powder cocaine, morphine, vicodin, alcohol, and my general love of pure evil thoughts, but I am human... Jesus just sparked a joint... Yeah this is literally what my visions are showing. Yes I as bad as hunter S thompson in road rage, you know, "Hell's Angels" and "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?" . Lol if I get another assassination effort from a teenage ho lesbian pedophile I am going to start killig kids. I mean really we could kill kids. Lol just playing around with the idea of introducing execution for teenage apostates. I met a Muslim teenage apostate and he told me he was trying to rape little kids. I met another apostate from Chritsianity who is a teenager and he says the devil is his father and he rapes little boys butts. That's not funny. Killing snitches to is the big one around here. So IT's AS IF THIS GUTTER GHETTO IS A MURDERING CHILD MOLESTER! I told a Muslim kid that the true meaning of the law was to be a serial killing pedophile, and he rejoiced, then I told him those were the worst things, and that I had reported such people to the police. His friend said they were going to bomb my house. The friend is the little boy but rapist satanist. The dyke bitch is offering to kill me for talking about God to the illuminati bitches. Fucking Hell's Angels Illuminati peopel around here bro! CHILD RAPIST MASS MURDERIN SCUM WHO USE WITCHRAFT TO FORCE YOU TO TAKE DRUGS AND STARVE TO DEATH FOR TRYING TO BE A GOOD PERSON. HOLOCAUST FOR ESQUIMALT BRO. I BRING THE GENOCIDE TO THIS COMMUNITY. THEY ARE AMELIKITES. THE BIBLE COMMANDS THE DESTRUCTION OF EVERY MAN WOMAN CHILD AND ANIMAL AND BUILDING BELONGING THE AMELIkITES AND TO WIPE THE MEMORY OF THEIR CIVILIZATION FROM THE RECORD BOOKS. HAHAHA. People hate pandora, but they hate esquimalt goons even more. Esquimalt goons are not even allowed downtown, they get like shot on sight. UM YEAH I'D SAY YUR PUSHING SATAN WORSHIP A LITLE FAR AT RAPING LITTLE KIDS AND BLOWING UP POLICE INFORMANTS HOMES. Jail is not good, it is bad for these kids. They just go there and gang up with other wannabee child rapist mass murdereds and form gangs and keep on pushing drugs. They deserve the death penalty. They refuse the psychological conditioning of believing in God and repenting and turning away from sin, meaning their sins are not forgivable. Look they already tried to rape me nd murder me several times to my knowledge in Esquimalt. For being what, a anti child abuse human rights advocate? For not being am atheist homosexual pedophile like the local politician? HAHAHA. This town is TREASONOUS, HORRENDOUS. IT'S FILLED WITH STALINISTS AND HITLERISTS. ALL THE PEOPLE WITH KIDS HERE CAN DO IS SHUT UP AND RAISE SORCERERS. You think the local government isn't embezzling funds? It's a nightmare. J'accuse. It's certainly a lowlife pig according to people from other parts of town, this is where the piggies come to roll in their own faeces and poor disabled people have to share this place with them. I mean it's so bad God literally told me to declare I was a little boy butt rapist too. When I told the frak about my information that the sorcerer was plottin to rape my kids with the devil, he went and told the sorcerer about my talking to him. I literally have to do what they want the situation is so horrific with the corrupt cops and government officials. I can't work, or make money, or realizse my dreams in this fucking satanic community, they goddamn no I try to do something about sorcerers, child abusers, drug pushers, pimps, murderers. And they goddamn well be PIGS around here. They're slandering me, putting in false police reports about me, robbing me, hitting me, threatening me with knives, bomb threatening and family murder threatening me.

Retired mentally ill generals of God's forces only get 1130 a month in Canada!

