Tuesday 25 September 2018



After Mohammad had decreed to the Muslims that they were to be pedophiles ,rapists , slave traffickers, murderers and thieves, the Arab history suggests that a woman named whatever called for his death…   She wrote and performed a poem calling for his death.  He had her killed, while her baby slept in her arms.
 Now Mohammad wasn’t playing any games they said… This was the real deal.  Mohammad was fucking slave girls and raping his 6 year old wife.  He was sucking little boys tongues so they could enter heaven.

That was his public face!

Now it transpired that some kids in Mecca made fun of Mohammad, satirizing him.  Now it said that these two girls, of tender age, were ordered dead by Mohammad who had them both killed.  They had done this for their slave master who was an opponent of Mohammad’s.

Mohammad didn’t kill the slave master, but he later repented and became Muslim.

Then Mohammad amassed a large army with his desert allies and marched into Mecca.  Mohammad said to one his chief opponents the chief of the kaffirs, “the Gods would never help someone like you.”

Mohammad’s Dicatorship quickly spread around Arabia.  The bands of pirate leaders and slave traffickers all repented and became Muslim.  Islam was suddenly everywhere, and you had to join it or die.

In this situation Mohammad appointed new Police Commanders, and Judges, who agreed with Islam.  They were claiming boldly or quietly that you had to be just like Mohammad.

It was the first total victory of the Islamic revolution.  Finally the people were at peace with GOD.  Good fortunes were soon to come to Arabia.  The wars ended and the people were told to make many babies and sell their possessions to import food.  The Arabs were planning a secret invasion of the lower eastern reaches of the Roman Empire.

Haha at least some of the Arabs were.  Not everyone agreed that Mohammad was a slave trafficking, mass murdering, child murdering, woman with baby murdering, pirate, torturing robber, human rights violator in short.  The whole people didn’t necessarily believe that because Arabia didn’t seem to them to have terrible rulers as all hell, there was some kind of war going on against piracy and slave raiding and the central government in Mecca had been incompetent.  Mohammad was seen by many as possibly restoring order to that chaotic place.

Muslims committed Taquiyya, saying “oh no, Mohammad is a law abiding man, we uphold the law 100%.” 

Mohammad’s slave harem grew and he was rich from the purchase and sale of slaves and his large share of the war booty from the capture of Mecca.

He was now getting ill, losing his power, and he felt he needed to make some moves for the sucession.  He felt strongly perhaps that Islam had to be guaranteed eternal prescence on the Earth, so he appealed to the voters to support his close friends Abu Bakr and Uthman, and his Nephew and Son in Law Ali.

The Arabs were confused as to the nature of Mohammad and Islam, and dozens of sects grew up around senior teachers.  Some were recognized by Mohammad while others claimed they were.

Others claimed to be recognized by Ali or Abu Bakr or even Uthman.  This was the beginning of Islamic sectarianism.

Now I think maybe what some terrorist pedophiles are saying is that only the sect chosen by Muawiyya to dominate Islam is the right one.

This is a terrible conundrum for people who don’t want to be child molesters and child rapists, who nevertheless feel they have to be a Muslim.

Well they talk about killing heretics and even their family and friends, if they are found to be heretics.

They are basically implying that non Muslim children deserve to get enslaved and molested or raped.  They are suggesting that everyone who is not Muslim deserves to be raped, robbed, enslaved, and killed.

And they are kind of more or less saying we have to pedophiles, murderers, robbers, pirates, slave traffickers, bandits, rapists, torturers. 

I allege that I have seen evidence that this brand of Islam is in power at almost every North American Mosque I have visited with any frequency!  WOW!  

Needless to say I am not interested in catching a life sentence or being shot to death for treason, so I o not go to Mosques anymore or profess to be a Muslim often.  Occassionaly I tell someone I believe in Allah or God or even rarely tell a Muslim I am still Muslim.  It is a tragedy that these pedophile robber slave trafficker murderer people want to be in control of the dictatorship an rule the world with an iron fist, appointing police like them to persecute the innocent.

I’l like to see this situation come to an end.  Priority 1 for Muslim world is put this situation to an end.

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