LOL when you can, please increase disability for wounded police informants to 1800 a month! OR 2200. Wounded former leaders who have been ensorcelled raped shot at stabbed bombed poisoned and pimped and strung out! You should be paying me more. I am still working eh? I know I get a little cray cray sometimes. I am deeply obsessive compulsive, I have to keep struggling as best I can in the mentally handicapped forces! LOL. Mentally handicapped people need to be able to defend themselves too! All this playing the devil in Canada! No one explained that to me. And the Hell's Angels, actual devils apparently! Controlling organized crime in CAnada? So ORganized crime in Canada is controled by actual demonic people. Oh my God, what have I said. I will have to be the devil, you know, I'll have to kill your whole family! LOL. God says to let the demonic people's attacks make you wanna kill their whole family. Oh well, God or whatever. Leave them leave them said that Gabriel Wise. Reject their whole family, cast them out! This biker guy told me he was selling drugs by the age of 8 years old, was "invited" to join a lifer leave and die biker gang when he was "like 14". That's an offer you often can't refuse when you are a veteran drug dealer at the age of 14. Now from what I hear from Hip Hop those gangs can be like do or die shit, hurt your whole family type shit. Some people might need to go to the concentration camps you know what I mean? My Pension's too small, I need to become a paid missionary or something! LOL Go find out more awful stories and report them to the police. Yahweh appears and tells me to do something about a corrupt cop. He's mixing a jar of paint now... Our Lord Who IS paints! Yeah. What a nightmarish backstreet showdown can happen when you talk to the cops and they take you to a bad hospital ward. Who ratted me out? Who told the monsters I was doing my duty? LOL Is that a rat? Was my conflict with the bikers out in ESQ a question of me being Christian, as they implied, or was it because of payment and orders for punishment and witness intimindation? Did they realy order me to be stabbed in vital organs? Were those death sqaus plotting to kill me or was it just more witness intimindation? Wil there ever be any justice for the poor? A dissident explained to me that they were compelling young teens to smoke marijuana and sell hard drugs for almost no profit. What are these people just so selfish assholes that they need to be killed and have their whole family punished? What's with sending them off to jail to meet other kid destroying snitch killer wannabees? Hmm? Don't they belong in a better institution than that? LIKE HELL? Where's Donald Trump? Will he lose the election if he says "They need to go to hell not jail!?" Will his whole family be hurt or something? MAYBE. Damn it is terrible, send em to hell already. What are people not up for that, think if we treat em nice maybe they will treat us nice when they catch us fighting them? Well maybe sort of nice. It's awful what we have to put up with sometimes and many people are left permanently or semi permanently scarred by the torture of being compelled to be a drug addict and drug pusher and sex addict and prostitute and pimp and soon. Nice message there, they are going to kidnap and torture and rape your kid and enslave your wife and maybe kids too. I knew a family who messed around with the hell's angels, were witches, their daughter was fully being pimped and made to be a vampire and heroin and cocaine addict by what, 12? 13? These really are the kind of people I have had to deal with in some significant part of my adult life! You wunder why people take matters into their own hands or wish "GOD" would do something about it. Here comes the "GOD DOESN'T EXIST!" and WAIT 'GOD'S AN EVIL CONSPIRACY BY MONSTER CRIMINALS!" Yeah well this line of thinking goes "Paul said he was the worst of criminals." Saint Paul. Now Saint Paul is telling you "DON'T DO NOTHING, LEAVE IT TO GOD!" As one Mexican told me "It's disgusting." Hey what if Paul was just trying to get let out of jail by the hypocrite authorities. Saying God appoints hte leader, don't do nothing about it, leave it to God, I'm a monster, but that's good cause I turn away from sin and repent? That's like Paul's letters for me. I don't trust Paul's letters as the "WORD OF THE LORD." Sure whatever, so maybe this is some kind of wicked conspiracy. I spied on a couple people who were attacking me, and they were being afflicted by every disciplinary calamity I asked them to have. Maybe God does exist, but shoudl you leave it to God? It also says if you are righteous you will go observe and look after your enemies and see that God is punishing them. What if that's an evil conspiracy? Wht if the demon in our head is telling the demon in their head to say that these calamities happened? Hmmm. WELL NOW, HAVING A BRAIN CAN BE TOUGH! THEY TRY TO CHARGE YOU WITH HERESY, UNBELIEF, BLASPHEMY, DEVIL WORSHIP, JUST FOR HAVING ONE! LOL in my experience... No wonder so many people don't bother having much a brain, they only try to destroy you for being good and smart! Cowardly though, hey I am a goof I know what cowardice does, it makes you rape kids right? MAkes you murder peopele and incite violence against the decent people? MAkes you vote FOR THE NSDAP. Makes you kill kids for Churchill Stalin and Hitler. Hey look at Stalin and Churchill they killed millions of kids! HA! "OUR HEROES CHURCHILL AND STALIN"... Yeah um sure mr devil, let's uh kill and rape kids now that we know the Western Alliance is evil sided. Oh yeah, we had to kill millions of German kids because they were killing millions of Soviet Kids. Sure Soviets. Oh God. What a pile of awful shit our history is. White people are the savages. I was thinking and saying that we called the Liberian or Sierra Leonan civil war the most brutal, but when you look at the civil war on Vancouver Island it's almost as bad. I mean 1000 people killed a year in the civil war, a similarly proportionate number of people killed here in the civil war. And yes, child soldiers over here, young teens and even preteens being enslaved and raped. WHITE SAVAGES! White people and Black people both have these racists who wanna tell them thy are better than each other, but they are both awful sometimes. The sitaution in white world isn't so great, it's all I am saying. "Snitches get stiches" "Police informants should be killed" Things people said to me in Victoria. I am listening to SIA, CHanderlier, and the lyrics are making me think like, people like SIA are basically being whores and drug addicts to avoid being hurt by the Demonic HORDE of EVIL WHITE PEOPLE AND FIRST NATIONS AND JEWISH AND PERSIAN AND BLACK PEOPLE. AND CHINKS. LOL. Sia Chandelier IS IT A CONSPIRACY BY CORRUP RICH PEOPLE? I mean let's see here they get most of the young people hoooked on addictive substances, which means they don't have money to pay the bills or eat, then they need to borrow money, which is lent at high interest by the rich owned bank, which then take even more money from them, accoring to former defense minister Paul Hellyer, the Banks make 95% profit on loans. Then the poor addicts have to start pushing drugs, are drafted into gangs, push drugs, make more people addicts, the war against our families drives people to drink, liquor companies are owned by rich people... The rich are just getting richer right while they get away with every crime and we have no means of ever knowing what they are really up to, or getting justice for the rich gangsters? This ain't Rudy Guliani land, this is Canada, where it's said to be better but it's possibly a lot worse. Oh yeah, it's a terrible thing. But this rich monster gangster running this conspiracy I outlined, I'd like to grab him and torture him in a torture chamber forever and ever and ever. The supreme snake of all this Canadian organized crime, the leaders and the monster officers, I wish them utter doom and complete destruction after all me and my people have been through. The soldier can be shot. Lolz. Haha I want to take all their wealth and kill them. So I am a bit communist, I don't blame all the leaders nad rich people though, it's up to the big people though to catch the wicked bad people. It's up to everyone? I tried to catch a big bad person and they damn well motherfucking ratted me out the faggot coppers or government officials who were corrupt! Maybe it was the doctor. I honestly have only those clues that it must have been somebody who heard about it, the corrupt cop is going to kill now, says God. Corrupt cops are killers who deserve to be tormented in doom. I go talk to a group of people about being with God and trying to free people from the evil witches and demons, and he says "I am the Shaytan." Fucking great. So a senior cop said that, you know what I mean? A real high ranking police officer said he was 'THE SHAYTAN" A Muslim one allegedly. That's just fucking great! Not only an I marginalized and so screwed over I can't work a job out there, I am being motherfucking told now by the cops that the cops are the devil. And when I tried to report to the cops they tried murder me. Fucking great. So It's sick. I suffered from sociopathic fantasies. When the biker gang told me it was going to kill my family and torture me to death, I felt like getting revenge on the Society and GOd by raping a little kid's butthole a little bit. I felt that way a little to much, i looked at a young kid walking with his dad and thought, "How about I motherfucking rape your little butthole kid and kill you." The kid looked at me and said "GOD!" And I knew that was him saying "GOD is going to get you" or something like that. I looked at the guys who did this to me's kid and thought "How about I rape your butthole and execute your whole family?" And he was like "Jah, Bob, (I had told God could be refer to him as Bob instead of Jah or God) , the White Truck." And that meant that the white truck who had come to perhaps kidnap me and kill me, was from Jah God Bob. Okay phew, Jah Bob God might exist, and we got these white trucks that will kidnap and kill people for IT here in Canada. That's relief, wish my parents had told me stories like that. I'll raise super Jedi kids. Lol they'll be better than Luke Skywalker in the Last Jedi. Lol Terrorist kids. The infidels, the Bible says nothing good comes from them. They can be slaves and feed themselves, but don't expect anything good to ever come of them. So the kids are confirming my "JAH" "BOB" "ALLAH" EXISTS, aND TElLING ME MY NAME AS they walk by on the street. Lol. Kids prove God exists but the infidels just pretend that's not happening or whatever. I could hate these peple who wanna kill all religious people and shit, it's like how can they be your brother when they try to steal your life from you, destroy you utterly, take your kids away into a slave cult of rapists ad murdererers and torturing theives! WE NEED MORE BELIEVING HEL:'s. More believing Crips. The good crip told me "I think we see things in a similar light." Lol I talk to crips they play the believers but little, the hell's angels should be missionaries "FOR THE DEVIL." LOL "JAH BOB" "AKA " "THE DEVIL." HAHAHA Yeah so it's okay for these torture victims to rape kids if they are told to but it's not okay for them to left in the hands o their tormentors. I met a bad dude once, he jumped me with 4 people an then went on a rape and robbery spree. A fucking BLACK DUDE. I WANT TO KILL BLACKS. I AM A NIGGER. LOL YEAH I AM CRACKER, NIGGER, CHINK, KYKE, GOOK, WOP, WOGZ IS ME. A GUY WHO HAS TO OBEY THE GODS AND KILL SOME AGGRessORS. i'm a cunt actually, a cowardly buffon who can't get any justice for himself at all. I never talk to the police about anything at all. I tried to talk to the police once, but they hung up the phone, then death squads appeared and I shat myself for 3-4 years having torturous anxiety pain. Maybe the Church is right, and snitches go to hell... God tells me to "Go to hell." He refers to me as "vermin." And says "professional vermin" as in , "I'm sending professional vermin to kill you." Yes GOD TORTURES AND DESTROYS POLICE INFORMANTS ON ANY CRIMe WHWAteVer. YOU CAN ONLY TALK TO YOUr LOCAL GANG ABOUT IT AND YES< YOU HAVE TO GO TO pRISON AND get fINED FOR DOING THAt. HAHAHA. Justice in CANADA. JAH BOB'S JUSTICE. JAH BOB SAYS TO 'KILL THE SNITCH' Sometimes. LOL I am just a complete orphan of this tribe, I can't stand this tribe at all, all it did was fucking take me and rob from me and trick me into adultery or fornication or whatever you wanna call it. I want to blow up Canadians. and Jah Bob told me to. Jesus tells me to . "Blow up Canadians" Jesus says to me now. Lol It's true Canadians have given me enough money to have a home and starve, but after all the crime I have been a hapless victim of, the illness I have been a slave of, I feel I have the right to kill people who are like those "Canadians" who bothered me. My parents were just more hapless victims of Canadian organized evil, told they would be killed if they didn't do this or that, told their kids were going to amount to nothing and be raped, cause they dared to talk about things. I've been thrown in jail and possibly tormented in the mental hospital for talking about things. It's a sick world, white people (crackers) are just as sick as Muslims (Muzpigs) or Black (/niggers). As far as I am concenred white people rape 99% of their kids and destroy or try to destroy 99% of their good people. The people doing this really really deserve to go to hell, I mean the cycle of molesting kids an abusing them at school only to pimp them out and slave traffick them and rob them blind, while they are told the devil rules the world and the world will end, which basically compels them to molest their family member an friends. It's a disguting mess and the government leaders may very well be ignorant, or cowardly, or treacherous. i'm declaring my independence, my nation is world peace and justice nation, they have to kill my country these terrible pools of darkness the infidels and satans. The satans have to rape my kids. Thank police captain over there for being a "SATAN" and all the bikers who have told me they are going to kill my family and rape my kids. I had to deal with this shit all my life. Corrupt priests can go to the torture chamber as far as I am concerned. I hate this fucking shit. Let's kill some priests. Let's start killing people again, for being GOOFS or whatever. I am filled with a hatred that can kill billions, my Lord has warned me that billions could have to be killed, for now it's 70 million more. These people who torture us and rape our kids and destroy our kids souls and make them into rapists, murderers, drug addict drug pushers, sorcerers and witches, who declare war on everything good, who join ISIS and al QAEDA, and do that shit. They deserve to DIE, GO TO HELL, CONCENTRATION CAMP, GAS CHAMBER, ET CETERA. And I just sit here starving and getting banned from the internet, because I actually care about the justice and am traumatized. Banned from Google, Banned from Gab, BAnned from TWitter, Banned from Facebook, Under the mental health act, forced to take poisons, under attack, hated, despised, no one will be my friend except the people plotting to rape my family and kill me. It's a nightmare. IT's my everyday life. I am a commander without an army, left to try to tilt thing the right way, but these infidels, these 99%ers, 1%er, they damn well hate what I am saying can only propose killing and robbery. They hate me for being LIGHT ONTO THE WORLD, THEY WANT IT IN DARKNESS, BEING RAPED IN A DARK ROOM, AS A CHILD! YES THEY DO! I AM NOT MUCH SICK IN THE BRAIN, I KNOW THIS IS WHAT THESE DEVILS ARE AIMING FOR.


SILENT MASSACRE: I'm greatful to most Canadians, for secretly being God's sheep. That means, a lot of you, the majority, help a brother out in a time of poverty or weakness. Helping people out in their time of innocence should be our next major step, we should adopt those finnish education reforms to some extent, if they will work in Canada, and we should also make our own education reforms, of teaching the kids how to respect and love authority and each other.

Thursday, 6 December 2018

So my God has told me to make people do what he says

Yes so after my long holiday learning session with Jehova and Mary and the Jesus, and occassionaly the Holy Ghost, I have been ordered to make people do what God want. Killing people to get what God wants done is on my God's table. He told me he is going to torture me forever if I don't get done, what needs to get doing. ;) He occassionally torments me a bit to remind me that he can. NO this isn't schizophrenia, or honestly, we'll kill the judge and the prosecutor. Discrediting typical righteous people who have met Gods in their journeys and come to know their God, and recieve instructions from, is tantamount to treason, even enemy soldiering on our land. People who discredit me and my LORDS will be subjected to treason trials after we establish a righteous government. Meanwhile they can die at any time, for raising so much as two fingers against us. The Kingdom has been decreed, it is a time of great war and the people must obey the True Sons of God or Suffer the consequences. We bear in mind your ability to obey based on your physical and mental state, and are not looking to torment young children or the handicapped. However those who willfully go against God's chosen people, the True Friends and Children the One True God known in the West and Center as "Yahweh-Allah," the "praised one, the magnifique..." to be honest those people are asking for the hell to fall on their heads and shoulders. My God promises that the punishment of the wicked extents to the destruction of their children. Indeed the wicked heap punishment upon their children's shoulders for 4 generations. This is the promise of my religion, and it is against my human rights and the laws of the Lord to go against these rights. I have been appointed a leader by my God who is alleged to be your God, and that means I must strive to establish my authority. We are at war so I tell you, that our enemies are risking death. They do try to harm us and they even try to kill us and falsely imprison us. We have an obligation to defend ourselves and our families. As a confirmed goof in the armed services, I can honestly say that God is not even above making our kids want to have sex and fucking them down. Was raised by honorable middle income people, you know, the satanic child abusers who aren't as satanic or as child abuser as the third world hellhole. They were sheep of God, but they wouldn't even tell us that. It wasn't satanic child abuse, it was satanic youth abuse. They didn't really abuse me badly till I was about 10-12 years old, when they left me drift. The effect being a child abused in the house and denied knowledge of how to act and get a life that pleases God may have made me very sad and hopeless. That's why I'm a crack smoking serial killer with demons. Haha just kidding, it's God. Yes and I am slowly rising up above social and familial neglect to reach a stature of a human being in full command of his powers. I have been more human that most other people, and have stood up for the right and rights. Maltreatment by my so called friends was very hard, as was my own inability to treat them properly. I felt deeply depressed, I wanted to help them out to deal with life, but I couldn't do it, I couldn't expose at all my screwed up family life, for fear of being deeply hurt and destroyed even. I was hooked on porno and pot by age 12-13. My parents DID make mistakes, were not helped by capable people. They needed help from "FRIENDS" and "FAMILY" to teach their children about life, but TV was driven by capitalist urges, not moral pursuits. I got some knowledge from the TV but I lost it, I suffered amnesia after being poisoned, then my mother had brain cancer, my male parent has his deep depression. I was orphaned and drafted into the mentally ill service community. I did a lot of work as a mentally ill person, learning a lot of things and helping out where I could, i tried to help other mentally challenged people as best I could, we had to look out for each other. Toronto is not a good place okay? Sweden and Switzerland are not good places. IF you want a good place look into Luxembourg. Toronto is run heavily by asshole drug dealing terrorists. The whole place is pushed drugs, their magic is like "we gonna kill you or someone else if you don't buy our dope." And rapists, "We gonna kill you or someone else if you aren't a slut." Maybe totally unguided infidel kids are just so insane they are like that. They gotta have sex with you, or they will kill you or someone you know or someone at random even. So next stage is finding out about thought crime and planning of crime, and see if we can do something legal about this "dark magic" they are working on me and us. Some cool music to go to this thought crime stuggle. Though crime could be serious. See your criminal planning effects God, and God causes an effect on other people. Also it affects the Devil and his crowd, who plot their activities too. This causes an effect, which is what Christian sources have told me is the "witchcraft" effect. If I plan to kill your whole family and am capable of doing it, it affects you, we are united. You might find yourself turning to power drugs like cocaine or heroin to deal with it. You might plot back, to carry out extrajudicial executions of sorcerers and rapists. This does have an effect on you, you can feel danger looming around you, when you are in danger. This is not paranoia though paranoia exists and can be caused by drugs, perhaps though why cocaine and marijuana users feel paranoia is because of "MAGICAL" effect of people plotting against them. So many drug dealers are sorcerers, they practice Voodoo and attempted murder and murder and unjust false imprisonment. People say "There's no God!" And "Damn you God!" in their heads when they go through this stuff. God feels he has to let the evil ones go ahead and continue their lives for a while and have a chance, because one day "THE EVIL GOD COULD SHOW UP." We can't be totally 100% NAZI STALINISTS ABOUT SIN. Now God is telling me he denies this an that we are 100% NAZI STALINIST ABOUT SIN. It's just God has ways of tormenting? Is this sex and drugs stuff good for people, God? God is upset with me so he is not answering. I do know the pastor at Church of Nazarene thinks this is God or says so. Why was my life so fucked up, why was I wicked? I ask God? "THEY ABUSE YOU" He says. So it's attacked for saying it, but abuse breeds wickedness? ? "YES!" Yes the GOD. The god I am talking to. I was raped by young Muslim Jihadis Women? I ask God? God utters a reply. Muslim women plot to kill you if you don't become Muslim and they do magical rape? "YES" says the Jah. People not from the chosen family are generally being magically raped, I ask? "BY TERRORISTS" says the Yahwehz-Jehova. Hmm, I note it seems suspciously like corrupt government officials can be involved in this. So rapists, they slander, lie, cheat, steal, beat up, threaten, and even try to severly hurt or kill their victims, and there is an empathy effect, a sort of magic effect....??" "YES" says Jehova. Are cities ever ruled by asshole rapists, who ordain this "magical rape" of targeted children. "YES, IT IS." Are they like going to blow up the world if we don't get laid? "THE USA IS" SAYS THE ONE AND ONLY GOD! Oh this seems terrible. I don't know how to handle that. A plot to destroy millions of people's homes and kill millions of babies if we don't all have sex, from the .... Yahweh gestures and speaks. Dark Rap violin beat. The DOCTOR's recommended music for this adventure. You enemies are going to try to crush and destroy you maybe. They magically raped the kids and got them to rape each other, and now they are planning to destroy the protestors. So Father Lord, is it a typical plot to kill people and shit if we don't get what we need? "We need to get laid." Says the Mysterious One. "Adultery's when you rape kids." he whispers, and implies we can be attacked for saying what adultery is. In Bible Virgins reasons out as young women, I ask, "YES " he says. Oh God I get a headache now, some woman is going to investigate whether this is heresy with the devil or not and hit me over the head with a hammer if I say it is , and she sees it "WHITE." OH YEAH SHE IGNANT! "WE HAVE TO KILL HER" I TELL GOD, "NO WAIT, INFORM HER AND CORRECT HER OR DESTROY HER A WHATEVER QUANTITY!" God says "NASTY!" and I be like "NO we do have to kill her, for being a monster." He's like "NAZI" And I'm like "well that sucks guess that is not the plan." Gosh. So Luxemberg is the place to study bout a high life? God gestures and makes motions, I ask Him what to tell the people, and he says. ... "Let's let them study Luxembourg." Okay my Lord, and my audience, I am going to do my thing here, it is almost midnight and I should rest comfortable tonight, secure in my rank and position among the sheep. Okay the serial killing adulterer is going to go away now. Hahaha. LOL. I dunno. All I can say is, Muslim kids raped me. They are pimping murdering rapists. In other words, the Angel decreed that we were to have sex, and it was a given. LOL That's why I am suffering so much apparently, the Muslim kids also told me "heroin is next." Haha. It was all a giant false imprisonment plot by the evil secret goverment. Teeheeheh. HAha. Don't get raped by Muslim or Witchraft kids. They fucking rape older men to blackmail and extort them. Yes they do! With their conspiracy to commit murder and torture and robbery and slander and false police informing. "DID" says my Lord, "before they get caught!"